Training for Persons with a Disability Flashcards
what %/ how many candians 15+ have a disability
14% or 3.8 million
4 key principles of abilities based approach
environmental compatibility
Physical activity barriers
face more barriers to adewuate PA- ie lack of acessable transport, facility, self conciousness. Rely on behaviour change strategies , may need to aslo seek out tools/resources for supporting PA for those with a disability.
Promoting inclusive attitudes
discuss concerns rather than dealing with stereotypes or inappropriate expectations
be aware of attitudinal enviroment, biases, use person first language, avoid negative connotation.
Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP)- 6 building blocks
create quality experience by targeting 6 building blocks
belonging, autonomy, mastery, challenge, engagement, meaning. Supported by welcoming and accessible social enviroment and program.
Physical activity Presceription parameters
Canadian 24h movment guideline appropriate for most with some modifications.
if previously inactive- start small and gradually increase frequency, duration and intensity. Most programs include- aerobic, resistance and flexibility training and specific techniques to decrease sedentary activity. As improve may want to exceed guidelines (150min and resit 2x/week).
Pre-prescription considerations
pre-screening assesment confims cleitn readiness. AAL-Q helps identifiy functional limitations tht inform participation in PA, fitness and lifestyle to develop approproate prescription. Can untertake full or partial assesment- current paterns of PA, aerobic and msk fitness tests, anthrpometric measurments, ect.
blood pressure measurement for persons with a disability
If composition is signifcantly altered BP can be taken from R arm or from the leg if both arms impacted. hypotension may be assosciated with some disabilities- min BP of 80/50 is required.
Leg blood pressure measrument
position stethscope over artery in potleteal fossa and positioning largest cuff at mid thigh- values may be 20-30mmhg higher when measuring from leg.
arthostatic hypotension
common in those with autonomic dysfunction. When rapidly stand up have a rapid decrease in BP, may feel faint or pass out
Autonomic dysreflexia
those with a spinal cord injury >T6 may experience. Acute episoitc bouts of hypertension (20-30mmhg abose baselione) often go unnoticed since those with these injuries often have a low resting HR- typically acompanied by headache, flushed skin, sweating, ect.
Considerations for blind clients
cane or guidedog, familiariaze client with layout, verbally offer elbow, provide written tools in alt format, verbally aknowlege key points in conversaition, slearly say L and R, step up ect, allow client to determine location
Considerations for clients w/ hearning impairment
look at clinet, speak slowly and clearly, avoid slang, simplify instructions, allow time to receive and interpret information
Considerations for clients w/ speech impairment
patience, ask to repeat, adress naturally,
object manipulation
Most PA requires object manipulation. Some modifications may be needed for those with limited grasp, hand eye coordination, ect- or use of adaptive devices.
Canadian sport for life’s Long term Athlete Development Model for persons w/ a disability and 8 stages
provides clear path and herls person with disability pursue goals- can train to acheive excellence in high prformance sport
8 stages: awarenss and first involvment, active start, FUNdemenals, Learn to train, train to train, train to compete, train to win, active for life
cognitive function
does not limit notor skills but may limit ability to understabd and follow instructions. Ensure you take time so that client understands, simplify if needed, demonstrate or break down into parts. For infomred consent, ensure cleint understands and get duplicate consent from gardian if necessary.