Stereotypes, prejudice & discrimination Flashcards
What are the three perspectives?
Economical: intergroup hostility is based on competing interest
Motivational: psychological needs that lead to intergroup conflict
Cognitive: sensory info
What are stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination?
S: general belief
P: negative attitude
D: negative behaviour
What is the difference between old and modern “isms”
Old: overt, oppressive acts and feelings
Modern: covert, subtle, belief that racism, etc do not exist anymore
What are ambivalent, benevolent and hostile measures?
A: negs and pos sentiments
B: embrace conventional behaviours
H: dislike of non traditional behaviours
What is the realistic group conflict theory?
Groups compete for success, creates ingroup favoritism and outgroup discrimination
What is the minimal ingroup paradigm?
People who are put together randomly will perform an “ingroup” mentality
What is the outgroup homogeneity?
Belief that all of them are the same, being similar whereas “we” are diverse
What is ingroup favoritism?
We versus them mentality, can lead to discriminatory behaviour
What is social dominance orientation?
Group should be ordered according to worth (belief of being superior than other groups)
What is the social identity theory?
Sense of self and self esteem are derived from who we compare ourselves to
How do good and bad moods bring out prejudices?
Good: we think less carefully
Bad: negative emotions can interfere with proper cognitive processing
What is social categorization?
dividing people into categories based on common attributes
What is the ultimate attribution error?
explaining group behaviours with internal factors, disregarding situational constraints, global form of fundamental attribution error, negative outgroup behaviour is used to support our prejudice against them
What is the difference between the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stereotype threat?
SFP: against other people
ST: against yourself
How to combat stereotyping and prejudice?
Contact hypothesis: increase communication between groups, equal contact and superordinate goals (working together)
What is group interdependence?
Equal status, common goals, support