Thorax Flashcards
Which structure separates the subclavian artery and vein?
Scalenus anterior muscle
Where is the mitral valve best auscultated?
Over the cardiac apex
What is the blood supply to the superior 1/3rd of the oesophagus?
Inferior thyroid artery
What is the blood supply to the middle 2/3rds of the oesophagus?
Direct branches from the thoracic aorta
What is the blood supply to the lower 1/3 of the oesophagus?
Oesophageal branches off the left gastric artery
What is the level of the sternal angle? (angle of louis)
T4, or in line with rib 2
Which ribs are your false ribs?
Which ribs are your floating ribs?
11 and 12
Which ribs are your true ribs?
What are the three parts of the sternum?
Manubrium, body, xiphoid process
How far above the clavicle does the cervical pleura project?
How low down does the pleura extend to?
Mid-clavicular line: rib 8
Mid axillary line: rib 10
Scapular line: rib 12
What are the four parts of the pleura?
Diaphragmatic, costal, mediastinal, cervical
What is the costodiaphragmatic recess?
The potential space between the lung and the pleura at the most inferior part of the lung
What are the costomediastinal recesses?
Potential spaces around the mediastinum
Where is the apex of the heart?
5th intercostal space, left mid-clavicular line
Where is the inferior border of the heart?
Upper border of the 6th costal cartilage, 1cm laterally from the edge of the sternum to the apex
How many intercostal nerves are there?
What is the 12th thoracic nerve called?
Subcostal nerve
What are the two branches of the intercostal nerves?
Lateral and anterior cutaneous branches
What is the action of pectoralis major?
Adduction, flexion, extension and internal rotation
What is the innervation to Pectoralis major?
Lateral and medial pectoral nerves (C5-T1)
What is the insertion of pec major?
Crest of the greater tubercle of the humerus - lateral lip of the intertubercular sulcus
What are the origins of pec major?
- medial half of the clavicle
- anterior surface of the sternum
- Costal cartilages of ribs 1-6
- Anterior layer of the rectus sheath
What are the two heads of pectoralis major?
Sternocostal head and clavicular head
What are the borders of the deltopectoral triangle?
Clavicle superiorly, lateral border of pec major medically, and medial border of deltoid laterally
What is the clinical significance of the deltopectoral triangle?
It contains the cephalic vein, and the deltoid branch of the thoracoacromial artery
What lies within the deltopectoral groove?
The cephalic vein
What does the cephalic vein empty into?
The axillary vein
Which part of the upper limb does the cephalic vein drain?
The radial aspect of the arm, forearm and hand
Which of the pectoral nerves is deeper?
The medial pectoral nerve is deeper than the lateral
Where do the medial and lateral pectoral nerves come from?
Brachial plexus, they emerge from under the clavicle
What are the attachments of pectoralis minor?
Insertion: Coracoid process of the scapula
Origin: ribs 3-5
What is the innervation to pec minor?
Medial pectoral nerve
What is the function of pectoralis minor?
Protraction of the scapula, stabilization of the scapula
What are the attachments of the subclavius muscle?
O: Costal cartilage and sternal end of rib 1
I: Anteroinferior surface of middle 1/3rd of the clavicle
What is the action of the external intercostals?
Elevate the ribs during forced inspiration
What is the blood supply the intercostal muscles?
Intercostal artery (vein drains and intercostal nerve innervates)
What is the action of the internal and innermost intercostals?
Depress ribs during forced expiration
Between which layers of intercostal muscles do the neurovascular bundles lie?
Between the internal and innermost intercostals
What are the attachments of serratus anterior?
Origin: Ribs 1-9/10
Insertion: Anterior surface of the scapula
What are the attachments of transversus thoracis?
O: Inferior surface of the sternum and xiphoid process
I: Internal surface of ribs 2-6
What is the action of transversus thoracis?
Depresses ribs during expiration
What is the innervation to transversus thoracis?
Intercostal nerves
What is the innervation to serratus anterior?
SALT (Serratus anterior, Long thoracic nerve) (C5,6,7 raise your arms to heaven)
What is the action of serratus anterior?
Protraction of the scapula
Which artery does the internal thoracic (internal mammary) artery come off?
The subclavian artery
Which artery does the superior epigastric artery come off?
The internal thoracic artery