Thorasic Flashcards
what do the thorasic transvesrs processes look like?
thick, strong and long
what do the spinous processes look like?
long and slender
what do the costovertebral joints articulate with?
rib heads
what do the costotransvers joints articulat with?
tubercles of ribs.
what angle are the articular fascets of the throasics a from transverse to coronal plane?
Thorasic articular fascets form a 60 degree angle up to head
what is the angle of the fascets from the coronal to the saggital plane?
20 degrees from cornonal to saggital plane
so, the inferior facets face down, medially and forward while the superior facets face opposite.
So the direction of the inferior fascets are?
face down, middle and the front
what direction of the superior fascets?
face up, back and out
what is signifigant about the first and last throasic vertebrae?
they are a combination of the cervicals or thorasics they look different
what the the throasic curve
Kyphotic curve with and average of 45 degree, this is a primary curve, you are born with it.
where is the apex of the thorasic curve?
at T6-T7 disk space.
what will flattening the thorasice curve do to the cervical and lumbar curves?
it will shift the cervical curve forward while decreaseing the curve, it will increase the lumbar curve.
what is the thoracic disk height to body height ratio?
Disc to body ratio is 1:5,this is the smallest ratio of spine. remember that cervical was 2:5
what is the difference between the cervical and thoracic nucleus pulposus location?
Cervical is slightly posterior while thorasic is centered.
what is one reason the throasic spine is less flexable?
it has a small disk to body height ratio of 1:5
what is the combined flexion range of a throasic spinal segments?
6 degrees average, but its about 4 degress at the top and 12 degrees at the bottom
what are the movements of throasic flex/extend?
saggital rotation with slight saggital plane translation.
what happens to fascets during throasic flexion?
fascets glide apart and disk opens in back.
what happens to fascets during throasic extension?
fascets joints and posterior disk approximate.
average lateral flexion of thrasic?
average is 6 degrees on each side.
what movements are coupled for upper thoracic rotation?
Upper thrasic lat flexion and rotation will occur to the same side, like airplane
What are the coupled movements for middle and lower thorasic later flexion
the middle lat flexion can cause the rotation to occur in either direction.
In general what happen to the disk and fascet joint of the throasic joints during lateral flexion?
They both approximate on side of flexion and separate on the opposite side
Specifically for the upper thorasics, what ways does the fascet joints move during lat flexion?
Upper thoracic, the inferior fascets glide medially on side of flexion and laterally on opposite side of flesion, basically they tip toward the flesion.
how far does upper thorasics rotate?
8-9 degrees on each side, it decreases as you go down the thoracics.
what movement us upper thorasic rotation coupled with?
Upper thorasic rotation is coupled with same side lateral flesion.
how do inferior fascets of rotating thoracic move?
They glide down on side of rotation and glide up on side opposite. Think that they can just rotate, they have to get around the upper facets of the vertebrae below. The inside inferior facet dives down and the outside inferior facet jumps over. (sort of)
what movements do thorasices do best and worst?
worst at lateral flesion, pretty good at flesxion and estension at bottom and good at rotation at top.
what are the three rib motions?
Pump handle, bucket handle and caliper
Where does rib pump handle action occur?
at T1-T6, it?s the movement of the ribs up and foreward while inhaling
Where does rib bucket handle action occur?
at T7-T10, it?s the movement of rib elevating it out to side and depressin,
What is the purpose of the T7-T10 bucket handle action?
to increase transverse diameter of ribcage
what is the purpose to T1-T6 pump handle action?
to increases the A-P, front to back diameter of rib cage maybe
Where does caliper rib action happen?
T-8 to T12, it overlaps a bit with bucket handle
What is the caliper rib action?
ribs move laterally out with inhalation to increase the lateral diameter of rib cage.
what are the movements of thorasic lateral flexion?
down on side of flex, up on side opposite of flex.