Topic 12 Lecture Flashcards
communities of organism interacting with each other with their physical environment under the influence of environmental factors
Ecosystem energetics (3)
The study of how energy is fixed by autotrophs and made available to heterotrophs
autotrophs-primary producers (plants/algae)
Heterotrophs- eat plants/animals
energy is measured as ……aka……(2)
The dry weight of organic matter in an organism or ecosystem
aka how much stuff there is in an area of space is a representation of how much energy there is
First trophic level: Primary Producers (2)
- bottom of food pyramid
- Autotrophic organisms that fix inorganic nutrients (CNPO) into organic molecules.
Primary production (First trophic level) (2)
Fixing energy from the sun into organic molecules available to be eaten by other organisms
happens in individual organisms
Primary productivity (4)
The rate at which energy is fixed
the rate at which energy is converted to organic substances by photosynthetic producers (photoautotrophs), which obtain energy and nutrients by harnessing sunlight, and chemosynthetic producers (chemoautotrophs), which obtain chemical energy through oxidation
sum total of all the organisms in the ecosystem fixing the carbon that determines primary productivity
quality of the ecosystem
Gross Primary production
Total amount energy fixed into organic molecules in an ecosystem
Net primary production (3)
what the producers make minus what the producer uses for itself -(Ermr+Eactivity)
aka: The amount of energy for growth (Eproduction)
Measured as biomass
what’s created after you account for the loss the organism has had to survive (Ermr, Eactivity)
What drives the variation we see across the different ecosystems? (2)
driven by precipitation and temp
Factors affecting primary productivity:light explain
at low light, low pp
increase in primary productivity as light increases
adding more light won’t help you as enzymes are all saturated
Light is bad as it is radiation and excess of it ca cause damages
Factors affecting primary productivity: Temperature (2)
Enzymatic rates are temp dependent. Metabolic rates, including photosynthesis, are generally faster at higher temperatures, so if everything else is perfect, productivity will increase with increasing temperatures up to a maximum
as you increase temp net pp increase
Factors affecting primary pp: precipitation
too much precipitation can cause low PP bc of cloudy, less sun, flooding etc.
Factors affecting PP Nitrogen (3)
Nitrogen is soluble, it tends to wash away with rainfall so it is more limiting in regions that get a lot of Tain especially on land.
Nitrogen is less limiting in aquatic ecosystems.
Adding N to deserts doesn’t change PP that much as it already has it since not washed away. Adding N in grassland causes big change
Factors affecting productivity: phosphorous (2)
Insoluble , doesn’t tend to wash away
doesn’t enter aquatic ecosystem as easily. More limiting in aquatic ecosystems
second trophic level
Primary consumers (herbivores)
Secondary production occurs in ___ and …(2)
primary consumers or secondary consumers
organisms consume the organic molecules (biomass) of primary consumers to support its energy budget and this excess biomass it produces is called secondary production
any biomss produced outside of primary production
Difference between primary and secondary prooduction:
Primary production is the production driven by photosynthesis. Secondary production is all the creation of biomass created by the subsequent levels in the trophic levels.
Detritivores (2)
organisms that consume the dead organic matter of primary producers, primary consumers etc.
break down primary and secondary production and recycle nutrients
Energy___ but nutrients _____
+explain it (4)
Nutrients consumed by plants and animals are returned to the environment after death and decomposition and the cycle continues.
Energy flows through an ecosystem from producers to consumers. Energy flows from one trophic level to the next.