Training for Clients Living with Being Overweight or Obese Flashcards
Benefits of PA w/out weight loss
improved cardiorespiratory fitness, glucose control, endothelial function, liporotien patition size, HDL cholestorl levles, changes in compositon.
weight loss with PA alone and weight maintence
wieght loss with PA alone is very challenging. if done with deficit of 500-1000kcals may significantly imporve metabolic risk facots and body compositon.
wirght maitence: about 60 mins PA per day of moderate intensity
Treatment considerations: medications
5 antiobesity medications ahve been aproved by the FDA (2 in canada)- need to consider side effects including- hypoglycemia
Pre-participation health screening
weight may not be outlined in get active questionare but common consitonas associated are- ie HDL, insulin resitance, breathing issues, ect. Ask further questions about soncditons and medications for protential comorbidities
Weight loss outcomes- variability
with same intervention some will loose weight and others wont- some are resistant to eercise induced wieght loss- discuss variable outcomes with client- to minimize unrealistic expectations and to emphasize metabolic and psychological benefits.
Prescription parameters
NEVER assume wieght loss as a goal.
Ensure goals are reaslitic- 5-10% body weight loss can have significant metabolic benifits for those who are overwieght or obese.
once goal mode- make exercise and diet plan for loss rate of about 0.5-1kg/week (deficit of about 3500-7000kcal/week)
often need to exceed 150mins/week PA for weight loss - >=300min/week needed for significant loss.
Prescription parameters: frequency
progressive plan to work towards desired target- should increase at fitness increases. should not spenf more than 2 consecutive days without physical activity
Candian 24h movment guidlines for early years:
Prescription parameters: intensity
moderate intensity aprropriate for aerobic and resiitance, particualry for deconditoned.
Aerobic: 40-60% HHR (12-13 RPE)- consider increasing intenisty of several sessions /week towards vigorous (60% HHR) as fitness increases. focus on exercises that imporve cardirespiratory fitness
Prescription parameters: time
aerobic exercise ranging up to 60 mins/session with shorter session to accomadate ability. Target 150min MVPA and progress towars >+300 mins
Prescription parameters: type
rythmic, low impac appropraite. Equipment that supports low impact activites should be explored espceially when starting.
resitance training: can increase lean body mass and increase fat loss and prevent decreas in metabolic rate following calorie restiction. explore creative ways to decrease time spent being passiv edruing resitance trianing to keep up energy expenditure.
Increaing incidental physical activity while decreasing sedentary
replace sedentary with LPA
Safety considerations
ligh to moderate recomended initially. If very deconditoned replace sedentary with LPA and progress as fitness imporves. Avoid overloading MSK system too quickly as can result in injury. some may struggle with thermoregulation.
Safety considerations
recomed light-mod initially. if very deconditon repace sedentry with LPA and progress as fitness imporves.