Trade And Commerce WW1 Flashcards
Cost of WW1
From 1916 it was costing Britain £7m a day
How did WW1 impact economically on Britain?
- cost the lives of almost 1m Britons
- much of overseas capital investment wiped out
- removal of gold standard gold reserves fell low
WW1 impact of exports
Made exports cheaper as value decreases
Impact of WW1 on food
Rationing- royal family even join in
1 in 4 of food import ships sunk by German U boats
Why was Britain outcompeted overseas?
Production for war prioritised over exports- Japanese’s won markets in textiles
Banks and financial institutions that usually made profits form lending money overseas outcompeted
=Great Depression
Economic impact of WW1 on empire: how much did India contribute to war effort
£146m to war effort
Economic impact of WW1 on empire: how did Indian manufactures capture domestic market?
In 1914 2/3 of India’s imports are British this fell due to trade disruption
Economic impact of WW1 on empire: how was Indian industry protected against competition after war?
Britain place high taxes on Indian imports- 11% 1917 25% in 1931
Economic impact of WW1 on empire: Canada
Emerged as an industrial power- British manufacturers lost ground
-Canada began looking to USA for investment in interwar period
Economic impact of WW1 on empire: Aus and NZ
Hit hard by trade distribution
Australia’s debts viewed by Britain as Australian mismanagement this caused resentment and the rise of Labour Party in Aus
Trade and commerce between the wars: what did Britain try to recreate in the 20s
1914 system of gold standard which is reintroduced in 1925 to stabilise international trade
Colonial development act
Treasury funds support colonial development
What happened after the Great Depression
Much greater importance on trade with the empire- imports from empire increased
When was gold standard abandoned again
How did Britain use empire to soften the blow?
Most countries in empire fixed value of currency to sterling to have close ties and access to British market
Sterling area is profitable for British overseas investment
Change in cotton exports
Japanese comp
1913- 3% import from empire
1934- 17.1%
What did lord Beaverbrook want
Return of imperial preference
Dominions opposed as wanted to protect growing industry
What was the compromise at the Ottawa conference
British introduced 10% tax on all imports except crown colonies
Britain and dominions gave each others exports preferential treatment in own markets
The effect of Ottawa compromise
Reinforced importance of empire in supplying foodstuff
Imperial imports as a percentage of total British imports
1913- 24.9%
1934- 35.3%
Economic impact on the empire: Burma and Malaya
Hit hard- Malaya relied on tin and rubber exports
Burma relied on rice exports