SPL Module 5 Flashcards
- Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act (done)
- Dangerous Drugs Act
(done) - Obstruction of Justice (done)
- RA 10591
- RA 9165
- PD 1829
What are the acts punishable under PD 1829?
- any person who knowingly or willfully [foid] obstructs, impedes, delays, or frustrates the
- the INVESTIGATION [&] PROSECUTION of criminal cases by committing ANY of the following acts:
What are the specific acts punished
preventing WITNESSES from TESTIFYING in any criminal proceeding [or] from REPORTING the commission of any offense [or] identity of any offender/s by means of [midbft] bribery, misrepresentation, deceit, intimidation, force or, threats
Can you prosecute one for PD 1829 (a) on the means of threats and Grave Threats?
The threat is necessarily included in
The offenses under both laws are regarded as “the same offense” where the 2nd offense necessarily includes the first offense or where the 2nd offense is an ATTEMPT to commit the first or a FRUSTRATION thereof
Therefore, since the accused cannot be prosecuted under both laws at the same time, the higher penalty among them shall be imposed as provided by PD 1829
What are the specific acts punished (b)
[adsc] altering, destroying, suppressing, concealing and [prdo] paper, record, document or object WITH INTENT TO IMPAIR its [valaa] verity, authenticity, legibility, availability, or admissibility
in any investigation of or official proceedings in, criminal cases, [or] -
in the investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases
What are the specific acts punished (c)
[hcf] harboring, concealing, or facilitating the escape of, ANY PERSON he knows [or] has reasonable ground to believe or suspect, has committed an offense under existing penal laws in order to prevent his arrest prosecution and conviction.
when will an ACCESSORY in a crime be liable as a PRINCIPLE IN ANOTHER CRIME?
As a general rule, persons are liable as accessories
(Article 19 book 1 of the RPC when they:
- have knowledge of the crime;
- Did not participate in its commission;
- take part in the following manner:
a. By profiting or assisting the offender to profit from the crime
b. Concealing or destroying the
body of the crime
c. Assisting the escape of the PRINCIPAL
HOWEVER, When he is an accessory whose act or
omission is also penalized in a special law.
In crimes under special laws or crimes mala prohibita, the offenders generally are penalized as principals unless otherwise provided
THUS, those who assist the PRINCIPAL to escape may be prosecuted under PD 1829 on obstruction of justice not as accessory but as a principal, provided that a separate information shall be prepared for the crime of obstruction
What are the specific acts punished (d)
PUBLICY using a FICTITOUS name for the purpose of
- concealing a crime
- evading prosecution, or
- execution of judgment
- concealing his TRUE NAME, and
- other personal circumstances for the same purpose/s
- can’t prosecute for 178 (Using Fictitious Name)
What are the specific acts punished (e)
[A] [B] [C] [D]
delaying the PROSECUTION of criminal cases by:
- obstructing the service of process or court orders or
- disturbing proceedings in the fiscal’s officer in Tanodbayan, or in courts.
What are the specific acts punished (f)
[A B C D E]
making, presenting, or using any [rdpo] record, document, paper, or object WITH KNOWLEDGE OF ITS FALSITY [and] WITH INTENTION TO AFFECT the course or outcome of the investigation of, or official proceedings in, CRIMINAL cases
What are the specific acts punished (G)
soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any benefit in consideration of [adi] abstaining from, discounting, or impeding the PROSECUTION of a criminal offender.
What are the specific acts punished (h)
threatening directly or indirectly another with the infliction of ANY WRONG
- upon his person, honor, or property, or
- that of any immediate member/s of his family
- in order to PREVENT such person from appearing in the investigation of, or official proceedings in, criminal cases [or]
- imposing a CONDITION, whether lawful or unlawful, in order to prevent a person from APPEARING in the investigation of, or in official proceedings, in criminal cases
What are the specific acts punished (i)
giving of FALSE or FABRICATED information:
- to mislead or prevent the law enforcement agencies from apprehending the offender or from protecting the life or property of the victim; or
- fabricating information from the data gathered in confidence by investigating authorities for purposes of background information and not for publication and publishing or disseminating the same to mislead the investigator or to the court.
Differentiate an accessory from a principal in PD 1829
As a general rule, persons are liable as accessories
(Article 19 of the RPC when they:
- have knowledge of the commission of the crime;
- Did not participate in its commission;
- take part in the following manner:
a. By profiting or assisting the offender to profit from the crime
b. Concealing or destroying the
body of the crime
c. By Harboring, Concealing, or Assisting the escape of the PRINCIPAL of the crime
HOWEVER, When he is an accessory whose act or
omission is also penalized in a special law.
In crimes under special laws or crimes mala prohibita, the offenders generally are penalized as principals unless otherwise provided
- those who assist the PRINCIPAL to escape may be prosecuted under PD 1829 on obstruction of justice NOT as accessory BUT AS A PRINCIPAL, provided that a separate information shall be prepared for the crime of obstruction
Define the Ff:
a. Person
b. Protector/coddler
c. Financier
d. Controlled precursor and essential chemicals
e. Sell
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
paragraph (bb)
Any ENTITY, natural or juridical, including among others, a corporation, partnership, trust or estate, joint stock company, association, syndicate, joint venture or other unincorporated organization or group capable of acquiring rights or entering into obligations.
Define the Ff:
b. Protector/coddler
c. Financier
d. Controlled precursor and essential chemicals
e. Sell
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
paragraph (ee)
Any person who knowingly and willfully consents to the unlawful acts provided for in this Act (& its particular section)
[b] [and] uses his/her influence, power or position in [shsf] shielding, harboring, screening or facilitating the escape of any person he/she knows, [or] has reasonable grounds to believe on or suspects, has violated the provisions of this Act
in order to prevent the arrest, prosecution and conviction of the violator.
Define the Ff:
c. Financier
- aggravating circumstance resulting to max penalty if financier
d. Controlled precursor and essential chemicals
e. Sell
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
Any person who [prsu] pays for, raises or supplies money for, or underwrites any of the illegal activities prescribed under this Act.
Define the Ff:
d. Controlled precursor and essential chemicals
e. Sell
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
Include those listed in Tables I and II of the 1988 UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the attached annex, which is an integral part of this Act
Define the Ff:
e. Sell
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
any act of giving away any DD and/or CP and EC whether for money or any other consideration.
Define the Ff:
f. Trade
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
transactions involving the illegal trafficking of DD and/or CP and EC using electronic devices such as, but not limited to, text messages, e-mail, mobile or landlines, two-way radios, internet, instant messengers and chat rooms
acting as a broker in any of such transaction whether for money or any other consideration in violation of this Act.
Define the Ff:
g. Deliver
h. Administer
i. Dispense
any act of knowingly passing a DD to another, personally, or otherwise, and by any means with or without consideration
Define the Ff:
h. Administer
i. Dispense
any act of introducing any DD into the body of any person with or without his/her knowledge, by [iii] injection, inhalation, or ingestion or other means
committing any act of indispensable assistance to a person IN ADMINISTERING DD ot himself/herself UNLESS administered by a duly licensed practitioner for purposes of medication
Define the Ff:
i. Dispense
Any act of **giving away, selling or distributing medicine or any DD with or without prescription
Define the Ff:
j. Illegal trafficking
k. Drug syndicate
l. Pusher
m. Den, dive or resort
n. Employee of den, dive or resort
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
illegal [mispatched]
trading, transportation
cultivation, culture
h -
if ANY DD and/or CP and EC
Define the Ff:
k. Drug syndicate
l. Pusher
m. Den, dive or resort
n. Employee of den, dive or resort
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
Any organized group of two or more persons forming or joining together
with the intention of committing any offense prescribed under this act
Define the Ff:
l. Pusher
m. Den, dive or resort
n. Employee of den, dive or resort
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
any person who [staddgddtb]
sells, trades, administers, dispenses, delivers, or gives away to another, on any terms whatsoever, or distributes, dispatches in transit or transports DD or who acts as a broker in any of such transactions, in violation of this act
Aggravating Circ of pushers
- aggravating circ (max penalty) if stadddt of DD.CP.EC w/in 100 meters from school
For drug pushers who use minors or mentally incapacitated individuals as runners couriers, and messengers
victim is a minor or mentally incapacitated
[4] the DD.CP.EC involved in the offense be the PROXIMATE CAUSE of death of a victim
any person who organizes, manages or acts as a FINANCIER of the illegal activities
Define the Ff:
m. Den, dive or resort
n. Employee of den, dive or resort
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
A placed where any DD.CP.EC is [adsdsu] administered, delivered, stored for illegal purposes, distributed, sold or used in any form
Define the Ff:
n. Employee of den, dive or resort
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
the caretaker, helper, watchman, lookout, and other persons working in the den, dive or resort, employed by the maintainer, owner and/or operator
where any DD.CP.EC is administered, delivered, distributed, sold or used with or without compensation in connection with the operation thereof
Define the Ff:
o. Chemical diversion
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
the sale, distribution, supply or transport of legitimately imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured CP.EC in diluted mixtures or in concentrated form
to any person or entity engaged in the manufacture of any DD
and shall include packaging, repackaging, labeling, relabeling, or
- concealment of such transactions through FRAUD,
- destruction of documents,
- fraudulent use of permits,
- misdeclaration,
- use of front companies or mail fraud.
Define the Ff:
p. Laboratory equipment
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
the paraphernalia, apparatus, materials or appliances when used,
intended for use or designed for use in the manufacture of any DD.CP.EC
such as reaction vessel, preparative/purifying equipment, fermentors, separatory funnel, flask, heating mantle, gas generator, or their substitute
Define the Ff:
q. Instrument
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
anything that is used in or intended to be used in any manner in the COMMISSION of illegal drug trafficking or related offenses
Define the Ff:
r. Use
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
Any act of injecting, intravenously or intramuscularly, of consuming, either by chewing, smoking, sniffing, eating, swallowing, drinking or otherwise introducing into the physiological system of the body, and of the DD
Define the Ff:
s. Confirmatory test
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
an analytical test using a device, tool, or equipment with a different chemical or physical principle that is more specific which will validate and confirm the result of the screening test
sec 15 on use of DD, person apprehended or accused found positive of use of DD after a confirmatory test
Define the Ff:
t. Drug dependence
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
based on WHO definition, it is a cluster of physiological, behavioral, and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority thereby involving, among others, a strong desire or a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the difficulties in controlling substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination, or levels of use
- declared state policy to provide effective reintegration of persons who have fallen victim to DD
- all level until tertiary shall include rehab for students for D dependnce
Define the Ff:
u. Cultivation and culture
v. Planting of evidence
any act of knowingly planting, growing, raising, or permitting the planting, growing or raising of any plant which is the source of a DD
Define the Ff:
v. Planting of evidence
willful act by any person of maliciously and surreptitiously inserting, placing, adding, or attaching directly or indirectly, through any overt or covert act, WHATEVER quantity of any DD.CP.EC
in the person, house, effects or in the immediate vicinity of an innocent individual
for the purpose of implicating, incriminating or imputing the commission of any violation of this act
What are the )16) acts punishable in 9165?
[sec 4]
importation of
[sec 5]
[sec 6]
maintenance of a den, dive or resort
[sec 7]
being an employee or visitor of a Den, Dive or Resort
[sec 8]
Manufacture of
[sec 9]
Illegal Chemical Diversion of CP.ED
[sec 10]
Manufacture or Delivery of EIAoP of DD.CP.EC
[sec 11]
Possession of DD
[sec 12]
Possession of EIAoP
[sec 13]
Possession of DD during parties, social gatherings, or meetings
[sec 14]
possession of EIAoP for DD during parties, social gatherings or meetings
[sec 15]
[sec 16]
CoC of plants classified as DD or are SOURCES THEREOF
[sec 17]
Maintenance & Keeping of Original Records of Transactions on
[sec 18]
UNnecessary prescription of DD
[sec 19]
UNLAWFUL prescription of DD
“… of” - DD and/or CP and EC
STADDDT - sale, trading, administration, dispensation, delivery, distribution, and transportation
EIAoP - equipment, instruments, apparatus, & other paraphernalia
CoC - cultivation or Culture
which acts have aggravating circumstances that will result to the maximum penalty to be imposed?
4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16
Acts Punishable (Article II)
Sec 4
- those who shall import or bring into the Philippines any DD, regardless of the quantity and purity involved, including any and all species of opium poppy or any part thereof or substances derived therefrom even for floral, decorative, and culinary purposes
- shall import any CP.ED
- “unless authorized by law for both”
Acts Punishable (Article II)
Sec 4 aggravating circumstances
- [b]
shall import or bring into the Philippines DD.CP.EC through the use of diplomatic passport, diplomatic facilities or any other means involving his official status [INTENDED] to facilitate the unlawful entry of the same.
- In addition, the diplomatic passport shall be confiscated and cancelled - any person, who organizes, manages or acts as a FINANCIER of any illegal activities prescribed in this Section (sec 4 on importation)
aggra = max penalty
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra sec 5
[stadddt] of DD.CP.EC
- transpires within one hundred (100) meters from the school.
- For DRUG PUSHERS who use minors or mentally incapacitated individuals as runners, couriers and messengers, [or] in any other capacity directly connected to the DD.CP.EC trade.
- If the victim of the offense is a minor [or] a mentally incapacitated individual
- DD.CP.ED involved in any offense be the PROXIMATE CAUSE of death of a victim
- each aggra imposed in every case
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra of sec 6
- any DD is administered, delivered or sold to a MINIOR who is allowed to use the same in such a place.
- any person who organizes, manages or acts as a “financier”
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra of sec 8
8 = infinity = manufacturing is infinite
- FINANCIER of sec 8
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra of sec 10
Manufacture or Delivery of EIAoP for
- who uses a minor or a mentally incapacitated individual to deliver such EIAoP for DD
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra of sec 12
possession of EIAoP for DD
max penalty provided in sec 14 for sec 12 is:
- possess or have control of EIOaP intended for [scaiii] smoking, consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting, or introducing drug into the body, during parties, social gatherings or meetings,
[ or ]
in the PROXIMATE COMPANY of at least two persons
Acts Punishable (Article II)
aggra of sec 16
CoC of plants classified as DD or are sources thereof
- if the land involved is part of the public domain
What is the prima facie evidence relative to Manufacture of DD and/or CP and ED (sec 8)
the presence of **CP & EC or laboratory equipment in the clandestine laboratory is prima facie proof of MoD of DD
what is the prima facie evidence of USE of dangerous drugs
in sec 12,
the possession of EIAoP is prima facie evidence that a possessor has [scaiiu] smoked, consumed, administered to himself, injected, ingested or USED a DD and shall be presumed to have violated sec 15
What is the effect of voluntary submission of a drug dependent to confinement, treatment and rehabilitation?
section 55
- drug dependent user
- under the voluntary submission program
- finally discharged from confinement
- shall be exempt from criminal liability under section 15 (use of DD)
What are the conditions for exemption from liability?
[b] for the unqualified?
He has complied with the rules and regulations of the center including the after-care and follow-up program for at least 18 months following temporary discharge from confinement in the center
He has never been CHARGED or convicted of any offense punishable under 7160, RPC, or SPLs
No record of escape.
a. provided he escaped, SURRENDERED himself ONE WEEK the date of escape or through his parent, spouse, guardian, relative w/in 4 consanguinity
He pose no serious danger to himself, his family, or the community by his exemption of criminal liability.
for the unqualified, PROBATION or COMMUNITY SERVICE
What is the effect if the land or portions thereof and/or greenhouses is found to have any of the plants subject of dangerous drugs act being cultured or cultivated? What defense is available to the owner?
that land or portion or greenhouse shall be confiscated and escheated in favor of the State
owner prove
- lack of knowledge of such cultivation or culture despite due diligence on his part
Against whom is the revocation of license to practice is directed under this law?
[sec 17]
[*pmwiddr] practitioner, manufacturer, wholesaler, importer, distributor, dealer, or retailer who violates or fails to comply with the maintenance and keeping of the Original Records of transactions of DD.CP.EC
[sec 18]
PRACTITIONER who prescribe any DD to any person whose physical or physiological condition does NOT require the use [or] in dosage prescribed therein
[sec 37]
Authorized Person, Licensed, or Accredited and its implementing rules to conduct drug examination or test, who issues false or fraudulent drug test results [kwg] knowingly, willfully, or through gross negligence
- closure of drug testing center
Is the Probation Law applicable to violators of RA 9165?
[sec 24]
No, the probation law does not apply to drug traffickers & pushers
[sec 55]
Yes, the probation applies to a drug dependent under the voluntary submission program
How will attempt or conspiracy to commit the unlawful acts be treated under this law?
sec 26
Any Attempt or Conspiracy to commit the ff acts:
sec 4, 5, 6, 8, 16
shall be penalized by THE SAME PENALTY prescribed for the COMMISSION of the same
What are the criminal liabilities of the Public Officers or employees under this law?
[sec 27]
- L.I. to death [and]
- fine from 500k-10mil
- in addition to perpetual disqualification from public office
(elective/national Official)
- removed from office
- perpetually disqualified from holding public office
What is the consequence for planting evidence?
[sec 29]
any person found guilty of planting evidence of any DD.CP.EC, regardless of quantity & purity shall suffer the penalty of DEATH
What are the elements for illegal sale of DD?
in a prosecution for illegal sale of DD the ff: must be proved (Pp v CABADDU)
- that the transaction took place
- that the corpus delicti or the illicit drug was presented as evidence
- that the buyer and seller were identified
Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act
RA 10591
Define the following:
a. Ammunition
b. Firearm
c. Arms smuggling
d. Imitation firearm
e. Licensed citizen
f. Loose firearm
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
refers to a COMPLETE unfired unit consisting of a:
- bullet
- gunpowder
- cartridge case,
- primer or loaded shell
for use in any firearm
Define the following:
b. Firearm
c. Arms smuggling
d. Imitation firearm
e. Licensed citizen
f. Loose firearm
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arm or light weapon,
that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning gunpowder or other form of combustion or any similar instrument or implement.
barrel, frame, or receiver is considered a firearm
Define the following:
c. Arms smuggling
d. Imitation firearm
e. Licensed citizen
f. Loose firearm
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
[samdiet] import, export, acquisition, sale, delivery, movement or transfer
of firearms, their parts and components and ammunition from or across the territory of one country to that of another country
which has NOT been authorized in accordance to domestic law in either or both country/coutries
Define the following:
d. Imitation firearm
e. Licensed citizen
f. Loose firearm
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
REPLICA of a firearm [or] other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing as to lead a reasonable person to believe that such imitation firearm is a real firearm
Define the following:
e. Licensed citizen
f. Loose firearm
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
refers to any FILIPINO who COMPLIES with the qualification set forth in 10591 [and] duly issued with a license to:
- possess or
- carry firearms
outside of the residence in accordance with this act
Define the following:
f. Loose firearm (plumaro)
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
- UNregistered firearm
- obliterated firearm, or
- altered firearm
- firearm which has been lost or stolen
- illegally manufactured firearms
- registered firearms in the POSSESSION of an individual other than the licensee
- registered firearm with an individual with revoked licenses in accordance with the rules and regulations
Define the following:
g. Permit to carry firearm outside residence
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
WRITTEN AUTHORITY issued to a licensed citizen by the Chief of the PNP
which entitles such person to carry his registered or lawfully issued firearm outside of the RESIDENCE for the duration and purpose specified in the authority
Define the following:
h. Permit to transport firearm
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
WRITTEN AUTHORITY issued to a licensed citizen [or] ENTITY by the Chief of the PNP [or] by a PNP Regional Director
which entitles such person [or] entity to TRANSPORT a particular firearm from and to a specific location within the duration and purpose in the authority
Define the following:
i. Residence
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
place or places of abode of the licensed citizen as indicated in his/her license
Define the following:
j. Tampered, obliterated or altered firearm
any firearm whose - serial number or
- other identification or
- **ballistics characteristics
have been INTENTIONALLY tampered, obliterated, or altered WITHOUT AUTHORITY [or] in order to conceal its source, identity, or ownership
What are the punishable acts under this law and what are the aggravating circumstances?
1. Unlawful Acquisition, [or] Possession of Firearms and Ammunition (sec 28)
- Use of Loose firearms in the commission of a crime (sec 29)
- Absence of Permit to Carry OUTSIDE of a Residence (sec. 31)
- of firearms [or] ammunition or parts thereof, machinery, tool or instrument used
- [or] (unlawful manufacture of) intended to be used in the manufacture of firearms, ammunition of parts thereof (sec. 32)
not only the unlawful manufacture of the firearm but also items that help manufacture those firearms
- Arms Smuggling (sec. 33)
- Tampering, Obliteration, or Alteration of Firearms Identification (Sec. 34)
- Use of an IMITATION Firearm (Sec. 35)
- Planting Evidence (Sec. 38)
- Failure to NOTIFY LOST or STOLEN firearm [or] light weapon (sec. 40)
- Illegal transfer/Registration of Firearms (sec. 41)
aggravating of sec 28
(par. e)
1 degree higher than (a, c) imposed if a person shall unlawfully possess any firearm under any or combination of the ff conditions:
- loaded w/ ammunition or inserted w/ **loaded magazine
- fitted or mounted with laser [or] any gadget to guide the shooter to hit the target such as thermal weapon sight (TWS) and the like;
- fitted or mounted with sniper scopes, firearm muffler or silencer
- accompanied with an extra barre
- converted to be capable of firing full automatic bursts
(a) - unlawfully acquire or possess small arm
(c) - “ “ Class-A light weapon
> sec 29 use of loose firearm in the commission of a crime
X was arrested immediately after killing A. X used a bolo in perpetrating the crime. During the arrest the police found a loose firearm in his person.
Can you charge him for a separate crime of illegal possession of firearm?
Yes, the law provides that if the crime is committed by the person WITHOUT USING THE LOOSE FIREARM, his POSSESSION of such shall be considered as a distinct and separate offense
> sec 29 use of loose firearm in the commission of a crime
John, an unlicensed firearm owner, uses his loose firearm to commit robbery. He used the firearm to intimidate the victims.
What should be the charge?
Robbery with Intimidation aggravated by use of loose firearm
Hence, if the “other crime” is murder or homicide, illegal possession of firearms becomes merely an aggravating circumstance, not a separate offense
Pp v. Bolinget
Republic Act No. 8294 provides that “if homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, such use of an unlicensed firearm shall be considered as an aggravating circumstance.”47 We have consistently ruled that if an unlicensed firearm is used in the commission of any other crime, there can be no separate offense of simple illegal possession of firearms.48 Thus, in People vs. Ladjaalam,
> sec 29 use of loose firearm in the commission of a crime
in crimes of rebellion, insurrection, or ATTEMPTED coup d’etat
the use of loose firearms is ABSORBED
> sec 29 USE OF LOOSE firearm in the commission of a crime
Josh uses his loose firearm to threaten his neighbor. He is charged with GRAVE THREATS threats, which carries a penalty of imprisonment for less than six years
However, illegal possession of a firearm carries a higher penalty of imprisonment for six years or more.
Can you charge for both?
What will be the proper charge?
No, you cannot charge for both.
in sec 29 of 10591, it provides that **if the penalty is lower than penalty for illegal POSSESSION, penalty for illegal POSSESSION is imposed
In this case, Josh will be sentenced for illegal possession of a firearm instead of the crime of grave threats, as the penalty for illegal possession is higher
> sec 29 USE OF LOOSE firearm in the commission of a crime
Z committed a crime with a penalty that equal to the maximum penalty with illegal possession of firearms (sec. 28)
what is the proper conviction?
the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed IN ADDITION to the penalty for the crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws of which he/she is found guilty
sec 29
if the crime committed with the use of a loose firearm is penalized by the law with a maximum penalty which is equal to that imposed under the preceding section for illegal possession of firearms, the penalty of prision mayor in its minimum period shall be imposed in addition to the penalty for the crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code or other special laws of which he/she is found guilty.
sec. 38 on liability for planting of evidence
Juan, planted evidence against Pedro. What is the imposable penalty
[b] what will aggravate the crime and its imposable penalty
prision mayor in its MAX period
- aggravated if offender is a public officer or employee
- reclusion perpetua
> Illegal transfer/Registration of Firearms (sec. 41)
It shall be unlawful to transfer possession of any firearm to any person who has not yet obtained or secured the necessary license or permit thereof.
If government-issued firearms, ammunition or major parts of firearms or light weapons are unlawfully disposed, sold or transferred by any law enforcement agent or public officer to private individuals
from PC to RT
What provisions of RA 8294 and PD 1866 remained punishable?
[sec 3]
**Unlawful Manufacture, Sales, Acquisition, Disposition, or Possession of Explosives
[sec. 4]
Responsibility and Liability of Law Enforcement Agencies and Other Government Officials and Employees in Testifying as Prosecution Witnesses.
[Sec. 4-A.]
‘Planting’ any explosive or incendiary device or any part, ingredient, machinery, tool or instrument of any explosive or incendiary device
[Sec. 6.]
Repacking or Altering the Composition of Lawfully Manufactured Explosives.
How did SC interpret “unless no other crime is committed” in section 1 of RA 8294?
How is the word “committed” to be understood?
Is the non-representation of buy-bust money fatal to the prosecution of the case?
Presentation of “marked money” is NOT ESSENTIAL in the prosecution of selling DD in buy-bust operations because it is NOT indispensable, it is merely corroborative evidence