Behaviour Change Flashcards
Social cognitive theory
proposes that people learn via experience, includes reciprocal determinism–> dynamic interaction b/w individual, their enviroment and their behaviour
4 constructs impact behaviour: self efficacy, outcome expectations, self regulation, barriers and facilitators.
self efficacy most effective at predicting behaviour change
4 sources of self efficacy
mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasion, emotional state,
Self efficacy and physical activity
strong relation b/w self efficacy and health behaviour change and maintence.
self efficacy impacts persons choice of behavioural setting, effort invested, persistence
self regulation
ability to monitor and control thoughts, actions, emotions. Involves avoiding of temptations that distract from long term goal. QEP work with client to develop self regulating aspects of self monitoring, scheduling and planning, setting goals, and positive self talk.
self regulation skills
self-monitoring, scheduling and planning, setting goals, positive self talk
Self Determination theory (SDT)
Focus on degree to which behaviour is self determined and process though which individual acquires motivation to initiate and maintain new behaviours. Assumes client is inherently motivated to seek out challenges and succeed. Recognizrs the importance of social enviroment
SDT: 3 psychological needs
1.independetly solve problems (autonomy)
2.To master tasks (competence)
3. To interact socially (relatedness)
Foster volition, motivation and engagement–> enhanced performance, persistence and creativity
SDT motivation: Amotivation
no intention or desire to engage in physical activity
SDT motivation: External regulation
motivated o engage in PA because of external forces
SDT motivation: Introjected regulation
Participate in PA without accepting as their own (ir to prove they can)
SDT motivation: Identified regulation
consciously values goal as personally important and therefore motivated to participate in physical activity
SDT motivation: Integrated regulation
Physical activity goal fully assimilated with self. Similar to intrinsic motivation but behaviour remains external to self
SDT motivation: intrinsic motivation
Values and participates in physical activity for sheer enjoyment
How does QEP use SDT
QEP works to bolster autonomy, competence and relatedness for physical activity by: promoting sense of ownership and control over PA, guide throguh active examination of own reasons for A, encouraging choices and self intiution by proving menu of options =, help clients identify realistic goals and pricing postive feedback for successes, create welcoming enviroment. Some clients will never reach intrinsic motivation–> still help see PA as w/in control to promote adherence
Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM)
Poeple change habitual behaviours slowly, passing throguh series of specific stages; each characterized by particular pattern of psychological and behavioural changes. 5 stages of readiness for change- may skip or cycle back throguh stages
Trans-Theoretical Model (TTM): Precontemplation
Not intending to make a change, belief that they cannot change or demoralized by past failures.