Title 10 - [2/2] (313-332) Crimes Against Property Flashcards
Altering boundaries or landmark
Who is liable for culpable insolvency?
The offender is a debtor and has obligations due and payable.
How is estafa committed?
accused defrauded another
- by abuse of confidence or
- by means of deceit and that damage is capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third person
Elements of Estafa in General
- That the accused defrauded another
a. by abuse of confidence, or
b. by means of deceit. - That damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third person.
Subdivisions Classifying Estafa According to the Means by Which the FRAUD is Committed:
Abuse of Confidence - AOC
Means of Deceit - MOD
- With unfaithfulness or abuse of confidence [AOC]
- By means of false pretenses or fraudulent acts. [MOD]
- Through fraudulent means. [MOD]
Abuse of Confidence>Elements of Estafa with Unfaithfulness (1a)
- That the offender has an onerous (costly/compensation) obligation to deliver something of value.
- That he alters its substance, quantity or quality.
- That damage is caused to another.
Abuse of Confidence>Elements of Estafa with Abuse of Confidence:
- That [mgop] money, goods, or other personal property be [RECEIVED] by the offender in [tcaoo] trust, or on commission, or for administration, or under any of the other obligations involving the [duty to MAKE DELIVERY of], to return the same.
- That there be misappropriation or conversion of such [mp] money or property by the offender or denial on his part of such receipt.
- That such misappropriation or conversion or denial is to the prejudice of another, and
- That there is demand made by the offended party to the offender.
Abuse of Confidence>Elements of Estafa by Taking Advantage of the Signature in blank (1c)
- That the paper with the signature of the offended party be in blank.
- That the offended party should have delivered it to the offender.
- That above the signature of the offended party a document is written by the offender without authority to do so.
- That the document so written creates a liability of, [or] causes damage to the offended party or any third person.
suppose someone signs a blank check and gives it to another person with the understanding that it will be filled out later with the appropriate amount and payee. If the recipient fills in the check with a larger amount than agreed upon or to a different payee, without the authority to do so, it could constitute estafa by taking advantage of a signature in blank.
Means of Deceit>Elements of Estafa by Means of Deceit (2)
- That there must be a [map] false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means.
- map to deceive people - That such false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means must be made or executed [PRIOR TO or SIMULTANEOUSLY] with the commission of the fraud.
- That the offended party must have relied on the false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means, that is, he was [induced] to part with his money or property because of false pretense, fraudulent act or fraudulent means.
- That as a result thereof, the offended party suffered damages.
Kinds of Estafa Committed Under this provision (Estafa by MOD)
- By using fictitious name.
- By falsely pretending to possess [PPICABQ] - peekabo! estafa mf!
a. power
b. influence
c. qualifications
d. Property
e. Credit
f. Agency
g. business or imaginary transactions, or - By means of similar deceits.
MOD>Elements of Estafa by [Means of FRAUDULENT ACTS] (not MODeceit)
- The acts must be fraudulent, that is the acts must be characterized by or founded on deceit or trick or cheat.
- Note that while in false pretenses, the deceit consists in the use of deceitful words, in fraudulent acts, the deceit consists principally in deceitful acts.
- fp= deceitful words
- fa = deceitful actions (principally) - This being estafa by means of deceit, the fraudulent acts must be performed [prior to or simultaneously] with the commission of the fraud.
- Like in other forms of deceit, the offender must be able to obtain something from the offended party because of the fraudulent acts that is, without which, the offended party would not have parted with it.
MOD>Elements of Estafa By Postdating a Check or Issuing a Check in Payment of an Obligation:
- That the offender postdated a check, or issued a check in payment of an obligation.
- That such postdating or issuing a check was done when the offender had no funds in the bank [or] is funds deposited therein were not sufficient to cover the amount of the check
- The check issued must be genuine.
- If the check is falsified and the same is cashed with the bank or exchanged for cash, the crime committed is [estafa through falsification of commercial document].
- When postdated checks are issued and intended by the parties only as promissory notes, there is no estafa even if there are no sufficient funds in the bank to cover the same.
The failure of the drawer (issuer) of the check to deposit the amount necessary to cover for his check within three (3) days from receipt of notice from the bank and/or payee or holder that said check has been dishonored for lack of or insufficiency of the funds shall be prima facie evidence of deceit constituting false pretense or fraudulent acts
Elements of Estafa By Inducing Another to
Sign Any Document:
- That the offender [induced] the offended party to sign a document
- That the deceit be employed to make him sign the document
- That the offended party personally signed the document that prejudice is caused.
Estafa by resorting to some fraudulent practice to insure success in a gambling
The rule in Civil Law that no action can be filed on an immoral or illegal contract
(art. 1141,CC) has no application in the prosecution of estafa, even if the offended party consented to the fraudulent scheme.
Elements of Estafa By Removing, Concealing or Destroying Documents:
- That there be court record, office files, documents, or any other papers.
- That the offender removed, concealed or destroyed any of them.
- That the offender had intent to defraud another
If there is no intent to defraud, the act of destroying court record will be malicious mischief.
Estafa by removing, concealing or destroying documents vs Infidelity in the custody of documents (Art. 226)
- intent to defraud
- private v. public persons
The infidelity in the custody of documents, as defined in Art. 226, and this kind of estafa are similar in that the manner of committing the offense is the same.
But while in Art.226, the offender is a public officer who is officially entrusted with the document, in this kind of estafa, the offender is a private individual or even a public officer who is not officially entrusted with the documents.
In estafa, there is intent to defraud. This element is not required in art. 266.
diff w/ intent to defraud
w/o intent to defraud
by private or public in private capacity
by public persons
same acts
Estafa’s General Element
1. defrauded another by means of AoC and MoD
2 Damage or Prejudice Capable of Pecuniary Estimation
provide the elements of 2
The element of damage or prejudice may consist in:
1. The offended party being deprived of his money, property, as a result of defraudation.
2. Disturbance in property rights.
3. Temporary prejudice.
when will misappropriation of money or property entrusted to another constitute theft and when will it constitute estafa
misappropriation - taking of something for one’s own benefit
A person who misappropriated the thing which he had received from the offended party may be guilty of theft, not estafa, if he acquired only the material or physical possession of the thing
- MP + M = theft
If in receiving the thing from the offended party, the offender acquired also the juridical possession (JP) of the thing, and he later misappropriated it, he would be guilty of estafa.
- JP + MP + M = estafa
What is the nature of the damage suffered by the offended party?
Damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation
What are the elements of estafa through
conversion or misappropriation?
Will the return of the money to the victim free the accused from criminal liability?
Payment made subsequent to the commission of estafa does not extinguish criminal liability nor does it reduce the penalty
The basis of the penalty in estafa is the amount or the value of the property misappropriated and not delivered or returned before the institution of the criminal action.
How is demand made upon the person charged of estafa?
The demand to fulfill the trust or return the thing received must be made formally and BEFORE the action is filed. The circumstance that the offended party failed to locate the accused did not dispense with the compliance with the requirement of the law;
If the [offender is in hiding], prior demand is NOT necessary to institute the criminal action.
The disappearing act of the offender is a clear indication of a premeditated intention to abscond with the thing he received from the offended party. The proven facts showed that the offender could not have complied with the demand, even if it had been made
Can estafa be committed through negligence?
No. In case of estafa, the profit or gain must be obtained by the accused personally, through his own acts, and his mere negligence in permitting another to take advantage of, or benefit from, the entrusted chattel cannot constitute estafa under Article 315(l-b)
In the case of malversation, there is a provision that explicitly addresses situations where the agent allows another person to benefit from or take advantage of the entrusted property through negligence. This means that in malversation cases, the agent can be held criminally liable for allowing someone else to misuse the entrusted property, even if they did not personally benefit from it.
However, in the case of estafa, there is no similar provision that allows for criminal liability based solely on negligence. The absence of such a provision is significant because it indicates that estafa requires the accused to personally obtain a profit or gain through their own actions. Mere negligence in permitting another person to benefit from the entrusted property is not sufficient to constitute estafa under Article 315(l-b) of the law.
When the violator is a corporation or other juridical entities, on whom is the penalty imposed?
Art. 186 (Monopolies & Combination in Restraint of Trade)
borrowing from 186, corporations or other entities who commit estafa, the president, each one of the managers will be liable if they
(1) knowingly permitted
(2) failed to prevent the commission of the offebes