Key Individuals Flashcards
Non- violence
Non cooperation 1920
Civil disobedience 1930 (successful)
Quit India 1942
What was the salt March?
March- April 1930
Part of Gandhi’s civil disobedience against salt tax- marched to sea to make own salt- 80,000 imprisoned
Was Gandhi a success?
2/3 of the movements failed
Wanted rural India- this was rejected and partition happened
INC 1919
India’s first pm
Wanted modernisation and industrial India
Nehru and the British
Supported British in WW2
Imprisoned during anti salt tax
Reluctantly pulled into quit India campaign
Subhas Chandra Bose
Wanted INC to adopt more militant line
1943 formed Indian National army
Who did Subhas Chandra Bose ally himself with?
Germany and Japan
Muhammad ali Jinnah
Muslim league from 1913
Resigned from INC 1920 disagreeing with non violence
Wanted more militant
Where was Jinnah the first governor general of?
1947 Pakistan- separate Muslim state
What did Levine say about nationalism
“Nationalism was never a single and unified movement”
Colonial administrators: 1914-1947: Edwin Montagu
Secutary of state for India 1917-22
Responsible for the reforms which led to gov of India act 1919
Colonial administrators: 1914-1947 lord Linlithgow
Viceroy of India 1935-43
Actively promoted more Indians in gov under gov of India act 1935 in hope it would weaken nationalism
What policy did Lord Linlithgow use in civil disobedience campaign
Suppression- blamed in India for lack of devel
Colonial administrators: 1914-1947 sir Donald Cameron- who did he have contact with?
Son of sugar planter with no degree
Governor of Nigeria 1931 due to contact with lugard
What did Donald Cameron promote and what did he want?
Exports of groundnuts and palm oil
Advance colonies economically for a gradual path to self rule
Colonial administrators: 1914-1947 sir Andrew Cohen- what did he cultivate?
Served in Malta WW2
Sympathy for native Africans
Understands need for decolonisation even cultivated contacts with African nationalists
What is trusteeship
Concept where colonies would be ruled with concern for interests of indigenous population that prepares them for self rule
Why did trusteeship evolve?
Softening racial attitudes
Desire to rule with consent
Response to nationalism
1860-1914 colonial administrators: Evelyn Baring
Ruled a veiled protectorate in Egypt 1882-1907
Approved the Dufferin report 1883- Egyptian puppet parliament
1860-1914 colonial administrators: Cecil Rhodes
SA cape colony owned all of SA diamond mines
90% of global diamond production- Kimberly diamond syndicate Rhodesia
Cecil Rhodes quote
“The more we inhabit the better it is for the human race”
1860-1914 colonial administrators: Bartle Frere
Provoked Zulu war 1878 as he saw them as an obstacle to planned confederation of SA and transvaal
Where did Freres career begin?
Indian civil service
What happened to Frere?
Gladstone withdrew him for acting recklessly
1860-1914 colonial administrators: George goldie and the United African company- local treaties
Controlled 30 trading posts
Over 450 local treaties transferred territory and jurisdiction to company
George goldie: what did the United African company become in 1886?
Royal niger company
George goldie
What did the tribal chiefs get in return?
Weapons, protection
1860-1914 colonial administrators: lugard
Worked for goldie in Nigeria
Lugard- significance
Promoting indirect rule over colonies- thought crown colony model is artificial and dangerous
Important to not trample on native authority or customs
1860-1914 colonial administrators: William McKinnon
Founded British Indian steam navigation company
Ship owner and businessman
William McKinnon company
Imperial British east Africa company trading in Indian Ocean and Burma
1860-1914 colonial administrators: John Kirk
Medical officer for Livingstone
Vice consul of Zanzibar which he ran as a client state
Linlithgow aims
Questionable- perhaps just to crush nationalists