Tooth Development 3: Root Development Flashcards
what is the final goal of a functioning tooth
fulfil role in oral cav
on outside need enamel
inside need vital parts
what are the major parts of tooth needed for funtionin
enamel coronal dentine root dentine cementum pulp alveolar bone PDL
what is the crown aspect
enamel and dentine
what is the formation of enamel
epi to ameloblast to enamel
what is the formation of dentine
dental papilla to odontoblasts to dentine
what does formation of the crown require
reciprocal induction
epi signal required for initiation of dentine formation
what are the constituents of the root
what is the formation of the dentine
dental papilla to odontoblasts to dentine
what is the formation of cementum
dental follicle to cementoblasts to cementum
what are the dental papilla and dental follicle tissues
ectomensenchymal so need an epi initiating signal
what is root development driven by
henrtwigs epi root sheath
what is henrtwigs epi root sheath use in development of
apical dev of cervical loop region
define root morhophlogy
how does the HERS define root morphology
inductive influence on root morphogenesis and cementogenesis indirectly
what else done HERS do
proliferates - cell div apically disintegrates cervically (cell rest)
what is dental follicle origin
- mesodermal origin
where is dental follicle
between enamel organ and bone
what does dental follicle give rise to
what do cementoblasts do
form cementum
what do fibroblasts do
form PDL collagen fibres
what do osteoblasts do
forms alveolar bone - make socket in situ around tooth
doe the dental follicle affect gingival tissues
what are the 3 layers of dental follicle
inner investing - vascular become cemntoblasts
loose CT
outer - lines alveolus with bone
what does eruption of tooth need
growth of root
more dentine and pre-dentine
what happens as tooth erupts
enamel matrix proteins binds to dentine and predentine form hyaline layer of hopewell smith
what GF’s does HERS produce
what si the transcription factor used by HERS
what s the first stage of HERS action
induces odontoblast formation