Training for Clients Living with Chronic Conditions Flashcards
describes over 100 conditions involving joints. Often have difficulty with physical activity due to pain, stiffness, decreased ROM. education and exercise are important parts of treatment.
Benefits of PA for those with arthritis
decrease sedentary behaviour and promote weight loss, decreasing stress on joints.
aerobis- helps cardivascular fitness.
ROM exercises help reduce stiffness
blaance an agitily- improve balance and decrease fall
resisitance- help maintian or build strength to suppirt joints.
Pre participation health screening- arthritis
identify arthritis in question 4 of get active questionnaire. Probe clients for additional info about medical history.
Understanding risk of PA- arthritis
may be at increased risk of adverse effects especially if: experince joint pain, severe swelling or stiffness for >14 days, has limited mobility, comorbid conditons- (refer).
Disease and treatment considerations- arthritis
NSAID have no significant impact on exercise response, tollerance, HR or BP. Initiate and progress PA cautiously. Back pain- antidepressants and muscle relaxants- montior for drousiness.
Prescription parameters- arthritis
adapt 24h movment guidline depending on fitness level. Include aerobic, resisistance, and flexibility. Montior joint pain- pain should not exceed 2hrs after sessation or increase by >=2 points on pain scale.
Prescription parameters: frequency- arthritis
aerobic 3-5x/week accumulation 150mins. Resistance training daily at low intensity. Flexibility training= beneficial.
Prescription parameters: intensity - arthritis
MVPA (40-90% HRR/ 2-12 RPE) for aerobic. Resisitance training start at lower end and progress slowly (30-60% 1RM). Isometric exercises may be prescriped to minimize inflamation response. carfully monitor technique.
flexibility- slow static stretching to point of tension.
Prescription parameters: time - arthritis
aerobic: 10-30mins/session
resitance: 1-3 sets 1-10 reps
Prescription parameters: type - arthritis
aerobic: rhythmic low impact incorporating major muscle groups.
Resistance: isometric (to minimize inflammatory response) with body weight or light free or machine weight
low back pain- focus on core strengthening.
Safety considerations- arthritis
monitor pain.
fear of pain is major limiting factor
refer to care provider if pain >2hrs after exercise (sharp, stabbing, constant, gets worse at night, lots swelling, hot joints)
cancer involving skin or tissue covering internal organs
cancer involving msucle, bones, connective tissue
leukemia and myelomas
cancer involving blood forming tissues
cancer involving lymphatic tissue and immune system
cancer involving pigment producing cells
Benefits of regular PA- Cancer
PA can help manage adverse effect of cancer and treatment. Aerobic and/or resiitant traninge can decrease anxiety, depression, fatige, imporve phyical functioning and QOL. Exercise may decreases progression, recurrance and cancer specific mortality
Canadian cancer statistics
most common in 50+, leading cause of death (30%)- lung, prostate, breast, colorectal are most common
disease treatment considerations- cancer
primary treatment= preferred treatment
adjuvant therapy- given after primary treatment to decrease risk of recurrence (ie hormone, chemo, radiation), can also be given before primary treatment (neo-adjuvant)
local therapy: directed to specific region vs systemic therapy- travels via bloodstream. Trageted therapies are systemic therapies that target cancer cells.
Pre-participation health screening- cancer
indentify history of cancer on get active questionaire- probe for more info of medical history and cancer-type, treatment, ect. refer cleints with comorbid considons.
Understanding risk- cancer
can be at increased risk of adverse effects
Prescription parameters- cancer
aim >=150mins moderate intensity PA and 2x/week resitance trianing- focus on major muscle groups adapting for fatigue , encouraging decreased sedentary time.
Prescription parameters: frequency - cancer
aerobic 3-5days/week- accumuate 150 mins
resistance 2-3x/week w/ 48hrs rest b/w
flexibility taining may be appropriate
Prescription parameters: intensity- cancer
light-moderate intensity for areobic and resitance especailly those previosuly inactive or weak.
aerobic 20-60% HHR; RPE 9-13
resitance 40-60% 1RM
flexibility- slow static stretch to point of tension
Prescription parameters: time- cancer
aerobic up to 60 mins/session, shorter as needed (10mins).
resitance 1-3 sets of 8-10 as tollerated for each muscle group
stretch 10 min cool down
Prescription parameters: type- cancer
rythmic low impact appropritate. resitance- body weight, free wieght, bans- to help increase functional capacity. Yoga, taichi and dance can help can help add exercise and fatigue.
Exercise before cancer treatment- prehab
treatment outcomes can be improved by optimixing wellbeing prior to treamtent- interventions help imporve health, decrease incidence and severity of furutre impairments.
Safety considerations- cancer
start with mild intensity for deconditoned or weak cleints- build slowly. Can have highly variable episotic symptoms, capacity can fluctuate. Advanced cancers , matatesis to bone- at high risk of injury- refer to specilaized QEP. Stop exercise immediately if chest pain, SOB, high risk of bleeding, uncontrolled vomitong or diherrea, ect. Avoid public fitness centres due to comprimized immune systems.
Coronary heart disease (CHD)
circulation to heart comprimized- partil blockage to 1 or more coronoary artery- can resilt in shortage of O2 to heart - causes chest pain, SOB. total blockage casues nerosis or heart attack.
cerebrovascular disease
circulation b/in brain comprimized- blocked for mins to hours: TIA
most common invlove ischemic stroke- often due to athlesclerosis of carotid artery.
less common: hemeragic stroke: occurs when weakness of BV causes rupture- risk facotr= high BP.
Peripheral artery disease
impacts circulation in limbs causes pain in muscles especailly at high exercise demands common woth cornoary arety disease
heart failure
heart cant provide enouhg blood to the body typically due to heart dmage. have increased sympathetic activity, volume retention and peripheral muscle dysfunction. typically suffer from SOB, swelling of lower limbs. exercise important for managment.
irregular heart beat often due to electrical circuitry. can casue deecreased exercise capacity and or increased HR
congenital heart disease
variety of birth defects in heart, some result in death, others disability.
high BP related to CDV, mortality doubles w. every 20/10mmhg. medication helps decrease BP, lifestyle changes important
high cholesterol and/or cholesterol- major risk factor for CVD. can lead to buildup and narrow arteries. high LDL is of concern- deit and exercise.
Benifits of regular PA- CVD
can help decrease mortality and need for surgical intervention.
regular aerobic can increase fitness, endurance and cardiovascular function. increase in fitness decreases resting HR, BP and increases SV at rest and at submax exercise. cardiac demads at given intensity decrease. increases skeletal muscle function and increase VO2 max.
disease treatment considerations- beta blockers
decrase HR and BP at rest and attenuate increase during exercise- use RPE
disease treatment considerations- diuretics
increase fluid loss- ensure proper hydration
no impact on HR
disease treatment considerations- ACE
decrease resting BP and attenuae bp response to exercise but dont impact tollerance.
disease treatment considerations- calcium channel blockers
depress AV and SA node conduction and produce peripheral vasodialtion- decrease BP and HR at rest and exercise.
disease treatment considerations- anticoagulants
for those with clotting risk. dont impact HR or BP but increase risk of bleeding- cautin for impact sorts.
disease treatment considerations- statins
lower toal or specific subparticles of cholesterol- dont impact HR or BP or tollerance.