Development of the face and maxilla Flashcards
what is the front-nasal process
prominence in the upper facial area at the most cephalic end of embryo
what is the cephalic end
head end of a structure such as the trilaminar embryonic disc
what is the mandibular process
processes of first branchial arch that fuse at the midline to form mandibular arch
what si the mandibular arch
lower dental arch with mandibular teeth or th 1st branchial arch inferior to stomatodeum in the embryo
what is the max process
prominence from mandibular arch that grows sup and ant on each side of stomatodeum of embryo
what is the max arch
upper dental arch in which th max teeth form
what is the nasal placode
placodes that develop into olfactory organ fro sensation of smell located in mature nose
what is a placode
area of ectoderm found at the location of developing specil trans on embryo
what is stomatodeum
mouth opening covered in oropharyngeal mem which disintegrates in later dev
when does the development of the fact begin
around 4 weeks
where does th development take place
between brain and dev heart
what embryonic layers are involved in facial dev
what are the 5 facial processes
paired max
paired mand
what does the oropharyngeal see do
prevent anything entering the stomatodeum cavity (mouth)
what is ‘fusion’ not real
between medial nasal prominences
what is the process of ‘fusion’ not real
deep furrow between prominences
furrow disappear due to growing
what is true FUSION
between medial nasal provinces and max process
sep processes
what is the stomatodeum common chamber for
what is the primary palate
from the fused medial nasal proms - intermix segment
does not sep oral and nasal cavs- demarcates
what is present at 26 days
nasal placode FNP 1st arch max process mand process
what is present at 27 days
FNP nasal pit nasal prom max process mand process
what is the nasal pit
enormous most of dev
growth factors FGF8
inwards from downwards
wat is present at 34 days
lateral nasal prom
medial nasal prom
eye at lateral aspect
what is present 36days
lat nasal prominence
medial nasal prominence together
eye moving medially