Topic 72 - Vesicular stomatitis, ephemeral fever (RED) Flashcards
Which virus causes vesicular stomatitis and ephemeral fever?
what type of virus is the rhabdovirus?
Negative single stranded RNA
rhabdovirus, enveloped or non-enveloped?
= weak resistance
For how long can rhabdovirus survive in the environment?
It cannot survive, or it survives for a very short period
The virus needs an extra feature to be transmitted from one host to another
Why is isolation of rhabdovirus, not recommened?
Because there is a weak or no cytopathogenic effect
How is rhabdovirus spread?
- Contact spread through saliva and bite/injury
- Arbovirus (arthropods)
Does rhabdovirus have good or bad antigens?
There can be cross-reactions within the genera
Taxonomy of rhabdovirus, name the main groups:
- Vesivulovirus
- Ephemerovirus
- Lyssavirus
- Novirhabdovirus
Disease caused by Vesiculovirus genus for the rhabdovirus:
- Vesicular stomatitis
2. Sprin viraemia virus of carp
Disease caused by Ephemerovirus genus for the rhabdovirus:
Bocine ephemeral fever virus
Disease caused by Lyssavirus genus for the rhabdovirus:
Disease caused by Novirhabdovirus genus for the rhabdovirus:
Disease of fish only!
1. Haemorrhagic septicaemia of trout
2. Infectious haemopoetic necrosos of salmon
What is vesicular stomatitis?
It is a viral disease which primarily affects horses, cattle, and swine, causing vesicles.
Occurence of vesicular stomatitis:
Is vesicular stomatitis OiE listed?
Not since 2015
When was the last reported outbreak of vesicular stomatitis?
2019-2020 in the USA
Name the most important genotypes of Vesiculovirs:
New Jersey
What is the reason behind varius genotypes of the Vesiculovirus?
There are frequent mutations in the glycoprotein
What is the Glycoprotein?
It is the outer receptor which binds the protein of rhabdovirus, it is located on the outer lipid layer
What is the Glycoprotein responsible for?
Binding infective cells of the virus.
There can be mutations within the glycoprotein, which causes a harder time for the immune system to recognise and eliminate the virus because the antibodies are specific
What are the arthropod vectotors of vesicular stomatitis?
But also: midges and flies - But this is less common
And they are only Mechanical vectors
Biological vectors of vesicular stomatitis:
= carry pathogens that can multiply within their bodies and be delivered to new hosts
What is a mechanical vector?
transmit diseases by transporting the causative agent from one animal to another
Host range of vesicular stomatitis:
Very wide, but mainly equidae
Less susceptible:
Alpaca and Lama (mostly in America)
Even less susceptile - Mostly asymptomatic
Wild mammalian species
How is vesicular stomatitis infected?
Mainly through arthropod vectors at the start of the outbreak. As the outbreak continues, the virus sprad with direct contact of animals - Have to be VERY close