Thinking about the social world Flashcards
What are schemas? (5)
They are cognitive frameworks and are automatically created for experiences, people, places, etc. They guide us to understand the world and are formed on the basis of new (like a file cabinet)
What is priming?
Activate a schema (which also activates the confirmation bias)
What is the positive and negative thing about schemas?
Good: they save our cognitives capacities
Bad: they tend to filter out inconsistent info, thus distorting our view of the world
What is the perseverance effect?
Once a schema is formed, it is hard to change
What is the self-fulfilling prophecy?
Predictions that cause themselves to be true (heavily influenced by yourself)
What are heurisicts? (3)
They are mental shortcuts, they help reduce mental efforts and they allow us to make decisions quickly
Availability heuristic
how likely and occurence is based on how easily we recalled an example of the event (what was available, basically)
Representativeness heuristic
how likely an occurence is based on our expectations
What is the base rate fallacy? (linked to the representativeness heuristic)
error caused by drawing a conclusion without considering the base rate
anchoring and adjustment heuristic
we use known information as a starting point on which to anchor our judgement
framing heuristic
decision making based on framework in which a situation is present (ex.: different wording for beef)
what is the negativity bias?
remembering only negative information which impacts future evaluations
optimistic bias
believing that only bad things happen to other people and you are meant for positive events
overconfidence barrier
belief that our own judgement is better than it actually is
counterfactual thinking
imagining different outcomes for an EVENT that has already happened
what is upward and downward counterfactual thinking?
upward: imagining better outcome (make you feel worse but better prepared for the future)
downward: compare our situation with a less desirable one (make us feel better)