biological deteremism- hernstein/wilson
biological differences between individuals make some individuals more predisposed to crime. aggression and low impulse control signfy people who are at great risk of offending
biological deteremism- hernstein/wilson WARRIOR GENE
individuals with warrior gene display higher levels of agresion in repose to provocation
biological deteremism- hernstein/wilson
if low intelligence explanation, doesnt explain why asians ar high in crime statistics but also high in achievingemnt in ed, material deprivation is also a factor from marxist perspective
inadequate socialsion> Murray
crime is inc due to maintaining underclass who are defined by their deviant baheviour, generous welfare leads to a dependency culture
inadequate socialisisaion a03:
assumes all people in underclass are inadequately socilaised> too deterministic
rational choice theory> Clarke
the decision to commit crime is based on rational choice calculation of consequences. if the perceived rewards of committing crime outlay the costs, people more likely to offend.
rational choice theory a03
overstates the offenders rationaly and how far they have costs benefit calculations before commit a crime. some people commit crime irrationally
tackling crime: environmental crime prevention>zero tolerance policing
undesirable behaviour eg prostitiuion/begging/drugs, police should patrol the street and take a sharp shock approach
tackling crime: environmental crime prevention>zero tolerance policing
it is essential to maintain orderly characteristics of neighbourhood and reduce any signs of crime immediately
situational crime prevention> target hardening
if your making it harder to commit crime, this will reduce the rewards of commit crime and act as a deterrent eg cctv