This is England narrTIVE Flashcards
What type of narrative is this is England?
It is a linear narrative with aysmettrial elements within woody and comob- mirroring each other, closed narrative
How is the film a reflection of the asymmetrical narrative?
Through the use of the mirroring of combo and woody, one is violence and one is a father figure. Both father figures are encorugers towards the donors
How can the film be classed as a closed/
ISSUES IN REAL LIFE today are unsolved, still issues of racial discrimination
Why is the narrative linear?
add to the social realism
How can the narrative have kitchen sink realism?
Focuse son the working class, northern accents
What type of theory can we adapt it o?
The props theory and th etodrovs theory
What is the todrovs theory?
Equilibrum- Sean lives with his mother, father dies
disruption- meeting woody in alley way
recongition- Sean meets the splinter gang, narional
attempt to repair- Sean encounters racial attack of milky
resolution0 Sean throws flag into sea
How ism the narrative a props theory?
Each character combines to progress the narrative sean0 donor combo- villa donor woody- theory donor lol- princess donor
What is meadows message?
Showing his life and the throwing into the sea, political message of skin head culture
How is the film a reflection fo documentary realism?
Through the use of gritty camera movements constructed scenes, through the use of the buying of doc martins with his mum
How did the guardian describe it?
quasi-autobiographical picture
How have meadows other films been similar?
Focus on the vunerbality like dead mans shoes of vulnerable figures being taken on the wing of older
How are Sean and meadows alike?
a thinly veiled pseudonym”
how are the audience watching?
we are watchibn through an observable lens
What is the symbolism of combo having his dialogue muted?
His monologue gets muted to suggest that we don’t agree with it that it’s unacceptable and that the rest of the character respond like we do
how does the asymmetrical narrative create a mirroring montage between combo and woody?
the same montage music is used earlier when we see woody and shaun, later we see the same with combo and shaun. uses a non- digestive score to suggest that we don’t want to align with him he’s in a negative light of racism
how is shaun presented walking with combo?
the graffiti on the wall suggests he’s been embedded with racism
why don’t we feel sorry for shaun?
as we know he is so focused on impresssbility he’s longing for a father figure. through the use of shot reverse shot between combo and the pakistan boy we see shaun with a smile showing how impressed he is this wanting a father fugure