sacroiliac joint dysfunction exam 2 Flashcards
What is the anatomy of sacroiliac joints?
synovial, non-axial
sacrum bones and two illial bones
very stable
-irregular articular surfaces
-keystone sacrum
-fibrous capsule reinforced by ligaments in multiple directions
What is the Gillet/ marching test and forward bending is assessing?
pos. innominate rot. (PSIS drop)
What is the hip hyper ext sacroiliac motion test assessing?
ant. innominate rot (PSIS rises)
Pubic symphysis:
joined by:
_________ joint
midline of the body
right and left pubic bones jointed with fibrocartilage disc and ligaments
amphiarthrodial joint
Sup. Pubic Ligament attaches the ______ to each side
pubic tubercles
strengthen the joint sup. and ant.
Inferior Pubic Ligament attaches between the two _________
-disc type:
inf. pubic rami
strengthen the joint inf.
SI jt. motion is designed for _______and has very little _______
stability; mobility
What is the RSA
high accurate technique of imagining 3-D position and motion (used for SI due to tiny movements)
incidence: SI jt dysfunction is seen 20% during ______
SI jt. dysfunction Risk Factors:
laxity and hormonal changes
During pregnancy
-prior LBP
-Prior pelvic trauma
Not pregnant -non located
Etiology of SI jt. dysfunction:
primarily -peri partum
immature skeletons due to lack of bony irregularity and congruency
disease (autoimmune conditions like AS)
Symptoms of SI jt. dysfunction
localized SIJ (100% of the time)
gluteal region and lateral hip
Possibly pubic symphysis P!
SI jt. Dysfunction signs:
Resisted testing/MMT
Stress tests (SI provocation )
no consistent pattern w/just SI dysfunction
—may have concurrent lumbar condition
Impaired local mm.
weak anti-gravity hip mm.
At least 3(+)
lack support unless together
SI jt. Dysfunction signs:
special test:
–motion tests:
palpation for position - unreliable
March or Gilett test MOST useful but still unreliable
ASLR (+) for impaired local mm
What is the gold standard for diagnostic?
SI block
PT Rx: SI jt. dysfunction
STM/Muscles energy techniques/mods/ acupuncture for P!/ muscles guarding
pelvic belt
JM (improved symptoms and clinical findings)
–DID NOT alter positions
–(+) soft tissue and mm. influence
SI jt. dysfunction
the primary focus is stabilization
–local mm (like lumbar hyper/instability)
–hip mm. hamstrings and GMAX blend w/sacrotuberous lig.
–TLF blends w/ lat. TA, Erector Spinae, and iliolumbar lig.
PT Rx: Education
reduce fear
early mobilization w/o provocation
general anatomy, biomechanics benefits of coordination ther ex
reassurance of good prognosis