Tibia Flashcards
Tibial plateau
proximal tibial surface on which the femur rests
Divided into two articular sections one for each femoral condyle
Medial condyle
the medial part of the tibial plateau
its femoral articulation is oval with the long axis oriented anteroposteriorly
its lateral edge is straight
Lateral condyle
the lateral part of the tibial plateau
its femoral articulation is smaller and rounder than the medial articulation
Intercondylar eminence
the raised area on the proximal tibial surface between the articular facets
Medial intercondylar tubercle
forms the medial part of the intercondylar eminence
Lateral intercondylar tubercle
forms the lateral part of the intercondylar eminence
Superior fibular articular facet
located on the posteroinferior edge of the lateral condyle
Tibial tuberosity
the rugose area on the anterior surface of the proximal tibia
the superior part is smoothest and widest
Tibial shaft
the fairly straight segment of the tibia between the expanded proximal and distal ends
Soleal (popliteal) line
crosses the proximal half of the posterior tibial surface from superolateral to inferomedial
nutrient foramen
inferolateral to the popliteal line
large foramen that exits the bone proximally
Anterior surface (anterior crest)
of the shaft forms the anterior edge of the “shin”
Medial surface
of the shaft forms the medial edge of the “shin” of the lower leg
Interosseous surface
of the shaft is lateral, opposite the fibula
most concave of the three tibial surfaces
Interosseous crest
the lateral crest of the shaft which faces the fibula
Medial malleolus
the projection on the medial side of the distal tibia that forms the subcutaneous medial knob at the ankle
its lateral surface is articular for the talar body
Fibular notch
the distolateral corner of the tibia
triangular nonarticular area
Inferior fibular articular surface
a thin articular surface fro the fibula, which faces laterally at the base of the fibular notch
Malleolar groove
on the posterior aspect of the medial malleolus
Siding: intact
the tibial tuberosity is proximal and anterior
the medial malleolus is on the distal end and is medial
Siding: proximal end
the tibial tuberosity is anterolateral, the fibular articulation is placed posterolaterally and the lateral femoral articular surface is smaller, rounder and set laterally
the intercondylar eminence is set posteriorly
Siding: fragments of shaft
the entire shaft tapers distally and the interosseous crest is lateral and posterior
the medial surface is the widest and faces anteriorly
the nutrient foramen is posterior and exits proximally
the cortex is thickest at mid-shaft
Siding: distal end
the malleolus is medial and its distal most projection is anterior
the fibular notch is lateral and the interosseous crest runs toward its anterior surface
the margin of the articular surface for the superior talus is grooved on the anterior surface but not the posterior surface