Title 8 - [2/2] (255-266A) + RA 11648 Flashcards
What is infanticide?
killing of a child that is less than 3 days of age, whether the killer is a parent, g-parent, relative of the child, or stranger
What is required if the victim is a fetus?
notes on 255
- Other person who kills or who cooperates with the mother or maternal grandparent in killing a child less than three days old will suffer the penalty for murder.
- Only the mother and the maternal grandparents (mother’s parents) of the child are entitled to the mitigating circumstance of concealing the dishonor.
Intentional Abortion
Unintentional Abortion
Abortion Practice by the woman herself or her parents
Abortion practice by a physician or midwife dispensing of abortives
What are the different kinds of abortion?
256 - intentional abortion
257 - unintentional abortion
258 - abortion practice by the woman herself or her parents
259 - abortion practiced by a physician or midwife in dispensing of abortives
distinguish between abortion & infanticide?
infanticide - the killing of a born child of less than three days of age by any person
abortion - willful killing of an unborn child (fetus) or violent expulsion from the womb which results to death
who are the victims in abortion and infanticide
Compare intentional abortion with unintentional abortion.
state the elements
elements of intentional
- there is a pregnant woman
- violence is exerted, OR drugs, OR beverages administered OR accused acts upon such pregnant woman
- as a result of the violence, or drugs, or beverages upon her, or any other act of the accused, the fetus dies, either in the womb or having been expelled therefrom
- that the abortion was intended
elements of unintentional
- there is a pregnant woman
- violence was used upon the woman without intending an abortion
- violence was intentional
- as a result of such, the fetus dies in the womb or after having been expelled therefrom
If the woman having abortion is not pregnant, what crimes are committed?
an impossible crime
Can the woman commit unintentional abortion upon herself?
It depends.(?)
In a scenario where she negligently drives and hit a tree causing abortion.
In a scenario where the pregnant woman attempts and only intends to suicide by drinking poison but instead of dying, the fetus is expelled is not liable for unintentional abortion
unintentional abortion is punishable only when it is caused by violence (check elements), NOT by poison
Is there unintentional abortion by means of intimidation?
No. the law employs the word ‘violence’ that is actual physical force
If a man were to scare a pregnant woman and because of that fright she suffered an abortion, offender is guilty of threats only.
SC of Spain
meaning of ‘intentional’ and ‘unintentional’ in abortion
state the elements
intentional - willful killing by means of violence, or drugs or beverages or any act upon the woman that causes the death of the fetus or having been expelled therefrom
unintentional - without intent by means of violence
Responsibility of participants in a duel
Acts punished in 260
- killing one’s adversary in a duel
- by inflicting upon such adversary physical injuries
- making combat although no physical injuries have been inflicted
challenging to a duel