Training Flashcards
Systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance
The ultimate purpose of employee training
To increase an organization’s profits
To determine types of training that are needed in an organization
Needs analysis
Determine organizational factors that either facilitate or inhibit training
Organizational analysis
To determine how employees learn to perform each task or obtain each competency
Task analysis
Developing a training program
- establish goals and objectives
- motivate employees
Skill-based pay
Employee participates in a training program that is designed to increase a particular skill an employee needs either to be promoted or to receive a pay raise
The biggest factor in employee motivation to apply training
The atmosphere set by management
Classroom learning
- internal trainers less expensive than internal
- external trainers are hired if org. lack expertise on a particular group
- holding training off site make employees away from work site thus concentrate
Case studies
Members of a small group each read a case which is either real or hypothetical situation typical of those encountered on the job
-problem-solving skills
Distance learning
-learn material at own pace
> Programmed Instruction
- offerred through books or e-learning
- self-paced , active involvement of each trainee; present info in small units
> Computer-based training
- not web-based
- interactive video usage
> E-learning
- Webinar: interactive web based seminar
- Webcast: programs transmitted over web; one way communication
Informal training by experienced peers and supervisors that occurs on the job and during the job tasks
On-The-Job training
-works best for teaching skills that require supervision to learn and are best learned through repetition and benefit from role modeling
Modeling (Social Learning)
- We tend to model behavior of people who are similar to us, who are successful and who have high status
- Observe, retain, reproduce modeled behavior
Job Rotation
- Allows lateral transfers within an organization and greater flexibility in replacing absent workers
- also called as CROSS-TRAINING
Apprentice training
- With formal class and works with an expert for several years to learn a particular trade and perhaps become eligible to join a trade union
- Emphasis is often on the production of work as opposed to teaching new skills to the apprentice
- Provide just-in-time training, flexible scheduling, customized training, smaller financial commitment
- experienced employees as coaches
1. Good workers are not necessarily good trainers and vice versa.
Solution: Train-the-trainer
2. Diminishes expert’s productivity
Solution: Pass- through programs (experienced workers are temporarily assigned to the training department)
- A veteran in the org. who takes a special interest in a new employee and helps him not only to adjust but also to develop in the organization
- focus is on the relationship while coaching is task-oriented
Transfer of training
The more similar the training situation is to the job situation, the more effective training will be
Research Design
- Pretest > Training > Posttest
- difficult to interpret because there is no control group against which the results are compared
- significant difference is seen between pretest and posttest - Solomon four-groups design
- most scientifically rigorous of the research designs used to evaluate training
- allows a researcher not only to control for outside effects also control pretest effect
Criteria for Training evaluation
- content validity
- employee reactions (most common)
- employee learning
- application of training
- business impact
- return of investment