Social Perception: how do we perceive others? Flashcards
What are non-verbal cues?
Convey thought or emotion without words, can be considered innate (nonverbal can communicate a lot of information)
What are the 5 channels of nonverbal behaviour?
Facial expressions, eye contact, body movements, posture, touching (eye gaze is especially telling)
What are the 6 uniforms facial expressions?
happiness, fear, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust
Expression, what is the use?
We can use these to get others to do what we want
Body gestures (2)
Speed of those gestures matter and the context affects how the gestures are perceived
What are interchannel discrepancies?
Deception, concealed emotions
What is the truth bias?
The belief that people are honest makes us poor lie detector
What is the self verification?
We want others to see us as we see ourselves ==> less likely to be intentionally dishonest (tell white lies but not on purpose)
What are microexpressions?
Brief unvoluntary facial expressions that express our underlying emotions (inconsistent facial expressions, fewer or inconsistent words or too much detail)
What are dispositional attributions?
Assumption that the cause of an action is due to a person’s internal characteristics
What are situational attributions?
Assumption that the cause of an action is due to external or environmental factors
What is the correspondent inference theory?
We make attributions for others’ actions based on three factors (actions’ consequences, behaviour expected and behaviour freely chosen) yes or no answers for the questions
What is the covariation theory?
Consensus, distinctiveness, consistency
What is the correspondence bias?
The tendency to make dispositional attributions for other’s behaviours (reflection of who they are) ==> we don’t have enough info
What is the cognitive capacity?
Three stage model attribution ==> behaviour is automatically characterized, dispositional inference is made, situational factors are weighed in if the observer is cognitively able to do so
What is the need for cognition?
An innate drive to solve problems through thinking and analysis (can lead to reduction of correspondence bias)
What is the “belief in a just world” bias?
Good thing happen to good people the opposite (others’ misfortune on them instead of circumstances), self protective function, affects our choice to help others
What is the actor observer effect?
Making dispositional attributions for others’ behaviours but situational for our own
What are first impressions? (3)
Not deliberate, formed by watching others’ actions (body language), instantaneous
What is the primacy and recency effect?
The first piece of info is the most impactful and the last piece of info also has a large impact, but only right after the encounter not in the long term
What is the halo effect?
If we make one positive attribute to someone, we’ll assume other positive qualities to them and the opposite (reverse halo)
What is the confirmation bias?
Belief perseverance, we maintain our original beliefs even in the face of contradictory data
What is the self fulfilling prophecy?
If we expect something to happen, we will act in ways that elicit exactly what we expected in the first place
How can we be accurate?
Stay motivated, work on our empathy and “familiar and similar to ourselves”