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War of the Roses
> Timeline 1471-83 > Flashcards
Timeline 1471-83 Flashcards
Study These Flashcards
War of the Roses
(60 decks)
Timeline pre 1450
Timeline 1450-59
Timeline 1460-61
Timeline 1461-71
Timeline 1471-83
Timeline 1483-86
Timeline 1486-99
War of the Roses quick facts and terms (starters and VLE)
Background info
Provenance of common sources regarding HVI 1450-53
Conflict Origins (1450-1459) (mine)
The Crisis of 1450 (school)
Duke of Suffolk's Fall (mine)
Cade's Rebellion (mine)
Crisis of 1450 (mine)
York and Somerset, 1451-1453 (school)
why the relationship between york and somerset deteriorated (mine)
Why Richard of York failed to dominate government (mine)
York’s period of ascendance, 1454-1456 (school)
Why did the Nevilles support York 1453-55? mine
How successful was York's first period of dominance (the 'First Protectorate' 1454-55)? (mine)
How successful was York's second period of dominance (the 'Second Protectorate' 1455-56) (mine)
Key Battles 1455-59 (mine)
Key Developments 1456-58 (mine)
Queen Margaret's Triumph, 1456-1459 (school)
How strong was York's position by the end of 1456 compared to the beginning of 1453?
Importance of Margaret in the development of Conflict
why was the parliament of devils so significant?
Why were the Yorkists attainted 1459?
How weak was the position of the yorkists by the end of 1459?
The Yorkists in 1460 (school)
Key events of 1460
Why were the Yorkists able to return in 1460?
What motivated the Yorkists in 1460?
Why did York claim the throne in 1460?
What were the consequences of York's claim to the throne?
The Yorkists after the death of Richard of York, 1461 (school)
kEY eVENTS OF 1461
How strong was the Lancastrian position before Towton in 1461?
Why did the Lancastrians lose the throne in 1461
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Yorkists after Towton
To what extent did financial & economic weakness undermine the Lancastrian regime 1460-1
Battles 1459-61
How far had the reasons for conflict changed by 1461
Lancastrian Resistance, 1461-1464 (school)
Key Events of Lancastrian Resistance 1461-64
Why was the Lancastrian resistance 1461-64 unsuccessful?
How did Edward IV assert his rule in England 1461-69/why was he able to rule succesfully?
Edward IV's government, 1461-1469 (school)
Key Events 1461-69
Why did the Earl of Warwick turn against Edward IV?
Why did Edward IV become a captive in 1469?
English Trade and the Economy 1450-71
How major was the impact of Baronial warfare 1459-71 on English society?
Rebellion, Readeption and Restoration, 1469-1471 (school)
Key Events 1470-71
Why did Edward IV lose the throne in 1470?
Why was Edward IV able to recover the throne in 1471?
To what extent did English trade and the economy recover 1461-71?
Key Battles 1461-71