TMJ Flashcards
What percent of the population will suffer from one symptom associated with TMD throughout their lifetime
What percent of those with TMD symptoms will report
True or False:
Facial pain usually comes and goes but can be constant
What type of joint is the TMJ
Diarthrodial joint
What is located between the temporal bone and condylar process of mandible
Fibrocartilaginous disc, ligaments, and capsule
True or False:
The TMJ articular disc is biconcave
Which portions of the disc are innervated and vascularized
Anterior and posterior
What is the capsule characterized medial to lateral
What is the capsule characterized anterior to posterior
True or False:
The TMJ is highly vascularized and innervated
True or False:
The TMJ has no chemoreceptors
What is the usual cause of TMD or TMJ pain
Misalignment of the disc
What motion occurs during opening and closing of the mouth at the TMJ
Rotation and translation
During protrusion and retrusion what movement occurs
What movement occurs during lateral excursion
Ipsilateral rotation and contralateral translation
True or False:
People with TMD ot TMJ problems will come in with a lot of symptoms that don’t make sense
Clicking, popping, and snapping usually start when
In or around time of pain
Locking of the jaw is a hallmark sign of what
Anterior disc derangement
What is clenching or grinding of the teeth at night called
What is muscle spasms in the TMJ
What are parafunctional activities
Activities that the patient does that along with normal function that are bad for health
What are some bad habits that lead to TMJ problems
Smoking, biting nails, and clenching
True or False:
Some myofascial symptoms can refer to teeth
What do missing teeth do to the TMJ
Change dynamics of chewing
Can tinnitus be caused by medicine over dose
Yes Sir
What is BPPV
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
What are the 5 D’s
- Diplopia
- Dizziness
- Disphagia
- Drop Attacks
- Dysarthria