Torsion and undescended testicles Flashcards
what is another name for undescended testes?
what pathway do testes usually take and when?
- crytorchidism
- descend from the intra-abdominal position through the processes vaginalis into the scrotum at 7th month gestation
what should you suspect if you have bilateral undescended testicles?
what is an ectopic testes?
- hypopituitarism
- descended into the wrong place e.g. groin
who is more likely to get undescended testes?
- premature babies, often accompanied with inguinal hernias
what is the management?
what is the risk if surgery not performed?
- orchidopexy before age 2
- malignancy
- infertility
When does testicular torsion commonly occur?
- below age 6
- unusually mobile, testes rotate on the spermatic cord
what clinical features do you get in torsion?
- acute pain and swelling of the scrotum
- tender and swollen scrotum
when should surgery be performed?
what must also happen during surgery?
- within 6 hours, majority of gonads survive
- contralateral testis must also be fixed as it is prone to torsion