16.a/b/d Ednosymboisis+rise oxygen+horizontal gene transfer Flashcards
Before oxygen how photosynthetic organisms lived
Photosynthetic organisms used light energy to extract hydrogen atoms and electrons from compounds such as hydrogen sulphide, In turn these hydrogen atoms and electrons were used to fix co2 into carbohydrates.
What did cyanobacteria develop (2)
the remarkable ability to oxidize a molecule that was much more abundant: water.
This gave them a ecological advantage and they thrived,
Compared to Eukaryotes
archaea and bacteria showed…….
archaea and bacteria show remarkable biochemical flexibility and thrive in harsh environments inhabitable to eukaryotes
a hypothesis for why bacteria and archaea have remained simple:
Increased complexity requires increased energy production and eukaryotic cells can generate huge amounts of it.
Descendants (Mitochondria and chloroplasts) (3)
Mitochondria and chloroplasts are actually descended from free living prokaryotic cells.
Mitochondria from aerobic bacteria
chloroplast from cyanobacteria.
a mutually advantageous relationship
6 lines of evidence suggest that both chloroplasts and mitochondria have distinctly prokaryotic characteristics not found in other eukaryotic organelles
- Morphology (similar shape and she of prokaryotic cells)
- Reproduction (Just like free living prokaryotes, daughter cells arise by cell division through binary fission)
- Genetic info ( Both contain separate DNA like prokaryotes that are circular. DNA in the nucleus are linear)
- transcription/ translation (Both include a complete transcription and translation machinery, Contain ribosomes and tRNA)
- electron transport (similar to free living prokaryotic cells, both has electron transport chains and enzyme ATP synthase which generate chemical energy)
- sequence analysis (belong on the bacterial branch of the tree of life)
All eukaryotes have mitochondria while plants and algae have both________ suggest that
mitochondria and chloroplasts
suggests that endosymbiosis occurred in stages which the events leading to the evolution of mitochondria occurring first. Once eukaryotic cells were able to aerobic respiration, some become photosynthetic after taking up cyanobacteria.
Endosymboisois resulted in eukaryotic cells gaining the ability to
generate large amounts of energy,
By overcoming an energy production barrier, eukaryotes could (2)
support a larger genome that codes from greater number of proteins and support a wider variety of genes (sexual reproduction, cell cycle, endomembrane trafficking, the nucleus, multicellularity)
Vertical Gene transfer
Inheritance from one generation to the next
Horizontal gene transfer
Genetic info (DNA) moves between unrelated organism
Tell me what happened after endosymbiosis inside the eukaryotic cell (4)
- Following initial endosymbiosis event, the early eukaryotic cell would have contained two distinct compartments, each with its own genome (the nucleus and the early mitochondrion)
- these compartments each contained DNA instructions for molecules required for their own structure and function such as RNA and protein)
- Some of the genes were lost as they are redundant as the nucleus already has genes that encode proteins with the same function.
- Many of the genes in the mitochondrion and chloroplast were relocated to the nucleus through horizontal gene transfer.
Outcome of horizontal gene transfer
Not a change in gene function, only change in location.
host cell and nuclear genome came from
the archaea