Training for Health and Fitness Flashcards
Health, fitness and performance goals
QEP work can span from prevention of disease, improving QOL, increasing athletic or work performance- specifics depend on cleint objectives and baseline fitness level.
Regardless of goal- if typically sedentary- replace long bouts with light physical activity
Health related goals
increase energy, vigour, mental health, disease prevention or management.
-If highly deconditioned- start with replacing sedentary time with LPA then work towards implementing MVPA
-overweight- may give dietary advise or refer
-if limited resistance experience focus on technique with lighter load.
Fitness related goals
focus on MVPA aerobic activities and or greater occurs on resistance training–> build on existing efforts to achieve physiological adaptations.
Performance related goals
can be highly variable. Start w/ aerobic resistance ad flexibility as foundation. Can add specific aerobic or resistance training per job or sport demands
Training principles: Overload
find training zones for aerobic and resistance training that are sufficiently challenging to evoke physiological adaptations, use predicted 1 RM and VO2 max to identify training zones.
Training principles: Progression
Gradually add frequency, intensity and duration to program–> needs to be done over time to prevent injury. For deconditioned individuals focus on volume (frequency and duration) rather than intensity and progress more slowly.
Programming stages: Initial stage
1-4 week habituation phase to get accustumto regular physical activity–> LPA, stretching and light resistance
Programming stages: building stage
(stage 2) 26 months- progrssively advance frequency, duration and intensity until goal is met
Programming stages: maintenance stage
(final phase) preserve fitness level- continue for long term basis. May involve slight decrease in frequency and duration of building phase but maintain intensity
Type of training will dictate adaptations
Stop or diminish workload- detraining will occur. Short term even 1 session per week can maintain fitness is intensity is maintained. To increase adherence mix up type, volume and intensity- also provide different challenges so fitness can develop in balanced way/
Genetics, individual fitness, adherence all impact adaptation b/w individuals. Law of diminishing returns also applies (ie lower fitness to begin with- more gains possible)
Strategies to decrease sedentary behaviour
active commuting, standing while on the phone, go for walks after meals rather than tv, take the stairs. when assesing cleint- have then describe typical weekday and weekend sedentary behaviours
Warm up
5-10 mins to prepare muscles and CDV system for session. Similar activity to session but at lower intensity- want to gradually increase HR and respiration. foam rolling and dynamic stretching for resistance training or sports. if walking of cycling no warmup needed- just slowly work up to intensity
30-60 sec of small undulations back and forth over muscle starting at the end of muscle to the other. Roll at 50-90% of pain trheashold. can be used during cooldown to delay onset of muscle soreness and/or be in warmup
dynamic stretching
Controlled movements throguh ROM of active joints. Ballistic methods (bouncing) uses momentum of moving body segments to produce stretch.
Cool down
5-10 mins- slowly ease to intensity where HR and respiration gradually and safely decrease to rest. Maintaining blood flow is extremly important- limit rapid body postion changes. can include foam rolling. follow cool down with stretching- but avoid high intensity stretching of fatigued muscles- strains
Aerobic training: frequency and time
Deconditioned- may wish to start with shorter bouts repeated over week with progression towards longer as tolerated.
Disease prevention and improved aerobic fitness 20-60 min aerobic sessions 2-5 days/week- if low intensity can be more frequent (5-7d). vigorous activity can be added a few days per week- ensuring adequate recovery. Prescribed duration typically <60 mins- some may benefit from longer.
Aerobic training: intensity
range of intensities can generate benits- depneds on many factors (goals, starting fitness, motivation, ect).
deconditoned- can see health benift form lower intensity han fit individual.
Light-moderate: deliver improvemnts and establish new pattern with less barriers.
regardless of staring fitness- gradually overload.
HIIT can also be effecitve
Measuring and monitoring intensity
direct test: need metabolic cart
indirect: many use HR response to a workload
RPE can also be used to estimate intensity. Talk test can gauge intensity–> subjective tests and easy for clients to use in day to day.
VO2 Max
measure of cardiorespirstory fitness. It meausres the hoghest rate at which O2 can be taken up distrubuted to body by CDV system and used by skeletal muscle.
raltive untis: ml/kg/min
15-18ml/kg/min is minimum fitness needed to be considered independed (acitivtes of daily lving)
less fit indivuals have greater capacity to increase. peak VO2 max generally reached in early 20’s
Establishing intensity ranges
low fitness level: 30-59% HRR
average fitness: 40-89% HRR
high fitness: 66-100% HRR
Initially focus on aiming for lower end or range- focus on building frequency and duration before increasing intensity. for lower motivation- start at lower intensity until Pa becomes habitual.
Using HR tp establish aerobic training intensity
consitent raltion b/w HR and VO2max (especially for 50-90% vo2max)
Target HR expressed as %HHR or HRmax
Predicting max HR (formula)
HRmax=208- (0.7x age)
continuous training
most common method invloves using a single intensity level for entire session
interval training
intermittent style tjat uses alternating periods of more intense effort and recovery w/in single session
High intensity interval training for health: 2 main categories
HIIT- submax efforts eliciting >=80% HR max
SIT (sprint interval training)- all out effots, >=100% VO2max
High intensity interval training for health
interval training elicits comparable or superior cardiometabolic benits to MICT- w/ less time commitment’
HIIT increases VO2 more effectvely in healthy and those w/ CVD.
small increase in sudden cardiac death- important to pre-screen
increased enjoyment over time
considerations when designing HIIT workouts
-ensure pre-screen is done.
-always do warm up and cool down
-consider modality used and possible delay in transition b/w intensities
-be aware of fatigue- HR and RPE will increase over intervals- may have decrease in absolute workload over workout.
-start where client is now- beginners enjoy HIIT
Resistance training
enhances msk health, use various exercise to imporve mechanical demand that induces contraction.
Decreases all-cause mortality, CVD, increases physcial functioning, ect
Resistance training variables
strength, endurance and power.
prescription involves overload, progression, specificity, individuality and reversibility. Consider goals, current level, time available, access when designing program. FITT principles also apply.
Resistance training: frequency of sessions
train major muscle groups >=2X/week to maximize growth. Can be achieved w/ full body training 2-3x/week or split routines
Resistance training: Full body routine
2 & 3 day versions effective for building strength and maintaining muscle for all levels.
3 day routine: MON,WED,FRI- each session tains most of body w/ focus on compound exercises- since higher frequency- decrease volume/workout for adequate recovery.
2 day routine: MON, THUR- full body well suited for time resiticited.
Resistance training: upper/lower body routine
separate workout on its own day. often 4 days/week- 2 days on 1 day off or 2 on 2 off