Topic 1: FP (1951-64) Flashcards
Describe Britain’s foreign policy in 1951
- Churchill’s ‘Three Great Circles’
- Founding member of NATO in 1949
- non-white dominions allowed into Commonwealth after 1945
- ‘Special relationship’ to ideologically combat Soviet Union
- Overstretched military - prescence in over 40 countries, despite financial constraints
- Self-determination successively denied despite nationalist consensus rising
Describe earlier British disinterest in Europe
- Churchill supported USE - but envisaged Britain as sponsor
- Britain did not join the ‘six’ of ECSC at Treaty of Paris 1951
- France’s rejection of EDC confirmed Churchill’s doubts over supranational European army
- Messina Talks failed - Treaty of Rome 1957 led to EEC formation without Britain
- EFTA formation in 1960
Describe the ECSC formation
- Formed at Treaty of Paris 1951, based off Schuman Plan 1950 (between France and West Germany only)
- Single market for coal and steel, with no customs duties
- Established political institutions such as the council of ministers, court of justice and parliamentary assembly
- Fears from left about free-market principles of bloc harming workers’s rights - Hebert Morrisson ‘the Durham Miners won’t wear it’
- Atlee regarded Commonwealth trade links more important
Six - West Germany, France, Italy and Benelux
Describe the Messina Talks
- Talks of extension of ECSC to transport and atomic energy
- Britain sent ‘Spaak Committee’ to steer events, but not join
- Failed - agreements developed in detail and EEC launched with Treaty of Rome 1957
- Eden claimed he was ‘bored’ by talks
- Treasury fearful of losing economic sovreignty
- Britain lost opportunity to shape organisation
Describe the EFTA
- Trade pact of 7 nations (e.g. Austria, Denmark, Portugal)
- Moderate growth compared to EEC
- Few economic advanatges to britain as it was the group’s largest member by far
- in 60s, British trade with EEC higher than trade with EFTA
formed in 1960, agreed in 1959
Describe EEC application and rejection (1951-64)
- Macmillan applied in 1961
- De Gaulle vetoed entry in 1963
Describe how economic factors led to EEC application in 1961
- 1961 - for first time exports to comparatively dynamic Europe greater than Commonwealth
- Britain only large economy in EFTA
- Balance of payments crisis and lower growth in 1957
- by 1958, West Germany had overtaken Britain as an exporter of manufactured goods
- Federation of British Industry became more receptive - hoped access to large-scale market would boost industrial production
5 (inc Suez and decolonisation)
Describe how the fall of the empire led to EEC application in 1961
- The Suez Crisis and rapid decolonisation in Africa had hampered Britain’s international reputation and thus global influence
- UN GA had voted to denounce Britain as an international aggressor by 64 votes to 5 following invasion of Egypt (1956)
- Fall of empire had become inevitable, also due to economic factors - so membership of EEC was seen as new way to maintain leading influence in global affairs
- EEC, with its supranationalism, would become an essential political powerhouse over the next decades
- Also weakened trade links to former Empire countries meant new economic relationships needed
Describe how other FP factors led to EEC application in 1961
- Rising cold war tensions (e.g. Soviet invasion Hungary 1956)
- US supported British influence to thwart communist spread - Macmillan keen to please Kennedy
- Macmillan’s Grand Design (1960)
- Britain could not influence EEC-decision making through EFTA, had to join main bloc
- Blue Streak abandoned in 1960, American Polaris missiles would support UK
Describe how political factors led to EEC application in 1961
- Macmillan attempted to appease softer members of party - e.g. promotion of two ministers
- Deepen Lab divisions - adopted official anti-EEC stance at 1962 conference, despite lack of consensus on issue
- Broadsheet papers voiced support in early 60s
Describe evidence of political changes that led to EEC application in 1961
- 1957 - Macmillan appointed two pro-European ministers to treasury and board of trade
- Promoted europhile Ted Heath and gave him responsibilities for examining the potential impact of joining EEC
- Grand Design
What was Macmillan’s Grand Design memo (1960)
- sought to consolidate Western solidarity in face of rising Communist forces
- inc British entry to EEC as component
Describe how De Gaulle led to EEC rejection in 1963
- Vetoed application in 1963
- Long-held resentment
- Unconvinced by half-hearted entry (right-wing Con MPs and Lab opposition)
- Creation of EFTA showed that Britain was not fully committed to European project
- Suspicions over ‘special relationship’
- Intended to keep France as main force in EEC - ‘five hens and one cockerel’ speech
- Delayed negotations for 2 years to achieve securer veto position
Describe how American influence led to EEC rejection in 1963
- ‘Special relationship’ - undue foreign influence
- EEC intended to be Western counterforce to US
- In obtaining Polaris Missiles from USA at Nassau Talks, UK had confirmed dependency on US
- Macmillan’s 1960 Grand Design had set out his plan to maintain American relationship, while simultaneously drawing EFTA and EEC together
- Macmillan asked Kennedy for help to persuade De Gaulle
Describe how Britain’s lacklustre application led to EEC rejection in 1963
- Messina Talks - Butler ’bored’
- Spaak Committee - limit European integration
- Creation of EFTA
- Britain overconfident in application - determined to safeguard national interest relating to America and Commonwealth - govt felt Europe need Britain more than Britain needed Europe
- Right-wing Con MPs opposed to EEC application due to CAP and supranationalism
- Talks became deadlocked over issues of CAP and Commonwealth trade
lack of consensus - which convinced De Gaulle to veto application
Describe how Commonwealth relations led EEC rejection in 1963
- Rejected in 1955 to prevent damage to Commonwealth economies - instinct to protect their economies for fear of fall to Communism in the Cold War amid collapse of the British Empire
- Most Commonwelath nations wary that prospective British entry would damage their exports
- EFTA and Commonwealth had preferential claims and trade privileges e.g. priviledges of lamb exports from NZ would’ve been blocked by EEC rules
- Commonwealth African nations rejected socialy negotiated offer to become associated members of EEC in 1962
How did CAP work?
- Worked by:
- restricting agricultural imports
- setting a common target price for agricultural produce
- thereby guaranteeing farmers’ incomes
- Largely based on French ideas
Describe how CAP led to EEC rejection in 1963
- Britain would have to accept CAP if it joined the EEC
- Threatened to restrict cheap agricultural imports from Commonwealth which kept down cost of living
- Weaken Commonwealth trade links
- CAP would be costly to fund
- Little benefit to Britain as it had small agricultural sector
- Sig opposition from right-wing Con MPs
- Rather than reform CAP within EEC, Britain was determined to gain reassurances about its operation before its entry - led to long delay in entry talks
What were the consequences of EEC rejection in 1963?
- Public humiliation at home and abroad
- Personal blow to Macmillan, who resigned later that year
- Some in Whitehall relieved that uncertainty was over, but Britain’s dilemma continue
- EEC continued to thrive and outstrip British exports and productivity
- It was clear that Britain would have to reapply, though with reduced bargaining power
Describe Heathcoat-Amory’s attitude towards Europe
- CX 1958-60
- Concerned over loss of economic sovereignty
Describe the Korean War
- 1950-1953
- In 1950, forces from North Korea (supported by the Soviet Union and China) invaded the South
- The UN condemned the action and sent UN forces to combat the invasion
- 20 countries supplied troops with Britain sending the second largest amount (90k soldiers)
- A ceasefire was agreed in 1953 - Korea would be split into communist North and non-communist South
- Over 1k British troops died
Describe the effects of the Korean War
- Demonstrated Britain’s willingness to continue as a major world power despite economic constraints
- Made it clear the US was the greater power
- Giastkell suggested perscription charges to account for costs -> Bevan divisions
- In Jan 1951, planned expenditure of defence spending rose from 8% to 14% of GDP
Describe Suez Canal importance to Britain
- Vital trading route linking Mediterranean and Middle East
- Suez Canal Company one of Britain’s most important strategic assets
- By 1950s, was used by hundreds of tankers each month, carrying oil to industrialised Europe
- British air and naval bases along Canal Zone had placed Soviet Union within range of military action by West
List the causes of the Suez Crisis
- British Imperalist attitudes
- Actions of Eden
- Actions of Nasser
- Rise of Arab Nationalism
- The Cold War
Describe how British Imperalist attitudes caused the Suez Crisis
- Egypt = former British colony (not in empire however)
- Despite draining wealth and resources in WW2, there had been no re-assessment of British FP
- Successive govts determined to preserve Britain’s status as major power
- Growing rift between Britain and Egypt - came to dominate British planning despite warnings from America
- Battle of ideals between leaders
Describe how the actions of Eden caused the Suez Crisis
- Eden had been involved with troop withdrawal as FS in 1936, so had a personal interest (the agreement had been to remove all British troops by 1956 in return for Britain’s right of re-entry if the canal was threatened by war)
- Held traditional imperialist views and belief of inflated world status - disliked Nasser and Egyptian nationalism
- After reminiscences to appeasement, Eden, who likened Nasser to Mussolini or Hitler, would not make concessions
Describe the Baghdad Pact 1955
- Eden’s Middle Eastern strategy was to forge friendships with Iraq, Jordan and other Middle-Eastern allies
- Formalised in the Baghdad Pact 1955
- Pact was a treaty to consolidate Britain’s oil supplies
- Meant to exclude soviet interest from Middle East
Describe how the actions of Nasser caused the Suez Crisis
- Reformer and moderniser - intolerant of British imperialism and stalwart of Egyptian nationalism
- US and Britain withdrew financial support from Nasser’s most important development project, the Aswan High Dam
- Nasser established closer links with USSR (especially Czechoslovakia who supplied him with military equipment)
- Hostile to Baghdad Pact 1955
- USA cancelled economic aid after Nasser’s Egypt recognised Communist China in 1956
Describe how the the rise of Arab/Egyptian nationalism caused the Suez Crisis
- Rise of Arab nationalism correlated to anti-British sentiment
- Situation aggravated by defeat in Arab-Israeli war of 1948-49 and Britian withdrawal from Palestine in 1948 (allowed Israel to form)
- Nasser/Egypt = de facto leader of Arab opposition to Israel’ secretion
- Vision of pan-Arab alliance seemed aimed at Israel, an American ally
maybe roll into one with Nasser
Describe how the Cold War caused the Suez Crisis
- US withdrawal of Aswan High Dam funding (essential for electricity/irrigation) intended to reduce soviet relations - backfired
- June 1956, the Soviets offered Nasser $1.12 billion at 2% interest for the construction of the dam
- Two superpowers of Cold War pitted against each other by Nasser
- With Israel being an ally, the Soviets backing for Arab nationalism encouraged joint British/French/Israeli action
- Reduction in British forces aggravated this balance between Soviets and West
Describe how the build-up to the Suez Crisis 1956
- Con Party hawks formed Suez Group (40-50 Con MPs)
- Egypt Committeee (inc Macmillan) - goal to topple Nasser regime
- British troops withdraw from Egypt as planned
- US and UK withdraw financial aid to Aswan High Dam project
- Suez Canal is nationalised by Egypt to fund the Aswan High Dam
- UK ask Nasser to withdraw in return for shares in the canal company but he rejects
What did the ‘Suez Group’ claim?
- Suez Canal was an international asset in great peril and essential to global trade.
- Should not be held by incompetent Egyptian administrators
Describe British involvment in the Suez
- Sèvres Protocol
- Israeli forces invaded on 31 Oct; British 5-6 Nov
- UK and France bombed Cairo suburbs and Port Said with 1k Egyptian casualties (started 31 Oct)
- 20 miles of Canal Zone captured
Describe the Sèvres Protocol
- Israel would invade (despite official Israeli FP being not to take individual military action for fear of diplomatic isolation)
- Created pre-text for Anglo-French invasion
- Deliberate collusion with Israel - Eden would deny this in HoC
Why did Eden come to the conclusion to withdraw from Suez invasion?
- Huge rift in Anglo-American relations
- Political pressure at time
- Threat of a catastrophic run on pound as 15% of Britain’s dollar reserves evaporated through American pressure
- Prospective deficit of £564m for 1957-58 following run on reserves
How did the Suez Crisis come to an end?
- Ceasefire agreed on 7 Nov following economic and political pressure
- Britain conceded defeat in favour of UN multinational peacekeeping force
Describe opposition to the Suez Crisis
- Eisenhower strongly against military action - wary of impending election
- About 30 Tory MPs were critical of invasion - key figure was RAB, but kept this private from the press
- Public was initially swayed by press to move in favour of decisive action - became more divided as weeks passed
- 4 Nov: fierce debate in HoC, law not war demonstrations
- Former hawk, Macmillan (Chancellor) warned of economic peril
Describe the immediate public reaction to the Suez Crisis
- Anti-American public sentiment
- Public attitudes soured as weeks went by
- ‘Law not War’ protests
Describe the international reaction to the Suez Crisis
- UN General Assembly denounced Britain as international aggressor and military action condemned by 64 votes to 5
- Even Commonwealth was not supportive, with India siding with Egypt
- Canal was to remain closed until reopening in April 1957, under Egyptian control where Briton’s would pay toll charges
Describe the main consequences of the Suez Crisis
- Political e.g. Eden’s resignation
- Economic
- FP
- Empire dwindling
- Cold War ramifications e.g. Soviet action
Describe the short-term impact of the Suez Crisis
- Strained US/France/Commonwealth relations
- Resignation of Eden
- UK shown to be weak economically and militarily (e.g. run on pound)
- Reduction of oil exports to Western Europe caused fuel rationing
- Strengthened position of Nasser - United Arab Republic set up in 1958 (Syria ceded 1961)
Describe the political impact of the Suez Crisis
- Hawkish members lost stature - except hawk-turned-dove Macmillan who united party
- 4 Nov, Gaistkell appeared on TV to condemn Eden and call for him to resign
- Eden resigned on 7 Jan 1957 on grounds of ‘ill health’
Describe the long-term impact of the Suez Crisis
- Abandonment of imperalism as FP - preference for nuclear deterrent
- Arab nations depend more on the USSR for aid
- Globalisation of Cold War conflict: MENA (Soviet) vs Israel (US)
- Deflected attention from Soviet invasion of Hungary - made Western objections to this appear hypocritical
Describe evidence of change in British FP during and after the Suez Crisis
- Vital alliance of US and NATO ignored - warnings from Eisenhower not headed
- Lack of professionalism from experienced Eden - rash military action
- International condemnation - 64 votes to 5
- Exisiting agreements with Arab states put at risk - Iraq called for British expulsion from Baghdad Pact
- Britiain applied to EEC in 1961 (strong committment to Europe)
conventional approach that Suez marked end of Empire
Describe evidence of continuity in British FP during and after the Suez Crisis
- Continuation of nuclear strategy - given higher importance
- ‘Three interlocking circles’ policy continued
- ‘Special relationship’ with US repaired - Macmillan forged close relationships with Eisenhower/JFK
- Britain remained Commonwealth leader
Describe evidence that Suez caused a decline in Britian’s status as a world power
- Cutback in overseas comittment - after 1957, British military personnel halved
- After rift from USA, FS Selwyn-Lloyd suggested pooling of resources with Europeans to become third nuclear force - Britian could no longer work alone
- Defence spending cut back from 10% of GDP (mid-1950s) to 6% (1964) - nuclear deterrent cheaper substitute for imperialism
- Contribution to NATO cut by ⅓
- USA joined Baghdad Pact in 1959 - showed British position diminished from leader to subordinate
- Defence Sec Thorneycroft declared Britain a ‘bystander’ in Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
Describe evidence that Suez DID NOT cause a decline in Britain’s status as a world power
- Reduction in overseas comittment due to weak sterling exacerbating balance of payments, rather than Suez backlash
- Macmillan normalised relations with Egypt - did not seek remedies from Suez Canal Company
- In 1958, british paratroopers landed in Jordan to protect its stability during attempted coup, with US support
- Macmillan increased statesman powers with Bermuda Conference 1957 and a 1959 visit to Moscow
- ‘Winds of Change’
- 1957, IRBM stationing on British soil (see below)
Describe how Britain’s involvement in the Cold War increased tensions (1951-56)
- 1952, Britain tests first atomic bomb named the ‘Hurricane’ - 3rd nation to do so
- 1953, Bermuda talks (Three Power Conference) - Eisenhower impatient with Churchill
- US refused to participate in Churchill’s ‘non-event summit’ - fear of serving ‘soviet propaganda mill’
- 1956, Khrushchev and Bulgarin’s visit to Britain overshadowed by the ‘Crabb Incident’
- Suez Crisis 1956 - Egypt placed firmly on Soviet side
Describe the 1952 Bermuda talks
- China (backers of NK) had broken Korean ceasefire
- US suggested they would not hesitate to use nuclear weapons
- Alarmed Britain and Churchill
What was the ‘Crabb incident’?
- Accusations of Crabb, a British spy, was surveilling Khrushchev’s ship.
- Crabb had gone missing
- Khrushchev angrily halted negotiations
Describe how Britain’s involvement in the Cold War increased tensions (1957-64)
- 1957 Bermuda meeting between Eisenhower and Macmillan - US downplayed sentimental attachment and spoke of relationship based on practicality
- 1960, Macmillan’s dream global Paris Summit finally happens but mood is poisoned by the U2 spy plane incident
Describe how Britain’s involvement in the Cold War decreased tensions (1951-56)
- 1954, Geneva Conference has British chairman - de-escalated tensions (e.g. 17th parallel division in Vietnam)
- 1955, British and Soviet warships exchange visits - Britain could act as mediator
- Eden helps dictate NATO framework for W German rearmament - prevents fear of German militarism
What was the Geneva Summit 1954?
Representatives from 5 UN permanent members came together to resolve several problems related to Asia e.g. Vietnam tensions and Korea (51-53)
Describe the 1955 British and Soviet warship courtesy visit
- British and Soviet warships exchange visits
- 6 Russian warships on official visit to Britain
Describe how Britain’s involvement in the Cold War decreased tensions (1957-64)
- Macmillan displays statesman credentials with visit to Moscow in 1959
- 1963 Test Ban Treaty - Britain one of 3 signatories (along with US/USSR)
- 1964, Douglas-Home refuses to send British troops to support the US in Vietnam
What were the terms of the Test Ban Treaty 1963?
Banned surface tests, but not those underground
Describe the 1964 Douglas-Home/LBJ meeting in Washington
- LBJ lacked fraternity JFK had felt for Britain
- Tension over Britain’s decision not to block sale of British Leyland buses to Cuba
- Advice to LBJ stated that special relationship was valuable, but not pre-eminent, to USA
- Uk treated as subordinate
Describe debates for the nuclear deterrent (1951-64)
- Deterrent re-established Britain’s status - preferable to overstretched imperialism (esp post-Suez)
- 1957, Project E- Macmillan agreed to stationing of 60 American IRBMs on British soil - both powers’ consent before weapons launch
- Source of strength for US-UK relationships
Describe debates against the nuclear deterrent (1951-64)
- CND (formed 1957) campaign became most prominent campaign group (esp among young/mc) e.g. 8000 in Alderston march 1958
- Strain on finances
- Lab opp
- Nuclear insurance arg weak - Soviets developing WOM at much faster pace
Describe events in Britain’s nuclear deterrent policy 1951-64
- 1958 UK-US Mutual Defence Agreement - sharing of nuclear weapons info and allowed supply of weapons to UK
- Britain’s own Blue Streak Project abandoned in 1960
- 1962 Nassau talks with JFK (Polaris Sales Agreement 1963) - US would supply UK with Polaris missiles
would allow Britain to maintain its ‘independent’ deterrent
What was Britain’s ‘independent’ nuclear deterrent?
Britain had its own nuclear deterrent (not necessarily self-made) so it can decide how to use them itself
really a conceptual understanding
Describe the reasons for the rise of nationalism in the colonies (1951-58)
- Impact of WW2 - conscripted pops promised greater independence
- Economic constraints
- Rapid urbanisation of colonies → greater social mobility → greater demands for political autonomy
- Influence of Soviet Union propaganda
- Aggravation caused by arrival of new gen of colonial administrators
- Post-war shift in global power balance
May be supplementary info
Describe how changing trade caused rapid decolonisation after 1959
- FO insistent on imperialism
- Treasury of view that external investment caused domestic damage
- British businesses increasingly looking to trade with USA/Europe rather than Empire
- Britain’s unsuccessful attempt to join the EEC in 1961 was indicative of this - sig departure from previous imperialism policy
Describe how changing cold war considerations caused rapid decolonisation after 1959
- Essential to keep ex-colonies under British, rather than communist, influence through Commonwealth membership
- Holding onto colonies risked military rebellion
- Newly independent members would have voice in UN which could support Britain
Describe how reduced British influence in Commonwealth caused rapid decolonisation after 1959
- Appointment of Macleod as Colonial Secretary in 1959 sped up decolonisation
- SA attitudes
Describe attitudes towards South Africa from 1959
- ‘Winds of change’ + soft diplomatic pressure did not soften hardline racism of SA govt
- Macmillan refused withdrawal of investment in SA and Canada’s calls for SA expulsion from Commonwealth
- Campaign for SA expulsion by newly-independent black states joining Commonwealth succeeded in 1961
- Highlighted Britain’s limited ability to exercise political influence over its own group
Describe the ‘Winds of Change’ speech
- 1960, Macmillan speech to SA parliament
- watershed moment for African black nationalism/independence movement
- Clearly signalled that Con govt would not stand in way of such movements - resignation to new status
- Change in atttude towards apartheid
- First time govt had accepted that the Empire was in its last days
White supremacist govt outraged and apartheid would continue for 30yrs
Describe the South African reaction to the ‘Winds of Change’ speech
- White supremacist govt outraged and apartheid would continue for 30yrs
- Marked beginning of SA’s international isolation