Timbers - Tools Equipment and Processes Flashcards
On timbers, what is the face side
The even side
The smooth even edge is called the…………….
Face edge
What is the most popular measuring device
300mm rule, variety of sizes
When using rule or tape measure, you should always make sure that your eyes are over………..
The measurements
Give a popular marking out tool
A pencil
What is an advantage of using a marking knife when marking out on woods
Produces a thin cut line that reduces the tearing and acts as a guide when sawing or chiselling wood
When is a tri-square used
Mark 90˚ lines to a face edge
What is a mitre try-square
Set to 45˚, important when creating a mitre joint in wood
What is a sliding level
Same function as a mitre square, but can be set for any angle.
Useful when marking out more complex angles
What does a template consist of
Profile shape of a part that is to be manufactured
What is a jig
Device that is specially made to perform a specific part of the manufacturing process. Extremely useful when the process has to be carried out multiple times.
Give some advantages of jigs
They speed up the manufacturing process Reduce the risk of error Reduce the unit cost of a part Make the process safer to carry out Increase the accuracy of the process Increase the consist of the process Reduce wastage
Give some disadvantages of jigs
Only cost effective when large numbers of similar parts are required
Increase the initial cost of the product
Require a high level of skill to produce
What is a Hand Saw
Used when cutting thick pieces or large sheets oaf wood. The blade is made from hardened or tempered steel that makes it strong and durable so the teeth remain sharp
Modern handsaws have ‘hardpoint’ teeth, try to keep them sharper for longer
What is a tenon Saw
Used for cutting accurate straight lines in wood and polymers
The blade is made form hardened and tempered steel and the frame is known as a ‘back’ to improve accuracy
What is a Coping Saw
Use for cutting curves in woods and polymers
The blade of the coping saw should face backwards as this keeps the tension when sawing
The design of the saw allows the blades to be quickly and easily changed
What is a scroll saw
Machine version of the coping saw
Allows you to concentrate on the following shapes as the part that you are cutting while the reciprocating blade does all the hard work
This speeds up the process and usually produces a more accurate cut than the coping saw
What is a Jig Saw
every versatile saw as it can be fitted with a wide variety of blades to allow it to saw in different types and thicknesses of manufactured boards
What is a firm chisel
General all purpose chisel that can accept list blows with a mallet
What is a Bevel Edged Chisel
These have edges that are bevelled or angles. This allows the chisel to cut lean accurate corners
This chisel would be used by a cabinet maker when producing a set of hand cut dovetail joints
What is a mortise chisel
Much thicker blade and a leather water inserted between the blade and handle
These two features allow it to be struck much harder with a mallet
e.g to cut a mortise hole in a table leg
What is a plane
Perfect tool for flattening and smoothing the surface or the edges of a piece of wood
A plane works in similar ways to a chisel in that it slices shavings of wood
All planning should be done in the same direction as the grain will tear.
What is a Jack plane
General purpose plane used to flatten and smooth the surfaces and edges of wood
What is a smoothing plane
Used on small wooden parts or the final cleaning of wood surfaces
What is a disk sander
It will quickly and accurately clean and shape pieces of wood
Which would instead be a difficult and tedious task
Give some health and safety issues with disk sanders
it will remove skin just as easily as it will remove wood and therefore you must not get your finger near the disk]
Produces a high volume of dust and is essential that it is fitted with dust extraction and the user is wearing safety glasses
All loose clothing and hair must be tied back
What is a belt sander
Clean and smooth the surfaces of the wood
portable version that can be used on large tabletops
What is a Bench/Pillar Drill
It’s speed can be changed to suit the size of the drill bit and the type of material being drilled
In general, a large drill bit and hard materials require a slow speed while small drill bits and soft materials require a high speed
What is a Cordless Drill
Now very popular among tradespeople as they do not need to be connected to a power source and therefore can be used in remote locations
Can also be used as a power screwdriver
You can even set the torque of the drill so that small drill bits don’t receive too much power.
What are Twist Drill bits
Most popular type of drill bit They are made from hardened and tempers high carbon steel
What are Countersink bits
Used to open the top of a predrilled hole to accept a countersunk screw. This makes the screw level slightly recessed bellow the surface of the material
What are Flat bits
Used for drilling holes in wood
Available in larger diameters
What are Hole Saws
Used for drilling larger holes
The cutting edge is actually a saw that is formed into a circle
What is tolerance
An acceptable difference in size between an upper and lower limit
Is wood hydroscopic
Acts like a sponge and can absorb moisture making it swell
Where can a router be used
Handled power tool or mounted in a router table
What is a router
consists of a powerful motor that can accept a wide variety of route bits
You can choose the profile bit to match the desired shape that you wish to achieve