functionalist believe crime is
necessary in society as not everyone is effectively socialised and inequality and meritocracy (davis+moore)
positive functions of crime: boundry maintenance-durkenhim
belive purpose of punishment is to reaffirm society shared values/rules+reifnroce social solidarity eg race crimes
positive functions of crime: adaption and change durkenhime
moves society forward, a deviant act has to occur to change norms+values eg gay marrige was deviant
positive functions of crime:saftey valve DAVIS
prositution provides positive function>allowing men to express sexual frustration w/o threatening the nuclear family. acts as a safety valve
positive functions of crime: safety valve
pornogrpahy helps
positive functions of crime: warning sign
crime/devicne is a sign insitituons aren’t funcitoning properly
strain theory: Robert merton 1938
argues people engage in deviant behaviour when they are unable to achieve socially approved goals(AD). they become frustrated and try to acheive goals through criminal means
strain theory: merton- 5 adaptions of strain
conformity, innovation, ritualsim, retreatism
strain theory: merton
explanation of c/d: structural factors
society has unique opporuntunty structure-class focus, result of capitalism, crime to achieve immediate gratification. media makes it inc
strain theory: merton
explanation of c/d: cultural factors
strong emphasis on success goals and weaker emphasis on legitimate (legal ways to achieve)=due to unequal opp an focus on goals it is a cause for crime
Cohen (only agrees wc)
ultimately : explainn why commit violent crimes but assumes mc value
he fails to account for group accountability in crime+ focuses on utilitarian crime and only and doesnt explain violent crimes. Cohen focuses on wc boys who fail to succeed in mc environments. Bec of this likely to join delinquent subcultures, so when fail school values they try to achieve with own est subcultures called ‘ALTERNATIVE STATUS HIERACHY’
coward and ohlin: 3 types of subculture
provide apprentahsips, hierarchy of professional criminal
coward and ohlin: 3 types of subculture CONFLICT
gang org by young people. based on claim teriorty eg postcode
coward and ohlin: 3 types of subculture REATREATIST
turn to rug use and alcoholism fail both illegitimate and legitimates means
subcultural strain theory focal concerns: miller
agrees lower class has its own autonomous subculture distinct from mainstream subculture with its own values