Thinking and Problem Solving Flashcards
Conscious or subconscious cognitive
Processing of internal memory representations
May not always be logical
Thinking and the ability to solve problems is what moves science fowaed and is nesseray for enhancing development of culture and human life on earth
Two important areas of thinking in problem solving and reasoning
What is problem
A situation in which there is discrepancy between a present state and a goal state
Problem solving
Starting state
Goal state
Trial and error try solution and check current state to goal state
Search space = all possible states that could be achieved
The cognitive perspective
Sees human thinking as an info processor
Believes information. Processing in humans resembles computers based on transforming storing and retrieving info from memory
The arrival of. The computer gave psychology the terminology and metaphor it needed to investigate the human mind
Allowed psychologists to try to understand the complexities of human cognition by comparing it with something
Problem solving - cognitive approach
Newell and Simon
Problem solving theories can be applied as a computer programme
3 assumptions
Information processing is serial
People possesses limited stm capacity
Relevant information from ltm can be retrieved applied to 11 problems solved all but not all in same way
AI postives
Reduction in human error
Fewer risks
24/7 availability
Unbiased decisions
Can perform relative jobs
Negatives AI
No creativity
No emotion
Role of schemas
Cognitive processing can often be affected by schemas
With age these become more detailed
A schema is a cognitive framework that helps us organise and interpret info based on previous experiences
Help to interpret incoming info quickly and effectively
However can lead to distorted info
Problem solving - Gesalt approach
Importance of seeing the whole structure of the problem
Distinguish between between reproductive and productive thinking
Reproductive thinking uses previous expenses to solve problems can lead to inefficient problem solving
Productive thinking problems need to restructuring which can less to flash of insight to reach a solution
Gesalt appraooch insight
Impasse and insight
Functional fixedness - appparatus seen in terms of their function
Thinking outside of the box
Does problem solving always involve cognitive processing (behaviourism)
BehVoirists (eg thorndike, skinner, Watson , Pavlov ) concerned with observable behaviour rather than internal processes ie- thinking and emotion
Problems solved via association between stimulus and response trial and error
Decision making
Type of problem solving where we know possible solutions but must select one
Compensatory model :
If we are logical evaluate all potential outcomes might outweigh and undersrable outcomes
Weight options according to potential value
Non- compensatory models
Eliminate various options if they don’t meet particular criteria
Thinking about something in a logical manner
Probalistic - likelihood of something happening
Biases in reasoning
Probabilistic reasoning
Reasoning under certainty
Influenced and belief
Base rate fallacy
Probability misjudgment due to lack of consideration of base rate information
> 50% car crashes occur within 5 miles from home
Ignored base info about average grades estimated student grades description of student even relevant school performance
Availability heuristics
Relies on example that first ones fo mind
Gamblers fallacy
If something happens more frequently then normal during a period it will happen less frequently in future
Confirmation bias
Focussing on evidence constant with hypothesis ignoring contradictory info
Basing judgments on first piece of info
Framing effect
Wording can influence reasoning wording can influence reasoning
Individual differences
Problems solving and reasoning can be influence by I do dual differences