Opening scene this is england Flashcards
What is the song that is accompanied by the montage?
46 was my number- toots Hilbert a prominent reggae song of the time
also used by the accompaniment of the codes
What is the first cut of the montage?
The children tv rat- Roland rat in the 1980s
What is the montage made up of?
The rising of technology and tv, prominent increase and better technology which is then juxtaposed with Margaret thatcher. Shows the increasing technology rise and a era of the time
How is Margaret thatcher shown int he first scene?
Shown along with princess dianna
she is shown negatively and portrayed negatively which the cross cut editing and deliberate editing choice of being juxtapositions posed with the Falkland war to suggest a link and the unhappiness of Britain
What is the font used in the montage?
Used by a black background after technology rising in a dog tag font which shows the background of the Falkland war,
each actors name is accompanied with a number which is the number of the solider died
What type of narrative is the opening scene?
No sue of narrative, irregular in film and no use of intro of character
What does the no use of character and narrative help create for the audience?
Helps them create a more familiarity with the decade it was in and create active spectator questions like what is the significant of this decade? WHEre was I when this was happening?
What is the importance of the montage?
Importance for the life of the main protagonist Sean audience re unaware
What does the use of thatcher being shown in a digger represent?
COMMEIDICALLY represents to the audience she may be trying to rebuild the country through the use of digging and the rise of technology then cross cut to black then Falkland war starts- negative approach
What do princess Diana and thatcher show/?
Represent their time of the event and their effect on politics of women, freedom of speech narrative- diversity amongst classes with the constant cross cuts between graft and riots
What could the montage be described as?
A rise and fall narrative?
What is the first take we get in the montage of a gang?
A sub themed culture gang of skinheads walking up the stairs,d eliebrate long take of 6 seconds may represent to us that this is important to look at? Why are they there wha is the significance, highlights the early use of the skin head movement
What is the use of no set location for the film and tis background?
It symbolises its no set location, conventional social realism crime drama symbolising run down urban areas of the time with graffiti in the imdpeqdent film market
What does the independent film maket lead to of no set location?
Leads to enigma of audience- audience decide?
the use of no set location also shows that it is a national issue- a widespread issue
What does the lighting of the opening scene represent in the montage?
Demonstatres raw historic footage which makes it more previlent of the time and adding an urban edge
common in independent films]
no consistent lighting aspects which adds to the realism of the film
reflects the quality of tech at the time and creates more enigmas to the audience
How does the opening montage create engimas to the audience?
Poses unanswered questions through the use of no main character and no set location
What is an enigma?
A Stuart reception aspect that the audience pose questions and create their own meaning
Name some of the basics of the cinematography that are included in the opening montage?
Hand help footgae
archival footage not influenced by the director
creates a raw historic format on the film emoahsiing social realism
How does the use of archival footage being a varied length provide meaning?
Shows the number of diverse ways and how the film can be shown in different angles, they’re not always the same takes and diverse views making it more exciting for the audience
How can hand held montage have an effect on the audience?
Creates a more exciting emphasis on the film and shows the prominence of the time, the audience can associate themselves with the time as if they were there or watching the news.
What does meadows say about the cinematography of the opening montage?
“some of it was local news… everyone seemed to be outlaying what they thought”
What is the evaluation of the point of meadows “some of it was local news…. everyone seemed to be outlaying what they thought”
Shows this constant enigma that he wanted to show to us and the way it affected society as a whole rather than a hidden mask, diversity amongst the classes- reflected in the cross cut an juxtaposition between thatcher and the working class/falkaldn war
What are some of the basic points of the opening montage of editing?
fast paced
indepent film simplicity of editing reflection/ tranquil
What does the use of quick cross cut editing and no balanced takes suggest to the audience?
The emphasis of low income budget films and the simplicity of the film, independent films used
also shows how quickly the 80s changed in terms of standards and the times of living
Why is the editing low and low established?
Low income film, simplicity of the film also helps audience engage with the rawness of the archival footage more- independent film
How does the editing accompany the explosions with the reggae sound?
The editing links in well with the cinematography of the explosions accompanied by the reggae song
Name some of the basic elements of sound in the opening scene?
The use of non-diegetic sound with the reggae song 46 was my number no voice archival upbeat- interpretation prison cell for singer
How does the use of non-diegetic music of the song create separation from characters?
The usage of only non-diegetic sound in the opening scene of the Montage can suggest meadows doesn’t want to confuse the audience in thinking they are the main pprtganosts
How does the usage of not using the raw archival footage of sound create symbolism to the people of the time?
They had no voice to voice their own opinions an often remained quiet, dealt it their own way through violence. voiced it through violence
What did meadows may have wanted to use the upbeat song to create?
His own integration of how he wanted the 80s to be and how it was in some way admits the riots and war, the punk clubs
What is the story behind the song 46 wa my number?
The description and story of the singer being in prison for the possession of marijuna which could create meaning in the film
How does the quick change of title formtta use in the opening montage create meaning?
Shows maybe the quick change of timing of the time and how fast moving the 80s was to the adueicne
use of urban text reflecting the time
only use for brief time so the audience can focus on the setting an the images on the screen
How do the codes underneath the titles of characters create identifiable genre comventions?
Amount of deaths from the Falkland war