Topic 4: Social (1979-87) Flashcards
Describe the ‘right to buy’ scheme
- Enacted through Housing Act 1980
- Allowed 5m tenants who had lived in their council property for 3 years to purchase it for 33% (house) discount on market price or 44% (flat)
- Gave 50% discount to 20-year tenants
- Tax relief on interest-free mortages raised from £25k to £30k in 1983 budget - this is where receipts were funnelled!
Describe the impact of the ‘right to buy’ scheme
- by end of 1984, 800k council tenants had bought own home
- Home ownership grew from 55% (1980) to 64% (1987)
- Grew middle-class and held popular electorate backing
Describe limits to the ‘right to buy’ scheme
- Thather froze receipts councils gained from sales due to distrust of local authorities
- Revenues not invested into new public housing to aid future householders
- Collapse of public housing doubled number of homeless families with children between 1980-82
Describe youth unemployment in the early 1980s
- Between 1981-82, u25s made up of 40% of unemployed
- Only 50% of British school leaver were trained compared with 80% in France and 90% in Germany
Describe Youth Training Schemes (YTS)
- 1981, YTS created as a result of youth riots
- Guaranteed all young people paid training
- Employers participating recieved financial help
Describe limits to YTS
- Standard of training was low
- Iniated to remove youth from unemployment figures
- Exploited for cheap temporary labour (trainees not retained)
Describe health policy in Thatcher’s first term
- Cabinet considered private health insurance and extension of user fees in 1982
- Thatcher realised such proposals would amount to political suicide
user fees - drug costs, etc
Describe education policy in Thatcher’s first term
- 1980, assisted places scheme introduced
- 1981, full-cost tuition fees for international students introduced
- Keith Joseph made cuts that saw a 15% reduction in university funding
- No return to triparite system against what Conservatives had long campaigned for
- Shelved plans to entirely end state funding of higher education to appease aspirational tory voters
Describe the assisted places scheme
- Introduced 1980
- means-tested government financial support for place at independent school
- added to sense of aspiration that bolstered electoral chances
- ironically furthered the breakdown of class barriers
- critics argued that funding should have been directed to the wider comprehensive system
Describe inner city riots 1981
- April 1981, Brixton riots saw fighting breakout between black youths and Met Police over racial tensions
- At time, over 50% of the black population in Brixton were unemployed
- July 1981, riots in Toxteth, Liverpool, Manchester, etc
- 4k arrested (2/3 u21 and majority unemployed)
- yet 2/3 already had criminal records
- Scarman report
Describe the Scarman Report 1981
- condemned rioting
- yet detailed alienation of unemployed black males due to social and economic difficulties
- deplored intolerance of the Met police
Describe the Greenham Women
- CND organised mass protests against 1979 decision to place American cruise missiles at British bases
- 1981, group of women set up camp outside RAF Greenham Common, Bekshire which would remain for 19 years
- 1983, women formed 14 mile chain as missiles were due to arrive
- Linked feminism with pacificism
- 1984, Newbury local council evicted women and demolsihed camp (though set up again)
Describe education policy in Thatcher’s second term
- Pressure to apply short-term profit making measures
- ‘brain drain’ of academics to USA
- Growing gap between old intellectuals and Thatcherite welath creators
- 1985, OU voted deny Thatcher an honorary degree, against convention, due to ‘systematic damage’ she had done on education (had only previously denied President Bhutto of Pakistan)
Describe the Social Security Act 1986
- Sought to reduce ‘dependency culture’ by introducing more rigorous means-testing
- Grants to poorest claimaints replaced with loans
- Family credit payments for low income families
- Permitted employees to opt out occupational pension scheme ran by employers and create own personal pension scheme
Describe the CND in the 1980s
- Greenham Women
- New enthusiasm after Thatcher’s backing of deterrent policy
Describe arts/media opposition to Thatcher in the 1980s
- Playwrights such as David Hare attacked culture of selfishness engendered by Thatcherism
- 1982 drama ‘Boys from the Blackstuff’ detailed sympathetic view of hard-labourers
- 1984, Spitting Image first broadcast satirically criticising Thatcher and her government
Describe CoE opposition to Thatcher in the 1980s
- Archbishop Runcie criticised ‘jingoistic’ policy in Falklands War
- Runcie’s 1985 ‘Faith and the City’ report concluded that spiritual and economic poverty in inner cities could be attributed to government
- Bishop of Durham criticsed handling of miners’ strike
jingoistic - patriotic
Describe Thatcher’s response to CoE opposition
- Personally addressed CoE and Methodist assemblies
- Criticised hostile approach to material gain, seeing it as Christian Act
Describe the ALF in the 1980s
- 1982, switched from NVDA to ‘ecoterrorism’
- Carried out arson attacks on pharmaceutical companies that tested on animals
- 1982, sent letter bombs to public figures including Thatcher
Describe limitations in attitudes towards homosexuality (AIDS) 1979-87
- Negative attitudes and peaked in 1987 with AIDS epidemic
- First AIDS case recorded in 1981
- Gay men particularly at risk
- Referred to as ‘gay plague’
Describe progress in attitudes towards homosexuality (AIDS) 1979-87
- Govt started prevention campaign in 1985
- 1987, Princess Diana shook hands with AIDS patient at Royal Middlesex Hospital
- Hugely significant in in de-stigmatising disease
Describe the AIDS prevention campaign in 1985
- Needle exchanges set up
- Leaflets distributed to households and schools
- billboards and advertisements: ‘don’t die of ignorance’
- regarded as scaremongering by some, adding to stigma
Describe the concern over contraception given to the youth 1980s
- Concern over underage sex
- Victoria Gillick led campaign against availability of contraceptive advice to girls under age of consent without parent’s knowledge
- High Court initially ruled advice could only be given with parental consent
- overturned by HoL in 1985 - Gillick lost case
Describe Mary Whitehouse and Thatcher
- Powerful allies
- Whitehouse coined phrase ‘video-nasty’ - low budget horror/exploitative films
- 1986, discussed ban of sex toys in 2 meetings with Thatcher
Describe a limit to Mary Whitehouse’s work in the 1980s
- Sex toy ban a problematic concept for legal action
- Rejected by Home Secretary Brittan