Training for Adults 65+ Flashcards
physiological changes associated with ageing
-resting CDV function doesnt change but structural and functional changes and peripheral vasculature changes lead to decreased ability for CO to meet demands during exercise- largely due to decreased max HR (not much impacted by changes in SV).
-Decreased blood flow to muscles and oxidative capacity, changes in mitochondria cause decreased O2 utlization.
-increased TPR–> increased BP
-blood decreased HGb, hematorit, red cell mass and total cholesterol.
-respiratory function decreases, vital capacity decreases, 15% decreases in alveolar surface area,
-decreased number and size of skeletal muscle fibres- mostly in type II- transiiton to type I, increases intramuscular fat, decreased strenght and power.
VO2 max and Ageing
decreases 10%/ decade at 25 yrs (7% women and 15% men). Lifelong aerobic training helps sucessful ageing
Age related changes to CNS
5-10% decrease in brain weight b/w 20-90yrs- due to loss of neurons.
dendrites and synapses decrease by >=15%- less connectivity, conduction, ect.
Other body changes- hormone, metabolism, sleep
-decreased hormone production,- impacts metabolism
mineral, electrolyte, lipid, vitamin ect disorders common
metobolic function changes- decreases bone density, blood glusoce tollerance, basal metabolic rate, theromreg
Decreased hepatic and renal function
decreased total and rem sleep- sleep disorders more common (>50%)
Canadian 24h movment guideline foe adults 65+
move more: MVPA for >=150min/week, strength majot muscle groups >=2x/week, hours of LPA
limit sedentary time: 8hrs or less, no mor ethan 3hrs recreation screen time, breakup sitting
Sleep well: 7-8hrs with consitent wake./sleep times
relace sedentary with LPA or MVPA preserving sleep.
progess towards any goal for benifits
benifits of PA- disease prevention and management
regular PA: lipid profile, body comp, cholesterol (lower LDL and increase HDL), plasma TG levels
Aerobic training: decreased resting BP, osteoposris, insulin semsitivity.
Pre participation health screening
ensure client is within scope since many have multiple contraindications. Complete get active questionaire
Leaders in Physical Activity and program development for older adults- Canadian centre for activity and ageing
(CCAA)- affiliated with western university
programs that promote acountable and effective functional mobility opportunities. Also offer get fit for active living program- 8w education and exercise program to introduce older aldults to benitis of exercise and active lifestyle .
Prescription parameters
largely the same as healthy adults. add blance if have poor mobility
Aerobic fitness- frequency and time
Can enage in low-moderate intensity most days of week. 30min/session 5x/week- delivers recomneded 150min/week
aerobic fitness-intensity
mvpa recomended workin w/in 40-60% HRR (12-13 on RPE)
aerobic fitness- type
use large muscle, choose activites that decrease stress in joints, recumbent bike decreases stress on back, walking is great for beginers.
masters athletes
training prescription no different than younger adults- planning may be impacted by age ie recovery.
accumulation if physiological deficits across multiple systems- independed of age but occurs more often in older adults. predicitve of martlity and hospitalization. classify as non-frail, pre-frail, frail using assesment tool.
pre-frail and frail- aim to meet 24h movment guidline.
pre-frail- focus on resitance and balance
frail- focus on longer aerobic sessions
msk fitness- frequncy and volume
1-2x/week (no significant adv to 3x/week). start with 1 set of each exercise and progress to 3 sets as aprropriate. single set sufficient to increase function and physical performance; endurance and strenght gains w/ >3sets. 2 sets most benifical. 2-3 mins break b/w sets and exercises.
msk fitness- intensity
0-15 reps (50-80% 1rm) to maximize strength development. Start w/ 40-60% as learn technique. Perform concentric phases quickly. Lower intensity is equally effective. provided max effort during lift phase is used. educate on breathing to avoid increase in BP
flexibility: slow static stretch to point of tension.
blance: volume=more important than intensity
msk fitness- type
machines may be perfered for experienced- progress to free wwight for posture and blaance.
Msk fitness- progression
start by increasing frequenct, then duration and intenisty. Can still increase ROM of joint in older age- frequency and time no different than younger. Blanace 3X/week (30-45min) changes occur after ~4m; perform static and dynamic and functional blance ewercises.
physical literacy for older adults
motivation, confidence, physical competence, lnowlge and understanfing to value and take responsiblity for engagin in PA. Motivation- retianing functional skills. New model of literacy- brings together all elements of physiolgical changes, age specific behavioural factors, est- can be incorporated in 6 A’s of motivationla interviewing.
Safety considerations
Not at increased risk of MSk injury if done properly. Warmup and cool down ar eimportant- wasrm up should be longer (10-20mins-espceially id frail). More succeptiabe to dehydration and decreased ability to respond to respond to hot temps. sensory deficits may impact abilit yto sense injuries, decreases vison, slips ect.