Timbers, Metals, Polymers Flashcards
What material do cupboards and tables need to be made out of
Wood - rigid and can take knocks
Why are radiators and pans made out of metal
They can conduct heat
Most metals will……..over time unless given a……………..
Protective coating
Polymers can……..easily with use
What material would a child’s toy be made out of
Acrylic - Light and can be coloured
What are the advantages of using polymers
For a quick manufacture
What is just as important as the function of the product
The aesthetics
Timber from ……….forests is a renewable material
Can metals and most plastics be easily recycled
What are we doing to manage the worlds resources
Recycling raw materials such as metals, plastics and glass from products that have reached the end of their lives
How could designing a product have an impact on the environment
Products that are easy to maintain or repair mean less have to be bought an made.
Also products where different parts can be replaced extend the products life.
What the problem with using some natural resources
Some are only available in small quantities.
Oak is slow growing compared to Bamboo
The availability of resources can also be affected by…….
Natural disasters
Give some reasons on why we need to consider the cost in making the product
Wether expensive raw materials are used
Some materials require more complex manufacturing processes which will significantly alter the cost
Traditional wood working skills are time consuming and the end product needs finishing, but polymers are self finishing and can be made by injection moulding.
How as social factors not helped working people
The use of robots and machines to do the jobs that used to be done by humans means that although its quicker and more accurate, less people are employed
This could mean that more people are unable to buy the latest products due to lack of money
What cultural factors do you have to consider
The colour, red means different things in different countries (SA = mourning, China = good fortune)
Japanese families sit on the floor
What 3 things can be done to help people and the environment
Only use timber form sustained forests (deforestation)
Making sure those working with dangerous machinery are protected and kept safe.
That the product can easily be recycled when disposed