Spectatorship Flashcards
What is passive determined response?
Predictability- films are often predictable
linear narratives, protagonist, Hugh narrative preditibility. Hero analogy, happy ending.
What is active spectatorships?
watch them critically and unprediatle natural events. use complex film techniques to challenge
psychologists plaget- according to our schematas (ideas of the world change as we grow older and the way we see things. We read and respond differently due to our life experiences
What is the uses and gratification theory?
Suggest the audience use to media to answer; info about the worl aesthetic pleasure social interaction
How does spectator viewing positions have an effect win spectarhosip?
The viewers personal experiences, perceptions, values, beliefs, race
where its watched without any dirsraction
bad copies of the film
How do the viewing conditions act as a response of sepctaroship?
The size and quality f the screen
noise and distractions will affect the please and influence our knowledge
What does polysemy mean?
Has many different meanings in the film, openessness of the film is shared by cultural experiences and cogntive processes
Roland barthes- we create the meaning
Why does spectator resiatcne have an effect?
Some people may not like the genre they are watching, doesn’t suit their tastes. Aesthetic reasons.
How does framing have an effect?
Close up allow us to see a characters emotions, yerrified
Long shots- make characters look vunerbale
High angles- powerful
How does editing have an effect?
Create pace and excritmenet for the spectator
jump cuts- jump out of seat
How does music have an effect?
Create a strong emotional response to the viewer, contrast with on screen
sad, upbeat, romantic influence spectators mood.
Emotional baggage, well known pop tune
How does performance have an effect?
Create empathy, fear, costume- match a characters persona
What is the auteur theory?
Develop a style that becomes recognisable to the audience
spotting; Harry Potter films
What is the reception theory- aberrant reading?
Misinterpreation of a text, subversive manner different from the way to the author intended it to be. Severus Snape thinking he’s the hero not harry
What is Stuart halls reception theory?
Used eco ideas, emphasised importance of readers reception. The viewer interprets the text based on their own background ad experiences. We can make a preferred negotiation/oppositional reading on the text
What did the Frankfurt school say about media?
19-30s, the illusion of the cinema helped as though the audience were in the actual scene. The illusion of proximity
What did Christopher metz say about the cinema?
It acted as a mirror to the audience and focused on the psychological aspects of it
What did Laura Mulvey say about the cinema?
Laura Mulvey said that the darkness of the cinema creates a sense of privacy and alleviates the guilt of taking voyeuristic pleasure at watching.
How did metz say that the character was constructed by the film?
the character in the seat, was left identified with a character on screen but due to the imaginary visual effects they felt uncomfortable but impossible. The audience can idealise themselves in this sensory world of impossibility
How did Metz talk about wish fulfilment fantasy?
Compared it with James Bond, male English. men may compare themselevs with him and put them in this wish fulfilment sympathy pattern and may sympathise with him
What did Laura mulvey say about men’s films being patriarch?
films like male films are made by men for men, “men act, women appear”. men are active protganosits whereas women are passive.
The men having dominance over the women like in James Bond “reinforces the neurotic male sexual ego”
How may active spectators respond to films?
May respond in a surprisingly way, ,more simultaneous ways, the response of the audience is more individualised by personal experiences, values and context
What are the multiple spectating selves?
Social self— Having a similar response to other spectators with similar values
Cultural self-Gets references and meanings by the memory of other films, tv and news
Private self-Generates personal and unique memories based on personal memroeis
desiring self- brings unconscious energies and responses that have little to do with surface content
How can we apply captain fantastic with the uses and gratification theory?
One fo the meanings is that moving out of civilisation to the nourishing wildlife is a crediting thing to do. The other is that urban life can offer. contemporary good life that rural cannot
The negotiated menaing- is the clash that the other message of the environment has- the older genratoo don’t understand the values and needs for the younger generation
The oppositional effect- ben and his family are dirty hippies the children are being raised in a neglectful way. If the spectator has experience of harmful conditions in this way it may decode it to something completely different and have a contrast with the utopian that the director tries to create
What is the spectators gaze?
we are observantly watching without the character knowing we are watching them, mostly used in a voyeristic pleasure
What is intra diegetic?
We are watching the relationship between the two characters through shot reverse shot and feel empathy for them
What is Extra diegetic?
The character know they are being watched either by another character or spectator, the march in selma
What is Extra- a text?
The characters are watching a film, or we see them watching or constructing a film