Title 1 - (114-123) National Security and The Law of Nations Flashcards
Article 115
what is title one of book two and its scope?
important bc extra-territorial JD applies only to these titles
crimes against national security and law of nations (114-123)
what is treason?
a breach of allegiance to a government, committed by a person who owes allegiance to it.
article 114
what is allegiance?
- obligation of fidelity & obedience
- owed to the government
- for protection received
the obligation of fidelity and
obedience which the individual owes to the government under which he lives or to his sovereign, in return for the protection he receives.
can an ‘alien’ commit treason?
Hence an alien residing in the Philippines may be prosecuted for acts of treason due to the temporary allegiance he owes to the Philippine government.
[resident = alien]
Aliens are subject to the laws and regulations of the host country during their stay, and in return, they benefit from the protection and privileges provided by that government. The obligation of fidelity and obedience is often seen as reciprocal, where the individual agrees to abide by the rules of the host country in exchange for the rights and protections afforded to them.
what are the elements of treason
- offender owes allegiance (citizen or resident)
- there is a war Philippines is involved
- Committed it by mode of
- levies war against government
- adheres to the enemies, giving aid or comfort
where is the place of commission for an a citizen and a resident to commit treason?
citizen - anywhere RPC (Art 2)
[GEN b]
alien - only in Phil (EO 44)
[EXC b]
alien involved in conspiracy
[GPT b]
“if an alien is part of a conspiracy to commit treason against the Philippines, their involvement in the conspiracy may be considered an offense even if the physical act is committed outside the Philippines.”
“The alien, while not directly owing allegiance to the Philippines, becomes part of the conspiracy.”
Juan and Pedro, both citizens of the phil for the purpose of resisting a statute due to the war between Philippines and China. They plan an armed uprising to replace the gov’t with their leader to side with a mercenary group to assist them in the war against China
Is Juan and Pedro liable for treason? What is their crime if any?
No, if the purpose is not to help the enemy (china) then it is not treason
The crime here is rebellion
“Art. 134. Rebellion or insurrection; How committed. — The crime of rebellion or insurrection is committed by rising publicly and taking arms against the Government for the purpose of removing from the allegiance to said Government or its laws, the territory of the Philippine Islands or any part thereof, of any body of land, naval or other armed forces, depriving the Chief Executive or the Legislature, wholly or partially, of any of their powers or prerogatives.”
Juan and Pedro, both citizens of the phil conspired to commit treason upon hearing rumors in an potential and incoming war between Philippines and China. They plan to defect to China and provide information regarding Philippines
Is Juan and Pedro liable for treason?
No, they are not simply because one of the elements to commit treason is that the Philippines must be involved in a war
how is levying war against the gov’t committed?
- actual assembling of men
- purpose of executing a treasonable design by force
One day, members of Jaegerist, armed with various weapons, gather near the capital city. Without any formal declaration of war, they launch a coordinated attack on key government installations, including the presidential palace. The attack results in significant property damage, injuries, and loss of life.
All Jaegerists were caught but claimed, although they intended to overthrow the government, no formal claim of war was proclaimed.
Will their defense prosper?
No, in the case of US v Lagnason, a formal declaration of war is not necessary and actual hostilities may determine the date of the commencement of war.
LagNASYON - Nation - Lagnason
Faction A dissatisfied with a new statute resisted it.
Is this treason?
Jaegerist in their treasonable design, only completed a part of their plan, is this treason?
Yes, so as long as their treason by levying war is to help the enemy
What are the elements to the mode of committing treason of ‘adherence to the enemies, giving aid and comfort
both is required - adherence & giving aid or comfort
what is referred to with the word ‘enemy’?
only to foreign power hostile to traitor’s country
X - not adherence to enemies within one’s coutry
what constitutes aid or comfort?
the act directly and materially TENDS to improve the conduct of war of the enemy or conduct of warfare
TENDS to weaken the power of the traitor’s country to resist or attack the enemy
it does NOT need to actually strengthen or be successful
what does ‘adherence to enemy’ mean?
- intent to betray
- intellectually/emotionally favors the enemies &
- has sympathies or convictions disloyal to his country’s interest
give examples of acts rendering aid or comfort
- giving information to (pp v. paar)
- appropriating food (pp v. mangahas)
- psychological comfort of being
a Makapili (pp v. adraino) - enlisting in invader’s army (pp v. adriano)
how is adherence proven?
- proven by one (1) witness
- from the nature of the act itself OR
- circumstances surrounding the act
ways of proving treason
- two-witness rule OR
- confession of guilt by the accused in OPEN COURT
ways of proving treason by overt act
- testimony of two witnesses, at least, to the same overt-act OR
- if overt act is separable, two witnesses must testify to each part of the overt act
- It’s sufficient that the witnesses are uniform in their testimony on the overt act . Not necessary to have corroboration (confirmation) between them
Therefore, if Part 1 has only one witness, it would not meet the requirement. Both parts of the overt act must individually fulfill the two-witness rule for the act as a whole to be considered proven.
In summary, to successfully prove a treasonous overt act with separable parts, each part must have at least two witnesses providing testimony. If any part falls short of this requirement, it may impact the overall proof of the treasonous act.
In Jurisland, Juan, a high-ranking member of the National Unity Party (NUP), orchestrates a bombing at a government facility to weaken the government and aid the NUP’s cause. The bombing results in casualties and disruption. During the investigation, it is revealed that Juan and his accomplices embezzled funds and illegally possessed firearms.
what is the crime?
Treason absorbs crimes committed in
furtherance thereof. Treason cannot be
complexed with other crimes
In Jurisland, Juan, a high-ranking member of the National Unity Party (NUP), orchestrates a bombing at a government facility to weaken the government and aid the NUP’s cause. The bombing results in casualties and disruption. During the investigation, it is revealed that Juan and his accomplices embezzled funds and illegally possessed firearms. Juan raped Juana
what is the crime?
Treason with one count of rape
Treason absorbs the crime of embezzled funds and illegally possessed firearms as these crimes are in furtherance thereof. Rape does not and so is a separate charge.
Maria, a government official, engages in a series of covert activities passing sensitive information every Sunday at 2pm to a hostile foreign nation. She has done this 16 times covering a span of 4 months.
How many counts of treason did Maria do?
All overt acts of treason that the accused
has committed constitute a single offense.
What are the defenses allowable and unallowable defenses for committing treason?
1. duress and fear of immediate death
2. obedience to de facto government
(acceptance and discharge of official duties under the enemy do not constitute treason
- when accepted position and discharge is policy-determining, it constitutes treason
- suspended allegiance
- change in sovereignty
- loss of citizenship
Not Allowed Defenses:
Suspended Allegiance: The defense of suspended allegiance is not allowed. This means that even in times of war, an individual cannot claim that their allegiance to their country is temporarily suspended. Sovereignty is not suspended during war; only its exercise may be restricted or altered.
Change in Sovereignty: A change in sovereignty, meaning the shift from one government to another, is not an acceptable defense to treason. Individuals are expected to remain loyal to their own government, even during periods of conflict or war.
Loss of Citizenship: Loss of citizenship is also not a valid defense to treason. Regardless of changes in citizenship status, individuals are typically held accountable for actions taken against their country during times of war.
In Jurisland, during a time of conflict with a neighboring nation, Maria, a government employee, accidentally misplaces classified documents containing sensitive information. Unbeknownst to Maria, these documents end up in the hands of enemy agents and provide strategic advantages to the opposing nation
is Maria’s act constituting of treason? why/why not
It does not constitute a crime of treason
Solely because it was not in the intention of Maria to betray her country.
Treason requires intentional acts; negligence or inadvertent actions that unintentionally aid or comfort the enemy do not qualify as treason. The accused must have a deliberate and conscious intention to betray their own country.
There is no treason thru negligence. The
overt act of giving aid or comfort to the
enemy must be intentional
what are the circumstances that are inherent in treason?
- abuse of superior strength
- treachery
- evident premeditation
circumstances aggravating treason
- ignominy
- cruelty
- amount or degree of aid
- gravity of separate distinct acts of treason
Does the two-witness rule apply to conspiracy or proposal to commit treason?
does NOT apply because this is a separate and distinct offense
article 115?
Conspiracy and Proposal to Commit Treason
What is Article 116?
Misprision of treason
What is penalized in art. 115 on conspiracy
the mere conspiracy to commit treason and
(not above 2 million, PM)
the mere proposal to commit treason
(not above 1 million, PC)
where can crimes against law of nations be tried?
ICC - international criminal court
RTC - RA 9851
what are the elements of misprision of treason?
- offender is a citizen of Phil
- has knowledge of any conspiracy against the gov’t
- the conspiracy is one to commit treason
- he conceals / does not disclose and make known the same as soon as possible to the proper authority
3 - The phrase “the conspiracy is one to commit treason” means that the primary objective or purpose of the conspiracy is to commit treason. In this context, “one” does not refer to the individuals involved in the conspiracy; rather, it emphasizes the nature or goal of the conspiracy itself.
what is article 117
define espionage
offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing information regarding national defense WITH THE INTENT to believe that the information is used to injure Philippines or to advantage the foreign nation
[article 117] - the offense of gathering, transmitting, or losing information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the Republic of the Philippines or to the advantage of a foreign nation.
what are the 2 ways of committing espionage
1. By entering, without authority [wnmfr], a warship, fort, or military or naval establishment or reservation
- to obtain any [ipd] information, plan or other data of confidential nature
- relative to the defense of the Philippines
- not necessarily liable when actually obtained but sufficient is intention relative to national defense
1. By DISCLOSING to the representative of a foreign nation
2. the contents of the articles, data or information referred to in the preceding paragraph,
3. which he had in his possession by reason of the public office he holds
who are the persons liable for committing espionage ?
paragraph 1 = anyone who commits
paragraph 2 = public officers
what are the six ways of committing espionage under CA 616?
- Unlawfully obtaining or permitting to be obtained information affecting national defense
- Unlawfully disclosing information affecting national defense
- Disloyal acts or words in time of peace
- Disloyal acts or words in time of war
- Conspiracy to commit the preceding acts
- Harboring or concealing violators of the Act
7-10 is much longer
what is article 118
inciting to war or giving motives for reprisals
reprisal - (revenge)
what are the elements of article 118 (inciting to war or giving motives for reprisal)
- offender performs unlawful OR unauthorized acts
- such acts provoke or give occasion for:
a. a war involving or liable to involve the Philippines or
b. Expose Filipino citizens to reprisals on their persons and property.
is the intention of the offender material in violating art. 118?
intention is immaterial
can inciting to war or giving motives for reprisal be committed in time of peace?
This is committed in time of peace
- penalty is higher when the offender is a public officer or employee