Captain fantastic Flashcards
what does the film represent with jack and ben?
Represents their different approaches to life, and invites the audience to consider the pros and cons of both. matt ross- “i didn’t want to vilify anyone. no one in this film is the villain
How is parenting explored in the film?
Explored through different approaches and challenges to them; the children decide how they want to be raised and choose their father despite him asserting “ill ruin your lives”
How is active spectatorship encouraged in captain fantastic ?
soundtrack and visual, start we see a peaceful alpine canopy calm before the storm. second scene completely contrasted with the skulking a of a deer. shows how far hunnantih distance them self with reality
how does the celebrating of one philosopher act as an active spectatorship?
The children are seen as highly educated on politics and rights, ben is hegemonic- dominant group. Isolates the rest of society woman, ethnic men ik ries lgtbh and the dusk and. Pluralism is the idea of where we need to change our ideas and representations of people from different social grouos
How does the film present the first scene?
The wide establishing shot shows the distance between the urban life and their life as a family
The shot with the deer, we focus as an audience on it and ask why it gets killed as its so innocent
Pov shots in the eyes of the deer to show how harmless it is
we as an audience are in spectators gaze
hand held very unsteady which makes it hard for the audience to watch, the use of non-diegetic sound creates tension
How is exposition shown in captain fantastic?
Lower angle shots of ben help the audience create how the children look up to ben, spectators gaze. Puts us in this point of view how they feel
Shot reverse shot of the children fighting but show how innocent they are
Close ups of family photos to show the change
editing- montage of family routines and lifestyle
How is the campfire presented in captain fans
Close ups of the children reading to show they still have education
slightly canted angles of ben asking his children questions about their reading to show the difference in the United States
How is mission free the food filmed to ben?
Ben walking down the isle, pov shot to the spectator; extra diegetic. Spectators are not ready for what is abut to happen
Sound at the end represents their anachrist ideology rebel girl by punk band bikilnl kill
fast cuts to the kids
anticapitalist view showing stealing food
the setting of the supermarket represents capitalism to ben
What is the Noam Chomsky celebration?
We are at a lower angle like the children, he is teaching us? Sdpecator gaze/ extra diegetic/ intra diegetic
They call knifes beautiful which show their unconventional upbringing
How are we seen in alignment with the deer?
The movie presents us as being in alignment with the deer which helps the audience create a reception of Bambi connotations. The mud covered bodies of the 2 characters don’t help us create an identity and symbolise them as being less humane. Its hard for the audience to create expeditions of the 2 characters as soon we become in allignement with the 2 protagonists.
How does ross after the killing scene create a humane allignement between the 2 characters?
he makes them wash their face which shows their human traditions and creates a more active spectaroship look and creates multiple psleyms. We see an intra diegetic relationship between the. characters and try to predict how they will sound. This encourages them to be more civilise when we see them reading a book and ross adds humour
What are the political messages shown in the film?
The family is of a liberal, national pronoun background suggesting conservatives and libelists respond differently to the film
How are both grandpa an the father presented in the film?
They both possess loving parental values and can be both seen as villains and heroes adding an enigma and contrast
How does their clothing contrast with the natural world?
At their mothers funeral they wear bright clothes which is in opposition with the rets of the world to suggest that they are completely different and isolated.
How does matt ross describe his hand held camera angle without a tripod?
“I wanted to be in the scene not watch the scene” here describe that handheld shot creates a more symbolic meaning
How does the film explore gender?
Male dominant film which could be criticised by only focussing on male views-mrellian and bo.
What type of film is it?
Indiewood cinema “quirky” Ooff beat”
What does the dinner scene create between both families/
Again as an audience we are at a spectators and intra diegetic gaze where we hardly are in any point of view or allignement with any of the characters. This allows us as an audience to compare both families. drinking wine and playing video games. also questioning our own values as a family
What is bens chosen family image like?
Platonic family republic’ contrasts with the real world, his children only know about the world from books they have read
What scene can be shown to preview the family relationship?
Sitting around the campfire, the spectators are at a gaze and an intra diegetic to show the family are talented musicians and the warm lighting from the fire creates a sombre effect
How can the film be compared from start to finish with other films?
Similar to the film little miss unshine
the film asks the audience to observe the differences in families. Ben has to act as a compromise to see his children be in reality and see his son off for Yale university chichis a plot twisting in the film. His family must grow up without a hunting knife and embrace reality
How did ross use his own life as a way to create this film?
Used to be an actor, and started making films when younger but became a better director through parenting
The three generations seen in Captain Fantastic [a concerned grandfather, a loving dad and a group of children growing up fast] are all present
How did ross choose Mortensen?
He chose him as a powerful artistic actor from the film Indian runner
How did ross describe bo?
A very absent character but the norm of how kids grow up within different ages what they know and don’t know
How does the shift between active and passive create tension the first scene?
The establishing shot with no sound causes tension yet surreal surroundings. the white of bo’s eyes create a distinction between the green and cause a contrast