Basic Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
sagittal plane (medial)
divides body along midline (R & L)
Frontal plane (coronal)
separates body into anterior and posterior
Transverse plane (horizontal)
separates body into superior and inferior
axial and appendicular skeleton
axial: 80 bones- skull, hyoid, rib, sternum and vertebral column
appendicular: 126 bones- upper limbs, lower limbs, pelvic and shoulder girdle
long bones
longer than is wide, major bones of body, grow more than others during childhood- responsible for bulk of height medially cavity (centre)- stores bone marrow. eg: femur, tibia, phalanges
short bones
About as long as wide; often cubed or round eg: carpal and tarsal bones
Flat bones
vary in size and shape, common fracture: very thin in one direction- do not have medullary cavity. eg: frontal, parietal, occipital bones (cranium), rib, hip
Irregular bones
shape does not fit other categories. eg: vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx.
Sesamoid bones
formed inside tendons after birth across a joint to protect tendons from stress and strain and give more mechanical advantage to muscles pulling on tendon. eg: patella, pisiform
synovial joints
most common type of joint. Feature small gap b/w bones allows free ROM and synovial fluid to lubricate joint
Fibrous joints
where bones are tightly joined and offer little to no movment b/w bones. eg: tooth in socket
Cartilaginous joints
Where bone meets cartilage 1 layer of cartilage b/w 2 bones- provides a bit of flexibility since cartilage has gel-like consistence
3 major types of muscle
cardiac: contraction of heart
smooth: involuntary bodily functions eg digestion
skeletal: attatch to bone (via tendons) voluntary- produce movment
cell membrane of muscle fibre. Acts as conductor of electrochemical signals
Transverse tubules
connected to sarcolemma. Help carry electrochemical signals into middle of muscle fibre
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
storage facility for calcium ions- vital for contraction
contractile structures of muscle cell- made of many protein fibres arranged in repeating subunits (sarcomeres- actin and myosin)
Thick filaments
bonded units of myosin
Thin filaments
3 proteins: Actin (with myosin binding cites), tropomyosin (cover active cites), troponin (move tropomyosin during contraction)
muscle contraction
sliding filament model- actin filament interact w/ myosin- resulting in shortening of sarcomere- muscle fibre shortens- many muscle fibres shorten simultaneously- muscle contraction- pull on bone via tendon- movment. to return to normal length cease electrochemical signal- stop activation and contraction process or another force must be applied.
groups of MU contract together to create coordinated contractraction- # of fibres recruited regulated force generated- according to size principle
Slow oxidative
resistant to fatigue, slow myosin atpase, lots mitochindria, myoglobin and oxidative enzymes. long distance
fast glycolytic
fast myosin atpase, fatigues quickly, jumping
intermediate fibres
fast myosin atpase, high aerobic energy supply, intermediate fatigue
anaerobic Alactic
fuels: ATP, CP
Time: 0-15sec
By products: ADP, Cr + Pi
Activites: 100m, jumps
Anaerobic lactic
fuels: CHO- incomplete
Time: 15-20 sec
By-products: LA, 2ATP, CHO
Activites: 200m, 800m,
Fuels: Fat, CHO, PRO (complete)
time: 120min-hours
by products: H2O, CO2, 36ATP, CHO
activites: distance running
Oxygen deficit
when O2 consumption is not sufficient to fully support activity, continue until reach steady state. Uptake also remains high during recovery- elevated post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOO)
Post exercise metabolism higher after high vs low intensity exercise.
carbs and fat primary fuels for aerobic activity
Carbs- primary source at onset and at high intensity
prolonged exercise- distal sources (FFA and glycogens-liver) and shift towards fat (>30mins)
PRO only used in extreme circumstances
spinal cord
mass of bundled neurons carrying info throguh vertebral cavity beginning at medulla oblongata down to cauda equina
white matter
main conduit of nerve and signal to body (in brain and spinal cord)
Grey matter
integrates responses to stimuli (brain and spinal cord)
connect CNS to limbs and organs. Not protected by bones. divided into somatic- conscious: skeletal muscle and autonomic-subconscious: visceral, cardiac, glandular. ANS divided into sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric division
Afferent neurons
carry one way info from sensory recptors to CNS
Efferent neurons
carry one way info from CNS to effectors (muscles and glands)
Mixed nerves
Function like 2 way street
Cranial nerves
12 nerves, extend from brain. Provide direct connection b/w brain and special sens organs, head, neck, shoulder, heart and GI muscles
Spinal nerves
31 nerves split into 5 regions- 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal. each exits from SC via intervertebral foramen b/w 2 vertebra or b/w C1 and occipital bone
has 4 chambers; 2 collecting (R &L atria) and 2 pumping (R & L ventricles). 4 valves- keep 1 way flow
AV valves
seperate ventricles and atria
semilunar valves
separate ventricle from aorta and pulmonary artery
blood flow
Right side of heart receives deoxygenated blood from periphery (RA) and pumps to lungs (RV)-pulmonary circuit. Blood oxygenated at lungs and carried back to left atrium via pulmonary vein. then moves throguh LV–> aorta–> body. Arteries (begin w/ aorta) carry blood away - subdividing untol reach arterioles–> capilaries. Veins bring blood back to heart- venules collecitng from capillaries
air enters, diaphragm and intercostals contract- rib cage drawn out- air in; bronchi, 2ndary brochi, terary bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bonchi, alveoli-gas exchange
diaghram and intercostals relax- rib cage drwan in and air is expelled.
4-6w training adaptations
increase muscle size (most of strength adaptations are due to neural adaptations) due to increased number and size of myofibrils/ fibre, increase number of contractile proteins, connective tissue amount around muscle increase
6-12m training adaptations
2nd phase of neural adaptation
Heart rate
number of beats per minutes (~60-80bpm-> varies with gender; higher in women), age (decreased with age) and aerobic fitness (decreases as more fit). Many factors impact HR increase w/ exercise
Stoke volume
Volume of blood pumped by heart per contraction. SV increases until ~50% vO2max then HR increase to produce CO needed. W/ regular training SV increases and rest HR decreases
Blood pressure
Pressure tha blood exerts on walls of blood vessels- reflects efficiency of blood flow throguh system. Lowest PSI (just before contraction)=systolic. 120/80= normal; normal active adult 110/70. PA-> systolic BP increases, diastolic little change during aerobic may increases slightly with resistance training.