Topic 13: Respiratory System - Pulmonary Ventilation - Volumes Flashcards
What is respiratory volume measured using?
1 respiration is equal to how many inspirations and expirations?
1 inspiration and 1 expiration
What is tidal volume (TV)? (2)
inspired or expired air during quiet respiration
- around 500 mL
What is inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)? (2)
- excess air over tidal volume taken in a max inspiration
- around 300 mL
What is expiratory reserve volume (ERV)? (2)
- excess air over TV pushed out on max expiration
- around 1200 mL
What is residual volume (RV)? (2)
- volume of air in lungs after max expiration
- around 1200 mL
What is minute respiratory volume?
- tidal volume x respiratory rate
ex. 500mL x 12 breaths/min = 6L/min on avg
What is forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)?
- volume expired in 1 second with max effort, following maximum inspiration
What are the 3 respiratory capacities?
1) Inspiratory capacity
2) Vital Capacity (VC)
3) Total Lung Capacity
What is respiratory capacity?
- 2 or more volumes
know that it is a calculation as opposed to volumes
What is inspiratory capacity (IC)?
What is vital capacity (VC)? (2)
- largest volume in/out of lungs
What is total lung capacity? (2)
- max amount of air lungs can hold
- TV + IRV + ERV + RV (= VC + RV)
How is FEV1 measured? (2)
- measured while measuring vital capacity and is expressed as %VC (allows correction for body size)
- usually FEV1 = 80% VC
Measurement of FEV1 allows diagnoses for what disorders?
obstructive or restrictive disorder
What is an obstructive disorder? (3)
- hard to expire due to increased resistance
- increase RV, decreased VC, FEV1 less than 80% VC
ex. emphysema, asthma, CF
What are restrictive disorders? (4)
- restrict lung expansion
- hard to inspire
- decrease IC, decrease VC, FEV1 decreases but = 80% VC
ex. scoliosis, pneumothorax