Therapeutic Exercise principles Flashcards
What is therapeutic exercise?
Systematic planned performance of bodily movements postures or physical activities intended to help a patient
What are the aims of therapeutic exercise?
Prevent impairments
Improve function
Prevent health related risks
Optimise overall health
What makes up the exercise continuum
PROM, Active assisted Active Resisted Functional
What does an assessment for exercise test?
Cognitive abilities C/r status ROM/strength/power Patient diagnosis Patient perception of needs Expectations Agreed expectations Contraindications Current treatments Outcome measures
Limitations of Oxford scale?
Lack of functional relevance Non-linearity Patients variability with time Subjective Muscles only working concentrically
What is the Oxford scale grading?
0- no response 1- flicker 2- weak contraction no gravity 3- moderate contraction against gravity 4- satisfactory contraction some resistance 5- strong contraction full resistance
What are newtons three laws of motion?
First law: object at rest will remain at rest and object in motion will remain in motion until a force acts on it. (Inertia)
Second law: force of an object is dependant on the acceleration and mass
Third law: to every action there is an equal opposite action
What is gravity and how can it effect an object?
Invisible force pulling on an object
Assisting movement - downwards vertically
Counterbalanced- horizontally (lying)
Resisting movement - upwards vertically
Two factors effecting gravity?
Mechanical disadvantage of lever
What is a lever made up of?
Lever - bones, body segment
What is a class one lever?
Fulcrum is between the load and effort
What is a type 2 lever?
Small load
Long effort
What is a type 3 lever?
Long load
Small effort
What is stability made up of?
Wide base of support
Line of gravity falls at centre of base support
What is the order of the most stable starting positions out of:
Standing, sitting, lying, kneeling and hanging
Lying Sitting Kneeling Standing Hanging