Think about it Flashcards
Think About It Close 1
Sir ‘Thought’ is instantaneous. Think of an elephant. Did you get it? You see, thought is immediate. What you need to do now is make a decision.
I need your signature here, here, and here.
Think About It Close 2
I understand. However, you thinking about it will not change the fact that this product saves you money, your company needs it, and you are going to do it sooner or later. Let’s get it done, so can think about the other things that need attention.
I need your approval here and here.
Think About It Close 3
Great! Do you think 2-3 days would be long enough, or are 2-3 weeks better? (Buyer will probably say 2-3 days is plenty.) The truth is, no matter how long you take, you will be faced with the same three questions. May I share them with
1) Does this product get you what you wanted?
2) Can you afford this product?
3) Am I the kind of person you would want
to do business with?
If yes to all, point to the signature line, Let’s roll!
Think About It Close 4
Great, most people want to take time to think about their decision before making it.
Let me ask you, on a scale from one to ten, ten being you are absolutely certain and ready to go, and one is you wouldn’t take it no matter what, where would you stand at this time?
(wait for answer)
What would make it a ten?
Think About It Close 5
I understand and as a consumer myself I have said the same thing at which time I…
a) didn’t want to confront the sales person
b) didn’t want to disappoint him or
c) there was a concern that still hadn’t been addressed.
Which one is it for you?
Re-Present/Re-Demo Close
Come see—I want to show you how close we are to making the wisest and most enjoyable investment of your life.
(re-demonstrate the benefits of your product)
Now And Later Close
Let me suggest that I show you the cost of doing it now and cost of doing it later… The cost now is $300,000. The cost later is approximately 6% more with the new price increases at year- end. That cost equals another $18,000 and a monthly cost of almost $400 that you don’t need to waste. Not to men- tion that with this new product, you, the company, and your clients will bene t without paying the extra cost.
Let’s do the smart thing. Sign here please.
Flush The Objection Close
If everything were right, would you make a decision to purchase the product right now? (yes)
So what is it: the price, the financing, the product, the terms, me, the company?
Unwind Close: We’ve changed our mind, think we’re going too fast.
No problem. I tell you what we can do. Let’s just put off making a decision for a while. How does that feel?
Feels good, doesn’t it? I always go through the same thing myself. I know what I want, and when it comes time to making that final decision, I get scared I am doing the wrong thing. Tell me this…
1) Do you really believe this satisfies all your needs?
2) Is this car affordable for you?
3) The big question is do you deserve to reward your
self? (is it time for the company to expand)
(If yes to all 3)
Great I need your OK here and here.
Wait Close
Certainly you can do that, let me just share with you what happens while you wait.
1) You and your company still need the product.
2) It is costing you not to have the product.
3) Nothing changes when you leave here, except the
prices are going up
Let’s do this and get it done as you have many other things to put your attention on. I need your OK here and here.
Do the Right Thing Close 1
Sir I want you to do the right thing and if you don’t think this is the right thing then I certainly don’t want you to do it. I want you to do the right thing as I trust that you’re a person that prides himself on always doing the right thing. You’ve built a life on right actions and right decisions. If this purchase doesn’t fit under the right things, then I don’t want you to do it. But I don’t believe that to be the case.
Let’s do this if you think its the right thing. If not, then tell me what’s not right?
Do the Right Thing Close 2
I want you to do the right thing as I trust you are a person that prides himself of always doing the right thing. You’ve built a life of right actions and right decisions and avoided making wrong ones. If this purchase doesn’t fit under right things then don’t do it. Now, let’s logically look at this thing so that you can make the right decision.
Let me ask you, give me one thing that makes it the right thing to do?
“Good” “What makes it the wrong thing to do” “Great””
(Show that positive list is bigger)
I need you OK here and here.
First of Last Close
John the reality is you are either going to buy this now or you’re going to buy it later. But you know you need this and you know you are going to do it sooner or later. The question is do you want to be the first to do it or the last to do it?
Do you want to do it now or do you want to do it later? You know what; let’s do this!
Let’s get it done and make you the first, not the last!
I need you OK here and here.