Casablanca gender Flashcards
How is ilsa presented in terms of camera lens?
Deliebraltey created with a gauze filter to amplify her beauty, had light on forehead to make her look thinner
What does Lisa do with camera movement?
She looks at Clyde up and down a lot to try and get emotional satisfaction and stability (opposite of bonnie who is her now girl)
How has Steiner got influence on Lisa?
She changed her hair so had to Sitka with as Time goes by, women are merely just for the male gaze to look beautiful
Due to the difference in age how is Lisa represented?
She is presented by youth and innocence “I still had braces”
How is rick presented with age?
Emotionless, older scarred from life
hOW DID THE Hays code have an effect on the script?
Couldn’t use anything the implied sex for exams,e rick and Lisa sleeping with eachothe dressing gown
how can lisa be presented as a binary opposite?
her gauze filter hides her powerlessness more objectified for the male gaze who are shot in a harsh lighting
what can lisa be represented as?
a symbol of heroine
how is lisa a narrative device?
she is the plot twist between victor and rick
how do women contribute against the war effort?
singing marseilles but still at a time of social climate women are objectified
what time of gender change was going on?
rosie and the rivett of world war 2
what is the second sex?
women were inferior to men
how is rick appears in the film?
in 3 ways;
a romantic innocent in paris, a jaded hearted capitalist a committed self realising individual
how is rick presented?
as an idealist and a cynic, does it reject the life of romance or romance
how is the lighting shown if rick?
half dark half light representing his split personality of cynical and idealist self
how is the lighting shown with ilsa?
the light shows she is split between lvoe and duty with prison bats showing her entrapment
how does the lines on both the characters faces show they’re trapped?
the prison bars reflect they are trapped by circumstance
what does the soft lighting of ilsa represent?
her love and nsoralgia( her guilt and regret on her face making her skin look flawless
what does the sharp lighting of lazlow represent?
lazlowscalling and faitb to work his commitment which is also shown on lisa’s face
what is the effect on pearl havrour?
america remained neutral and the pearl harbour bombing lead to america to get involved . reflection of rick at the start he drinks on his own disregarding politics, towards the end he becomes an idealist to commemorate the anti nazi war wifi all done through ilsa
the meeting of ilsa hits ricknliie pearl harbour by the japanese- rewakened himself
what relationship does the story tell us with louis?
he starts off in the vichy government. towards the end both become cynics reflects americas allies
how do the characters represent the times they were made?
the nationalities represent their positions in war lazlow a czech bregar ilsa sacha hungary italian -ally
how is the shift of rick represented?
goes from neutrality to commitment through the disapproval of deutschmark banker
how doesnilsa show in casablanca that war is unstainsble?
always have to pick sides it’s never neutral
what is the power of lady luck?
mr and mrs brandal trying to get existe visas to america and louis knows this is a good time for him to take luck into his side and take advantage of the woman and seduce her through sexual pleasures
how is the spotlight used within the course of the film?
reminds them they are always being watched, when ilsa has the spotlight on her encountering rick she’s in an angel light and shows hood for rick and his emotional dramatisation on her- also shows it’s fake
but the spotlight shows how it’s affected their relationship and the war. for her to escape the spotlight he has to let her go to america
what does sams piano represent?
a lot of characters come and sit by it representing like a drug connotation or an opiate to forget their worries- he is the most untainted charscter
how does the heart repeon ticks heart?
hearing the piano like an opiate reminds rick of his past with ilsa where he has a painful memory but makes him a better character where he will leave casablanca to brazille where there’s uncertainty to a better place
what is lazlow a symbol of?
the resistance of war thhough his moral character
what does the first scene represent in casablanca that for shadows the ending?
the scene of rick and louis sitting outside a cafe watching the plane reflects the end of the movie sequence
how is rick shown as a political partisan?
even though rick may be presented as neutral his cynical nature arises and we learn he’s been involved from previous experiences- losing sides against fascists in slain and ethiopia
how does ricks emotionlsss self show the stances of war?
during the stereotype of men it may not have been acceptable to show men as having emotions as they had to remain politically involved
how does rick show that males need dignity through jan?
the way jan and aminda branda need visas to escape, jan lacks money and power and tries to gamble. amnina turns to rick (his power and dignity) and asks whether reno is trustworthy to sleep with - rick helps them out but by fixing the gambling table rather than giving money preserving disunity - a quality of males
how does the tossing of females represent their roles?
rick and renaults have not met lazlows wife and renaults nature is exploration but renault suggests lazlow won’t want to leave her when he’s seen her. suggesting beauty is her leading asset the director wanting to constantly remind us of thsi
how are women in casablanca shown as bad images of most alot?
women could not have marital affairs outside of wedlock reflected in the hats code where there had to be mainly pre planned dialogue script to conform with the hats code
men on the other hands like renault could exploit women for sexual favours - represented in rick and yvonne he tells sacha to take her home representjngbhis diapointment as he wanted to take advantage of her
how are women presented in marriage?
as a safety device to their husbands, rick standards morals of women over what she wants. she loves ricks but purr her on the plane as “she is just part of his work”. society at the time would frown upon her at the time if she didn’t do anything else- not a symbol of heroine
micheal curtis and narrative economy?
jan and amina brandal act as a narrative economy at the start through looking at the plane “perhaps tomorrow ell be on that plane” ricks right all along