Stress Management Flashcards
Life events or situations that causes stress
Stress reactivity
Physiological changes such as elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate, etc.
Physical reactions occur for periods longer than our body can tolerate
Stressors result in feeling of challenge or achievement
Optimal level of arousal (Inverted U Theory)
Having little or too much arousal results in poor performance, whereas moderate levels result in the highest levels of performance
Stress sensitization
The amount of stress you have experienced throughout your life seems to affect how you will handle future stress
Sources of Stress
> Personal stressors
- family. marriage. health
- fear of the unknown
> Occupational stressors
- Role conflict: expectations don’t match up with the actual work
- Role ambiguity: duties and responsibilities not clearly defined
- Role overload: feeling that they lack skills or workplace resources to complete a task or percive that the task cannot be done in the required amount of time
*To minimize, get clarification about job duties
> Organizational stressors
- person/organization fit
- change (downsizing, restructuring)
- relations with others
- organizational politics (increase probability of obtaining positive outcomes)
Life-Work Balance
Vacations, holidays, sick days, rest periods
People with this characteristic have an internal locus of control, are strongly committed to activities in their lives and view change as an opportunity for achievement