captain fantastic critical to idelogy Flashcards
What are the different idelogies that are shown in captain fantastic?
Donald trump time represents authoritarian and traditional right wing views- traditional relgious sector representing jacks father in law
how can the authoritarian be representd?
Government are in charge, the people are scared live in fear
how can the liberlalists be described?
Anarchy no control, often captialism neo liberla. governemnt say do what you want to make money
what does captain fantastic do with the idelgoies?
it fuses them
what is the zeitgeist?
the spirit of the mood/age
what type of figure is morterson?
a liberaotarian, archo-syndichlist
celebrates noam chomsky
how do the family show anti authority views through mocking chrsintianty?
it is normally a tradiitinal authoritarian conservtive view of being relgiou, they show anti thiest views they are buddhists
what phrase do the family use which matches the 1970s?
stick it to the man- the mainstream of america. the ruling classes
how many people in america are christians?
83% are christains, 8% go to church in our country
who was noam chomsky?
an extremely left wing figure
anarchosyndicalism, libertaian socialism
matt ross actually delebrates it with his family
How can the first scene be described?
Bucholic. political aspect editing, long shot. Lens flare, associated with beauty and sunlight. Soft warm and nature feel
How is viggo morteson seen in the mirror?
Frame of the rear view mirror, seatbelt slash constrain him, he is being boxed in. High angle shot makes him look vunerable
How can the first long shot be contrasted with the mirror seen?
Very long shot, contrasted with him, he is in a closed place, claustraphoic. b\inary opposition
personal intimate vs vastness of nature
wildnerness insignificant unimportance
how is ben cash represented in the mirror scene?
Hr has a very messianic look of Jesus, he shaves his beard, unattained, nature person
What top does ben wear that links to ideology?
Jesse Jackson t shirt that links to him as president, trailing to go fro president, he’s black and a black preacher, he’s a liberal
What does the opening scene suggest?
Gives a buchanoic loo, a nature experience, a utopian beautiful image, virginal untouched mother earth, soft warm nature
What is the symbolism of ben shaving his beard?
Tries to intergratr into society
what is the symbolism of ben looking in mirror?
Looks at reputation of himself, study of his own face and introspection, maleness
what is the symbolism of bo cutting his hair?
androygentiis characteristic, shaving his har=ir coming of age story becoming a man- conservative crew cut
what does ralians light show?
His isolation, the darkness and the moonlight
what does the supermarket show?
American capitalism, everthing is for sale. Them stealing is a repression of this catholic ideology
what lighting Is used/
light and harsh
What is the food in the supermarket?
Processed food, represents capitalism, consumions and artificality pretending to be fresh- not fresh but takes ideology
which cinematographer was matt ross inspired by?
Simeon hogan- inspired by nature cinemtaography, reflects a lot of kids in film
How did matt ross grow up?
Off the grid, in the pacific north west, like a fictionalised version of his own. Matt ross is like bodervan felt isolated wanted to rejoin society
What does the camp fires scene create?
Russian novel, 3 sons rebel nove, like rellian does later in the film