thoracolumbar Intro-exam 1 Flashcards
Stiff areas may not be painful and IF NOT addressed will usually cause painful ____________ compensations
hypermobile; the least path of resistance
Stiff lower thoracic region and thoracolumbar junction lead to_______________________
hypermobile mid to lower lumbar spine
Mobilize stiff areas for _________ uniform/distributed motion
Hyper-mobile areas usually are painful bc the axis of motion is __________ controlled
Stabilize hypermobile areas, particularly of _________and________ muscles to better ________motion
smaller & deeper; control
The orientation of facets determines?
direction and amount of motion
Thoracic MOSTLY ________ plane and favors _________ but ___________ limit SB
frontal plane; SB; ribs
_______spine slightly curved and in the ________ plane favors _______ and ________
Lumbar; sagittal; flx/ext
What facet of joints does MOST of flexion and extension?
Lumbar L1-5
What facet joints does MOST of rot. ?
Thoracic T11-12
________ _________ - MORE than just the strength of superficial and global mm.
controlled mobility
What are the 4 variables for stabilization?
Joint integrity
Passive stiffness
Neural Input
Muscle function
Local muscles: (6)
closer to the axis to motion
often deeper
stabilization > rotary forces**
aerobic > anaerobic
MORE often type I fibers
Global muscles: (6)
Further away from the axis of motion
Often superficial
Rotatory > stabilization forces
Spurt mm.
Anaerobic > aerobic
MORE often type II fibers
Local mm of the thoracolumbosacral: (4)
psasos- frontal plane stabilizer
pelvic floor and transverse abdominals - increase the contraction of multifidus
Quadratus lumborum