Topic 3: Labour (1974-79) Flashcards
Describe the October 1974 election
- Lab won 319 seats
- Majority of 3
- Lab pledged vote on EEC membership - Wlliams claimed she would leave party if Britain voted to leave EEC
- Liberal vote damaged by IRA Guildford Pub bombings as they were less tough on terrorism
8 - don’t need to know all!
Describe Wilson’s cabinet in 1974
- CX - Healey
- FO - Callaghan
- HS - Jenkins
- Env - Crossland
- Trade/industry - Benn
- Employment - Foot
- Record 2 women in cabinet (Williams and Castle)
- Balanced hard and soft left
Describe the Poulson Affair (in relation to labour)
- Had hit tories with Maulding resigning
- Two Lab figures, Cunningham and T Dan Smith sent to prison on corruption charges
- Wilson responded by setting up Royal Commission on standards of conduct in govt
Describe the emergency decisions made by Wilson in March 1974
- Opted for minority govt rather than Liberal support
- Repealed Industrial Relations Act
- Abolished Pay Board
- Intended to display frendly sentiment to unions
Describe the Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention
- Rees (NI Sec) allowed Sunningdale agreement to collapse in May 1974
- Set up consultative Constitutional Convention elected via STV
- direct executive/legislative powers to be eased once tensions decreased
- Failed in May 1976
Describe Northern Ireland under Wilson (1974-76)
- Sunningdale and Constitutional Convention fail
- Jenkins introduced the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1974 following IRA Birmingham Pub bombings
- Rees (NI Sec, 74-76) ended internment in December 1975
Describe the 1975 EEC referendum
- Wilson agreed to ref to placate hard left, esp Benn
- Cabinet permitted free vote: yes (Castle, Benn, Powell), no (Williams, Jenkins, Thatcher)
- Those who supported ‘no’ split between two camps of impact of british workers (e.g. Castle) and issues of sovereignty (e.g. Benn, Powell)
- Wilson posed as moderate who believed on balance UK should remain in EEC
- 67% no - decisive victory for Wilson who could end principle cabinet debate
Describe the May and July 1974 budgets
- Aftermath of 1973 Oil Price Crisis
- Keynesian feel
- Tax increases countered by higher pensions and food subsidies
- No serious cuts in public services and stability in balance of payments
- However inflation remained at 20% and manufacturing production stagnated
Describe the repeal of the Industrial Relations Act
- Agreed in ‘social contract’
- Alliance with Employment Sec Foot helped restore govt-major union relations
- Coal strike ended by buying off miners
Describe the impact of repealing the industrial relations act
- industrial earnings went up by 15% in 1973, 19% in 1974 and 23% in 1975
- Number of days lost to strikes dropped
- By the end of 1974, inflation was at 28% and the Unions demands were out of control (some even demanding 94% increases)
- rendered ‘social contract’ worthless
Describe Jack Jones’ voluntary wage restraint policy proposal
TGWU General Secretary
- Suggested flat rate rise of £6 a week for everyone (v socialist policy)
- TUC accepted this as policy in June 1975
- showed clear awareness from unions that excessive wages were crippling economy through inflation and unemployment
- enacted and brought inflation down by 1976
Describe the economic situation by the end of 1974
- Rising food prices under CAP and oil prices
- Inflation rate at 28%
- Public spending cuts needed to meet 5-7% inflation target by 1977
Describe Wilson/Healey’s attempts to curb inflation (1975-76)
- Department of the Environment, under Crossland, imposed spending controls on local authorities
- April 1975 budget reduced money supply by
- raising taxes to over £1bn a year
- imposing a 3% maximum for wage increase
- Inflation and strikes fell steadily in 1975 and 1976
- Massive price and income policy u-turn
Describe the resignation of Wilson 1976
- Resigned unexpectedly due to mental and physical exhaustion
- Callaghan had broad appeal and convincingly defeated Foot on leadership ballot
Describe Northern Ireland under Callaghan (1976-79)
- Rees succeeded by Roy Mason
- Focussed on trying to get direct rule to work
- Gave greater responsibility to RUC
- Used SAS for counter-insurgency operations against IRA