Topic 3: FP (1970-79) Flashcards
Describe British entry into the EEC
- 1971 - British decision to join EEC carried by Parlament
- Formally joined in 1973 along with Denmark and ROI
Describe how Heath’s leadership contributed to EEC entry 1973
- Heath ardently pro-Common Market
- Played down ‘special relationship’
- Heath had broadly supportive cabinet
- Visit to France garnered french support
- Accepted terms of CAP, EEC, exchange controls
Describe how Pompidou contributed to EEC entry 1973
- Had replaced De Gaulle in 1970
- Contrastingly believed EEC needed Britain
- Talks commenced in Wilson’s final negotiations
Describe difficulties in joining the EEC 1973
- Opinion polls showed lack of public support
- Con/Lab opposition
- Heath’s majority low enough to be theatened by coalition of anti-marketeers
- Talks stalled over British contributions and French concerns over sterling
- Final secret negotiations between Heath and Pompidou were required to resolve the situation
Describe Conservative opposition to EEC entry 1973
- Commonwealth supporters vocal about loss of sovereignty
- Powell became fierce critic
- Many Con constituents non-enthusiastic e.g. on issues of CAP
- Cabinet broadly supportive unlike Lab
Describe Powell’s oppoisiton to EEC entry 1973
- Powell voted against European Bill passage at every stage
- Refused to stand at Con candidate in Feb 1974 elec - called on supporters to vote Labour
- became UUP MP from Oct 1974
Describe Labour opposition to EEC entry 1973
- Moderate europhiles (e.g. Jenkins) vs left-wing eurosceptics (e.g. Benn)
- Lab official position against deal
- 69 rebel Lab MPs supported Heath’s European Bill
- Oct 1974 elec: promised renegotiation and referendum
Describe the impact of the EEC referendum 1975
- Decisive turnout of 2/3 - defused Lab tensions
- Eurosceptics shifted focus to British rebate
- Jenkins left Parliament in 1977 to become a European Commissioner - foundation of SDP split
- Strengthens special relationship - America wanted Britain to be part of EEC
Describe the special relationship under Heath
- Preferred ‘natural relationship’ based on heritage
- More orientated towards Europe
- Rejected request of Kissinger to use Britain as go-between Europe and UK
- More forthright in support of US policy in Vietnam
- Yom Kippur War + DEFCON 3 incident
Describe the DEFCON 3 incident’s impact on the special relationship
- Nixon put US forces in DEFCON 3 nuclear alert stage following outbreak of Yom Kippur War
- Failed to inform Heath beforehand
- Marked low point in special relationship
Describe the Yom Kippur War’s impact on the special relationship
- US Wanted to use European NATO bases (particularly Cyprus) for airlift of supplies to Israel
- Most European states, inc Britain, refused permission
- Concerns that MENA oil would be put at risk
- US-British relations worsened
Describe the special relationship under Wilson (1974-76)
- Keen on Atlantic Alliance
- Withdrawal East of Suez completed in 1971 despite US opposition - previous Wilson policy
Describe the special relationship under Callaghan (1976-79)
- Keen on Atlantic Alliance
- Forged strong personal relationship with Kissinger
- Negotiated replacement of Polaris with Trident in 1979
Kissinger - Sec of State (1973-77)
Describe British relations with the USSR in the 1970s
- Detente - easing of hostilities post-Cuban Missile Crisis
- Remained fears over USSR’s influence in Eastern Europe
- George Markov Affair
Describe the George Markov Affair
- Outspoken Bulgarian critic of Bulgarian satellite state regime
- Had defected to West in 1969
- Assassinated in London in 1977
- KGB were suspected of being behind it
- Spiked tensions following Detente policy
Describe British relations with China in the 1970s
- Improved relations after years of diplomatic isolation following Chinese North Korea support
- 1972, Britain agreed to exchanging of ambassadors
- Heath made many visits to China
- Heath awarded title of ‘People’s Friendship Envoy’ - highest honour to foreign diplomat
- 1979, Premier Hua Guofeng visited Britain as part of European tour (first visit by Chinese leader since Communist revolution)