Leadership Flashcards
The idea that people who become leaders possess traits or characteristics different from people who do not become leaders
Leader emergence
3 Aspects of the motivation to lead
- affective identity (enjoy being in charge)
- non-calculative (for personal gain)
- social normative (sense of duty)
The idea that leaders who perform well possess certain characteristics that poorly performing leaders do not
Leader performance
Person-Oriented leaders
- theory Y leaders
- satisfied employees
- high in consideration, act in a warm, supportive manner and show concern for their subordinates
- under pressure, become socially withdrawn
Task-Oriented leaders
- theory X leaders
- productive employees
- see their employees as lazy, extrinsically motivated, undisciplined
- produce humor and initiate structure
Unsuccessful leaders
- lack of leadership training
- unable to learn from experiences and unable to think strategically
- personality of the leader
Theories of Leadership
- Fiedler’s Contingency Model
- IMPACT theory
- Path-goal theory (House)
- Situational Leadership theory
- Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory
Fiedler’s Contingency Model
-Any individuals leadership style is effective only in certain situations
-leadership training should concentrate on helping people understand their style of leadership and learn how to manipulate a situation so that it matches
> 3 favorableness variables:
-task structuredness
-leader position power
-leader-member relations (most important)
-LEADER MATCH -Fieldler’s training program
- Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale
- help understand one’s leadership style
Each style is only effective in a particular situation (organizational climate)
> Informational
- provides info in a climate of IGNORANCE
- base power is EXPERT POWER
> Magnetic
- leads through ENERGY AND OPTIMISM
- effective in a climate of DESPAIR which is characterized by low morale
> Position
- leads by virtue of the POWER INHERENT IN THE POSITION
- climate of INSTABILITY
- when ppl not sure what actions to make
> Affliation
- climate of ANXIETY
> Coercive
- climate of CRISIS
- base power is COERCIVE POWER
> Tactical
- leads through the USE OF A STRATEGY
Path-Goal Theory
-behavior based rather than trait based
-A leader can adopt one of four behavioral leadership style to handle each situation:
>Instrumental -planning, organizing, activities of employees
>Supportive -shows concern for employees
>Participative -shares info and lets employees participate in decision-making
>Achievement-oriented -challenging goals and rewards
Situational Leadership Theory
-A leader typically uses one of four behavioral styles:
>Directing approach
-most effective leader behavior
> Coaching approach
-willing but unable to do
> Supporting -able but unwilling
> Delegating
-willing and able
*Follower readiness -most important follower characteristic
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
- concentrates on interactions between leaders and subordinates
- states that leaders develop different roles and relationships with the people under them and act differently with different subordinates
Vroom-Yetton Model
Flowchart that can tell a leader what process to go through to make a decision in a particular situation
Management by Walking Around (MBWA)
Leaders and managers are most effeective when they are out of their offices walking around and meeting with and talking to employees about their needs and progress
Transactional leadership
>Consists of many task-oriented behaviors >3 dimensions: -contingent reward -management by exception-active -management by exception-passive
Transformational leadership
-Focuses on changing or transforming goals, values, standards of others
-visionary, charismatic, inspirational
>3 dimensions:
-charisma (high moral & ethical standards who have a strong vision of where they want their followers to go)
-intellectual stimulation (open thinking)
-individual consideration (encourage growth)
Good leader characteristics
- vision
- differentiation
- values
- transmission of vision and values
- flaws
Psychological reactance
Doing the opposite of what the leader wants